Solar Keymark Project Interim Report October 2002
Appendix WP3.5 Proposal for future administration of the Solar Keymark
Cluster 2: Solar Thermal Technology Promotion, Contract no.: 4.1030/00-002/2000, Proposal no.: AL/2000/144
Solar Keymark Secretariat – a draft proposal
In organising the Solar Keymark Secretariat it is proposed to make use of already existing organisation(s): It is proposed that the European solar industry association(s)[1] point(s) out a Solar Keymark Board for the secretariat (3-5 persons) at the annual general assembly of the association(s).
This board acts as a reference body for the secretariat and conducts the supervision of the work performed by the secretariat including its financial and accounting activities. The board shall take decisions on implementation and changes of the mark scheme rules. The board has at least two annual meetings with the secretariat – at these meetings also involved third party bodies are invited.
The tasks of the Solar Keymark Secretariat are:
-Promoting the Solar Keymark
-Establishing and running the secretariat with phone, fax, e-mail, address etc.
-Establishing and maintaining the web site (
-Organising and reporting the two annual meeting with the board and involved third party bodies.
-Organising ad hoc technical meetings
-Maintain a record of third party bodies operating (within) the Solar Keymark Scheme
-Maintain a list of documents used in the Solar Keymark Scheme (relevant EN-standards, scheme rules, CCB documents, …)
-Participation in CEN/TC312 meetings
-Communication with CCB
-Financial reporting to the board
Supplementary tasks could be:
-Technical assistance in matters of standardisation and certification to the solar thermal industry
Fees from manufacturers (and maybe empowered bodies) finance the Solar Keymark secretariat
An estimate of the order of magnitude of the annual budget for running the secretariat is 100 kEuro. Assuming 200 Solar Keymarked products, this will give an average annual fee of 500 Euro per marked product. In the beginning while there’s only a few Keymarked products, EEC support will be necessary to establish the secretariat without having an unacceptable fee level (if there’s only 20 applications for the Keymark license, the average fee per product will be 5000 Euro – and this will probably totally block the implementation). The fee might be organised as a basic fee plus a variable fee depending on the market volume of the product.
Jan Erik NielsenPage 110/29/2018
C:\Documents and Settings\jen\Desktop\solarkeymarkinterimoct2002\wp3.5_future_adm.doc
[1]A fusion of the two existing industry associations is right now being discussed. ESIF is the European Solar Industry Federation. ESIF represents 11 national associations (with over 300 member companies) and 7 energy agencies, testing labs and institutes. ASTIG is “A Solar Thermal Industry Group” and represents directly 20 main European solar thermal industries. In the proposal for the reorganisation it also intended to give third party bodies (testing/certification bodies) voting power.