During transition, a case manager is usually nominated to coordinate and collate incoming information. The case manager is generally the transition contact person for parents and caregivers in the school.

The case manager needs to be familiar with the school transition and enrolment procedures and processes rather than being the day-to-day ‘manager’ of the student with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). The case manager may be a special education or inclusion support teacher, head of curriculum or head of special education services (HOSES), teacher mentor or partner, deputy principal, principal or guidance officer.

Transition meetings

Transition meetings are designed as a formal means of sharing knowledge and understanding of the student with ASD. A representative from each team (family, Prep teacher, early childhood educator, allied health) is necessary to develop individual transition goalsensuring that the individual needs of the student are identified, recorded and a plan of action is developed.

Case managers role

The role of the case manager in a transition team is to guide transition planning by leading meetings, documenting plans, and supporting others to provide information to and access the student’s individual Transition booklet: Myjourney to Prep. They ensure all stakeholders have opportunities to be involved in the transition planning and collate and distribute information

Before the transition meeting

  • begin the Transition booklet: My journey to Prepby completing contact details
  • compile a list of questions which you would like answered, such as:
  • what the parents aspirations are
  • how their child responds to change
  • any specific resources or supports which have been beneficial in supporting the child
  • are there any familiar peers who will also be transitioning to this school?
  • compile an agenda for the meeting and distribute it beforehand so all members are prepared and involved
  • consider what parents may want to know and be prepared
  • liaise with other staff members, such as support staff or members of the student services team so they may attend or provide you with information before the meeting
  • invite any necessary community support persons such as advocates or interpreters
  • prepare copies of any necessary documents required for the meeting.

During the meetings

  • assign a team member to record the minutes including the transition goals
  • follow the agenda previously set, including outlining the purpose and format of the meeting and reviewing any previously set transition goals or responsibilities
  • complete a transition timelinedocumenting when transition activities will occur
  • set clear transition goals to be achieved within the set time frame with specific team members who are responsible for each goal (use the transition plan template to record the what, when and who of each goal)
  • prompt team members to provide information for and to access the student’s individual Transition booklet: My journey to Prep
  • set a date for the next meeting.

After the meetings

  • distribute minutes and documents arising from the meeting such as the individual transition plan and individual transition timeline
  • follow up or delegate any items arising from the meeting.