The College of Psychologists of Ontario
Instructions and Forms Booklet
Quality Assurance Program
Name: ______Date Completed: ______
College of Psychologists of Ontario - Self Assessment Guide and Professional Development PlanPage 1
February/March 2011: Instructions and Forms
All members holding Certificates of Registration as a Psychologist or Psychological Associate are required to complete the Self Assessment Guide and Professional Development Plan. This includes members whose registration status is Regular, Inactive or Academic. It is expected that all members will be engaged in continuous professional development directed toward maintaining and enhancing their level of knowledge, skill and experience in their area(s) of practice. Continuing professional development activities should be documented in the Self Assessment Guide and Professional Development Plan.
Through the use of the Self Assessment Guide and Professional Development Plan, members are required to undertake this self-review every second year. Members with odd numbered registration numbers complete the review in the odd numbered years and those with even registration numbers, in the even numbered years. Members with Certificates Authorizing Supervised Practice or Certificates Authorizing Interim Autonomous Practicemust complete the Self Assessment Guide and Professional Development Plan every year.
In 2014, Regular, Inactive and Academic status members with even registration numbers must complete the Self Assessment Guide and Professional Development Planand submit the Declaration of Completion, attesting to this, to the College. The deadline for submission isFriday, June 27, 2014.
In completing this review, members may find that some sections are not applicable to their work. These sections may be noted as Not Applicable (N/A).
Note: A completed sample 2014 Self Assessment Guide and Professional Development form is available for reference on the College website.
Self Assessment Guide
The Self Assessment Guide is designed to assist members to evaluate their current level of knowledge, skill and experience and to identify areas in which they feel some further development or enhancement may be beneficial. The Guideis divided into the following sections:
Part ILegislation, Standards, Codes and Guidelines
Part IIService to Clients
Part IIITeaching/Training and Research Activities
Part IVSupervisory Activities
Part VEvaluation of Current Areas of Practice and/or Services Provided
Part VIAnticipated Areas of Future Practice
Part VIIReflections on Previous Professional Development Plan
Part VIIIProfessional Development Plan*
Reference List of Areas of Practice and Services Provided
*Professional Development Plan
Following the completion of the self assessment, members are expected to create a Professional Development Plan to address itemsidentified in the self-review. The plan may address both areas of current practice, where continued development of knowledge or skill is desired, as well as areas of future practice a member may be considering.
The Professional Development Plan is a tool that members may use to plan, track and evaluate their personal continuing education program. The Professional Development Planpermits each member to design his or her own continuing professional development program, both in content and in methodology. The content of the program is informed by the member’s self-identified developmental objectives; designed to suit each member’s individual needs and learning style.
Submission to College Not Required
The Self Assessment Guide and Professional Development Plan component of the Quality Assurance Program is founded upon principles of self-evaluation and continuous improvement. It is a tool to be completed and retained by each member and is not normally submitted, in full, to the College. Should a member be randomly selected to participate in the Peer Assisted Review component of the Quality Assurance Program however, the member will be required to have the most recent Self Assessment Guide and Professional Development Planavailable.
Accompanying the Self Assessment Guide and Professional Development Plan is a Declaration of Completion. This is to be signed and returned to the CollegebyFriday, June 27th, 2013. The Declaration asserts that: I have reviewed my practice in psychology and documented this in the Self Assessment Guide. I have created a Professional Development Plan to address the continued professional developmental objectives I have identified. I understand that I must retain the completed Self Assessment Guide and ProfessionalDevelopment Plan in my files.
TheDeclaration of Completion is the College’s documentation that a member has participated in the Quality Assurance Program.
NOTE: Members, who do not submit the Declaration of Completionby the deadline,may be required to submit the full, completed Self Assessment Guide and ProfessionalDevelopment Plan for review by the Quality Assurance Committee of the College.
Confidentiality and Legislative Protection of Quality Assurance Material
The Regulated Health Professions Act (1994), the Personal Health Information Protection Act (2004) and the Quality of Care Information Protection Act (2004)provide for the protection of Quality Assurance information, held by a member, that was completed for the purpose of complying with the requirements of the College’s Quality Assurance Program. A member’s Self Assessment Guide and Professional Development Plan is not admissible in evidence in a civil proceeding. This information could be required by the College however, to the extent permitted by legislation.
Many statutes and regulations includingthe Standards of Professional Conduct, the Canadian Code of Ethics for Psychologists, as well as the child abuse reporting requirements under the Child and Family Services Act and the mandatory reporting obligations under the Regulated Health Professions Act, apply to all members. In the first section of Part I, please consider whether you are sufficiently familiar with the content of these documents. Members are not required to own these materials but it is important that members be familiar with, and have access to,them. Any needs identified with respect to these should be noted. Most of these documents are readily available online from the College, Canadian Psychological Association or the provincial and federal government websites. Links are provided for those documents available online, as well as a key to the contact information for the sources of the documents.
Depending upon your area(s) of practice and populations served, there are a number of other pieces of legislation or guidelines that may impact on your work. Review the items in the second section of Part I and, if they apply to your practice, indicate your level of familiarity and any other comments. In considering one’s familiarity with this material, one should ensure that one knows enough about it to determine if it is relevant to one’s practice. Please include on the ‘Other’ line, any items which are not indicated, but which you consider to be important to your practice. The College would appreciate being notified of significant omissions so these can be considered in future editions of the Self Assessment Guide.
If you identify a need for greater familiarity, the way in which this will be obtained should form part of your Professional Development Plan. Any needs you may have with respect to reviewing these materials or securing ready access to them should also form part of your Professional Development Plan.
Document and Source / SufficientlyFamiliar
Yes/No / Comments or
Action to be
PsychologyAct, 1991
Regulations under the Psychology Act
- ProfessionalMisconduct
- Registration
- Quality Assurance and Advertising
Regulated Health Professions Act and Health Professions Procedural Code, 1991 as amended
Standards of Professional Conduct and Supplementary Notes,
College of Psychologists of Ontario, September 2009
Canadian Code of Ethics for Psychologists, Third Edition,
Canadian Psychological Association, Revised 2000
Document and Source / Sufficiently
Yes/No / Comments or
Action to be
Health Care Consent Act, 1996 as amended
Substitute Decisions Act, 1992
Personal Health Information Protection Act (PHIPA) (2004)
Protection of Personal Information and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA) (2000)
Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2005
Mandatory obligation to report child abuse under the Child
and Family Services Act, 1990 (s.72) as amended
Mandatory obligation to report sexual abuse of a patient under the Health Professions Procedural Code of the Regulated Health Professions Act, 1991 (s.85) as amended
The following documentsmay not apply to all providers of psychological services. Please complete the following chart for those which apply to your practice, marking the others as Not Applicable (N/A).
Document and Source / SufficientlyFamiliar
Yes/No / Comments or
Action to be
Automobile Insurance Rate Stability Act, 1996Statutory Accident Benefit Schedule, under the Insurance Act, 1996 as amended
Child and Family Services Act, 1990 as amended
Children’s LawReform Act, 1990 as amended
Companion Manual to the Canadian Code of Ethics
For Psychologists, Canadian Psychological Association, 2001
Corrections and Conditional Release Act (Canada), 1992
Ethical Guidelines for Psychological Practice Related to Child
Custody and Access, Ontario Psychological Association, 1997
Guidelines for ChildCustody Evaluation in Family Law
Proceedings, American Psychological Association, 2010
Education Act, 1990 as amended
Ethics in Research with Human Participants, American Psychological Association, 2000
Document and Source / Sufficiently
Yes/No / Comments or
Action to be
Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, 1990
as amended
Human Rights Code, 1990 as amended
Mental HealthAct, 1990
Municipal Freedom of Information andProtection of Privacy Act, 1990
as amended
Public Hospitals Act, 1990 as amended
Services and Supports to Promote the Social Inclusion of Persons
with Developmental Disabilities Act, 2008
Standards for Education and Psychological Testing, American
Psychological Association, 1999
Workplace Safety and Insurance Act , 1997 as amended
Youth Criminal Justice Act, 2002 as amended
Publications Ontario, (English) or
50 Grosvenor St. Toronto, Ontario M7A 1N8.
(416) 326-5300, Toll Free (800) 668-9938
College of Psychologists of Ontario,
110 Eglinton Avenue West, Suite 500, Toronto, Ontario, M4R 1A3.
(416) 961-8817, Toll Free (800) 489-8388
Ontario Psychological Association,
21 St. Clair Avenue East, Suite 403, Toronto, Ontario M4T1L8. (416) 961-5552
Canadian Psychological Association,
151 Laurier Avenue West, Suite 702, Ottawa, Ontario, K1P 5J3. (613) 237-2144
Federal Publications, or
425 University Avenue, Suite 401, Toronto, Ontario M5G1T6. (416) 860-1611
American Psychologist, 1994, 49(7) 677-680. American Psychological Association,
(800) 374-2721
This section is applicable to practitioners in their work with clients. It contains a variety of items drawn from the Standards of Professional Conduct and the Professional Misconduct Regulation. Completion of this part will assist you in thinking about your work relative to these very important areas of professional practice. You may find that some items do not apply to your practice and these can be marked as Not Applicable (N/A). Items that require further review or some action should be noted and carried forward to your Professional Development Plan. Please note that this section does not list every Standard or every item included in the Professional Misconduct Regulation to which members are responsible to adhere.
The Standards of Professional Conduct and Professional Misconduct Regulation
Note: Numbers at the end of the following statements refer to an applicable Standard of Professional Conduct) (SPC) or Professional Misconduct Regulation (PM)
Item / Yes/No / Action Required (Yes/No)Comments
I only provide services in my demonstrated areas of professional competence. [SPC 5.1]
I retain client files for a minimum of 10 years following the client’s last contact or, in the case of clients under 18 years of age, for at least 10 years following the day they became or would have become 18. [SPC 9.4]
Upon request and with proper authorization, I release raw test results or data to clients and others, when reasonable and appropriate.[SPC14.9]
I do not accept gifts of more than token value from my clients. [SPC 12.6]
I participate fully in all mandatory aspects of the Quality Assurance Program. [SPC 1.4]
I am aware of the harassment provisions of Principle 13 of the Standards. [SPC 13]
I inform my client of the limits of confidentiality before or at the commencement of my involvement with them. [PM 11]
I inform my client of the charges to be levied for my services before or at the commencement of a service. [PM 22]and work out the method of setting fees and other charges with my clients at the earliest possible opportunity.[SPC 10.1]
I do not accept prepayment for services but, with my client’s agreement, I may accept a retainer to be held in trust and applied against services rendered. [SPC 10.4]
I do not offer a reduction in fee for prompt payment. [PM 28]
I obtain informed consent with respect to the delivery of all psychological services unless otherwise permitted or required by law. [SPC 7.2]
Item / Action Required (Yes/No)
I obtain informed consent with respect to the collection, use and disclosure of personal information and personal health information unless otherwise permitted or required by law. [SPC 8.1]
I have not entered into any arrangements such as a lease for use of premises or equipment; administrative services or the provision of supervision which provides for a fee or income splitting based on a percentage of fees invoiced or collected. [SPC 10.5]
I make reasonable efforts to ensure that all transmissions of information, either in hard copy or electronically, protect the privacy of the client record. [SPC 9.6.2]
I ensure that any record, certificate, report or other document is not false, misleading or otherwise improper. [PM 20]
I have notified the College of any offenses of which I have been found guilty as per the RHPA.
I have made provisions for:
-Storage of client records to ensure they are safe and protected from loss, tampering or unauthorized use or access;
-Maintenance of psychological tests and supplies in a secure place;
-Maintenance of records of all bills presented to patients/clients and payments received;
-Continuing patient/client care in the event of my disability or death;
-Mandatory professional liability insurance;
-Office and personal injury liability, as appropriate.
Record Keeping
My records contain the following information as per sections9.2 and 9.3 of the revised Standards of Professional Conduct. (Dependent upon whether a member’s practice is with individuals or corporations,not all of these may apply)
Item / Yes/No / Action Required (Yes/No)Comments
Identifying data (e.g., names, addresses, telephone numbers, dates of birth, sex, and referral source)
Documentation of client consent regarding the collection, use and disclosure of personal health information
Item / Yes/No / Action Required (Yes/No)
Documentation of client consent to treatment in the record, as needed
Description of services provided and the date of every relevant and material contact with the client or consultation about the client
Documentation, in the record, that the limits of confidentiality have
been discussed
Relevant information about every material service activity related
to the clientincluding:
Assessment procedures used
Summary of findings
Periodic description of client progress
Documentation that fees have been discussed
A copy of any service contract between you and the patient/client
A copy of all reports received or sent by you on behalf of, or for, a patient/client
The name, address and telephone number of the organization, firm, corporation, or community, and the name and position of the primary contact person
The name(s), and title(s) of the person(s) who can release confidential information about the organization, firm,corporation, entity, or community
Many members are involved in teaching or training activities and/or research. For some members, these activities are carried out in formal settings such as universities or funded research facilities that have formal written policies with respect to ethics and conduct in teaching/training and/or research. Other members conduct these activities in their work settings within organizations that do not necessarily have formal written policies or codes of ethics and conduct. If you are involved in teaching or training and/or research activities, please complete these parts. Should you assess that further review or action is required, this should be carried forward to your Professional Development Plan.
Item / Yes/No / Action Required (Yes/No)Comments
I teach or train in a setting which has formal written codes of ethics and policies regarding professional behaviour to which I must adhere and I am familiar with these.
I teach or train in a setting that does not have formal written codes of ethics and policies but I am familiar with codes of ethics and policies regarding professional behaviour with respect to teaching and training.
Item / Yes/No / Action Required (Yes/No)Comments
I conduct research under the auspices of a fund granting body or research facility that has formal written codes of ethics and policies regarding professional behaviour to which I must adhere and I am familiar with these.
I conduct research at a setting which is not under the auspices of a fund granting body or research facility but I am familiar with codes of ethics and policies regarding professional behaviour with respect to conducting research.
Members are involved in numerous supervisory activities in a variety of academic, institutional or private practice settings. If you are engaged in supervisory activities,please complete Part IV and carry forward any items that require further review or action to your Professional Development Plan.
Item / Yes/No / Action Required (Yes/No)Comments
I am familiar with the Supervision Resource Manual, 2nd Edition, March 2009 published by the College.
I am familiar with the Ethical Guidelines for Supervision in Psychology: Teaching, Research, Practice, and Administration, Canadian Psychological Association, 2009
I assume full professional responsibility for all clients seen by my supervisee.
I have adequate training, knowledge and skill to render competently all psychological services undertaken by the supervisee.
I provide supervision appropriate to the knowledge, skills and competence of the supervisee.
I ensure clients are informed:
a)of the professional status and qualifications and that all services are reviewed with and conducted under my supervision;
b)of my identity and how they can contact me;
c)that a meeting can be arranged at their request or the request of the supervisee
d)that I will have access to all relevant, confidential information about the client required for me to provide adequate supervision.
All billing and payments for services are in my name.
Public announcements of service are offered only by me or in my name.
In all fee-for-service arrangements, setting and receipt of fees remains my responsibility or that of the employing agency.
My name, clearly identifying me as the supervisor and my contact information is clearly identified on all reports and formal correspondence.
I countersign all written reports and formal correspondence prepared by non-regulated providers, under my supervision.
I encourage my supervisee to engage in ongoing professional development.