Measuring the impact of clinical librarians on patients and NHS organisations


1. Organisation Name and Profession

The findings of this study will be used to help your health library assess the impact of its services. The results will help in the planning of improved services that should benefit you and your colleagues in your Organisation.

The responses to the survey are anonymous, however as the survey is being carried out as part of a wider regional study, on the impact of clinical library services across the region, we would like you to indicate your Trust.

This survey is based on Best Practice Guidance on Assessing the impact of a health library service, National Library for Health, 2008 and Brettle, A., Maden, M., Payne, C. (2016). The impact of clinical librarian services on patients and health care organisations. Health Information and Libraries Journal, 33(1): 1-21 DOI: 10.1111/hir.12136

1. Organisation Name [choose from drop down list – appropriate names to be inserted]

2. Which best describes your profession? (Tick one only)


Medical (including dental)

Nursing (including midwifery, health visiting, healthcare assistants)


Qualified scientific, therapeutic and technical staff (incl. healthcare scientists, AHPs, pharmacists, paramedics and ambulance staff)


Social care

Management (incl. commissioning)

Administrative support (e.g. HR, finance, R&D, IM&T, Governance and Risk)

22. Services Used

1. Which service did you use? (please tick only one)

Literature search
Literature search and critical appraisal
Literature search and critical appraisal/synthesis of evidence
Journal club

2. Please briefly describe your request for information (what you needed the information for )

3. Clinical Decision Making and Evidence-based practice – If this section is not applicable please move to section 4

Did/will the information obtained (or service?) contribute to Decision making and evidence-based practice? / Not relevant / No contribution / Has contributed / May contribute in future
Choice of assessment or test
Choice of intervention
Advice to patient/carer
Revision of care pathway/guidelines/protocol
Avoidance of referral, readmission, clinical tests or hospitalisation

4. Patient Centred Care and Health Care Outcomes - If this section is not applicable please move to section 5

Did/will the information obtained (or service?) contribute to Patient Centred Care and Health Care Outcomes? / Not relevant / No contribution / Has contributed / May contribute in future
Improved health care outcomes
Improved quality of life for patient or carers
Increased patient involvement/Shared Decision Making
Improved patient care experience
Improved patient access to information

5. Quality of care and service development - If this section is not applicable please move to section 6

1. Did/will the information obtained (or service?) contribute to Quality of Care/Service Development? / Not relevant / No contribution / Has contributed / May contribute in future
Meet quality standards
Improved quality of care
Interventions based on best practice or current evidence
Service development/delivery underpinned by evidence base
Evaluation or audit
Innovative practice
Address inequalities in access to care or unmet service need
Working with other health and social care providers

6. Continuing Professional Development - If this section is not applicable please move to section 7

1. Did/will the information obtained (or service?) contribute to Continuing Professional Development? / Not relevant / No contribution / Has contributed / May contribute in future
Update knowledge and skills relevant to clinical practice?
Comply with requirements of regulatory and professional bodies (e.g. HPC, KSF, Profession specific bodies)
Support research
Gain qualifications
Supervision and leadership of staff
Delivering/supporting education or training of staff

7. Efficiency, accountability, safety - If this section is not applicable please move to section 8

1. Did/will the information obtained (or service?) contribute to efficiency, financial or risk management? / Not relevant / No contribution / Has contributed / May contribute in future
Support Trust financial strategies e.g. CIP (Cost improvement Programme)
Support QIPP plans (Quality, Innovation, Productivity and Prevention)
Demonstrate value for money/providing cost effective service
Risk management
Business development (e.g. income generation, tenders)
Commissioning/decommissioning of services
Improve patient/staff safety
Improve accountability/transparency of services
Legal/ethical issues

8. Sample Organisation specific section (Community Mental Health Trust)

1. Did/will the information obtained (or service?) contribute to Safer care environments and risk management / Not relevant / No contribution / Has contributed / May contribute in future
Safer care environments (Inc. reduction in violence and aggression, self harm, falls, suicide)
Reduction in complaints
Risk management

9. Please feel free to sum up the impact of the service received