Friends of St Andrews Park

Minutes of the meeting held on Tuesday 05.07.16 7.30pm

at St. Andrews Bowling Club, Derby Road – DRAFT 4


  1. Chair’s welcome to all and introductions.

Attending: John Mayne (Chair), Paul Bullivant (Secretary), Doug Reid, Martin Weitz, Kevin Coughlan, Elaine Hicks, Maija Lawrence, Jude English (Councillor), Sarah McMurchie, Sarah Cemlyn, David Cemlyn, Jenny Morris, Mike Davies, (Councillor), PCSO Clare Gardner, Alex Mills, Mary Welsh, Fay Aldridge, Agnes McMahon.

  1. Apologies: Dennis and Jenny Broe, Jo Corke, Ken Dolbear and Simon Randolph. It was with regret that we noted the sad death of Simon’s wife, Maureen, after a long illness and agreed that a condolence card should be sent to Simon.
  1. Minutes from meeting held on the 25th May 2016 were approved
  1. Matters Arising :

4.1 Application to fund sign – BCC have finally agreed to fund our request for 2 directional signposts to the toilets, to be placed in the field alongside Leopold road- to be installed by August 2016.

4.2 Future for felled trees- PB pursuing contributions to art-work fund and continuing negotiations with the sculptor

4.3 Telephone box on Somerville Road- BT have no plans to remove it, but it was agreed residents can report any defects or unsatisfactory condition to the BT Customer service team on 0800661610 or at PB had produced a draft note to inform residents how to contact BT and Jenny Morris will circulate this to local residents.

4.4 BBQs- Signs have been put up in the park to discourage people burning the grass. To be reviewed at the end of the season.

4.5 Fundraiser convenor- Discussion on whether (and for what) a fundraiser might be required and whether or not fundraiser should be paid? Questions raised about whether we do what we have always done, with convenors raising money for specific projects or whether we appoint someone as a fundraising convenor. PB to prepare a ‘fundraising convenor specification.’ A local person with extensive fundraising experience may be interested in taking on this job. Background to FOSAP’s fundraising activities was explained to Jude English, Green Councillor. She pointed out that grants will become increasingly scarce in future due to BCC austerity programme. DC said it also depends on amount of money required. For example upgrading the children’s play area could cost as much as £100,000. A survey of possibilities for renovating/extending children’s play area will cost £2500 which we think we can raise through the Ashley, Easton & Lawrence Hill Neighbourhood Partnership Well-being fund.

4.6 Replacement and felling of trees- One new tree has been offered to St Andrews Park by BCC through Neighbourhood Partnership, (although 5 have been felled). Jo Corke from FoSAP went to Ashley Group (Environmental sub-group) meeting and suggested a Bristol Whitebeam as being desirable. We are not sure if we will get it. Trees cost is between £200-£350. PB said this could be a sponsorship opportunity. MW asked if we were notified of the tree felling activities (we were not) and how did we know that the felling was justified? PB said he has faith in BCC.

4.7 DC (acting as a concerned resident of St Andrews, not as a member of FOSAP) expressed his anger and frustration at the dangerous manner in which two trees were recently felled by London-based tree surgeons. Also the fact that despite contacting BCC and local councillors, no action had been taken to tape off the felled trees, which in his opinion constituted a danger to local children.

We agreed it would be appropriate for DC to carry out this work himself. DC advised that he has complained to H&S Exec, and the Mayor. Now being investigated by BCC. Discussion took place on individual, group and BCC responsibilities. Agreed FOSAP should register its concerns to BCC.

5. Chairs report (JM)

5.1 Local Traffic Scheme on Effingham Road outside St Andrews Park main entrance on Effingham Road explained by Chair, to include 4 new bollards ,road narrowing, new footway, new drop curbs is now going ahead. No date as yet but anticipated August 2016 at a cost of £9000 approx. Plans available. General approval for this.

6. Planning Flowering Meadows for 2017:

MW gave background of flowering meadows which were funded by Avon and Somerset Constabulary for 3 years to combat ASB. All agreed the first year had been a great success. The second year less so due to a new seed mix. This year however has been a ‘dismal failure’ and MW explained why. Due to a misunderstanding, BCC did not use Glyphosate to kill off last years weeds and did not prepare the soil adequately. BCC also changed the shape of some beds without consultation, changed the seed mix again and finally planted the seeds very late. MW has informed BCC that we will not make a contribution towards the cost of this year’s flower beds as had previously been agreed. A meeting will be held in autumn with BCC to review this year’s flowerbeds and find a solution for next year. MW thanked local Councillors for their help with this problem.

7. Report by Sarah Tyler BCC: This was circulated and now available on the FOSAP website.

8. Convenor’s reports:-

  • Anti-social behaviour (SM) - Poor weather inhibiting ASB in park, but evidence of urination at boundary of Leopold Road (no doubt elsewhere). Nothing serious to report. Welcome to PCSO Claire and PC Alan Gentry who have responsibility for SAP.
  • Appearance/Heritage/Restoration (JMo)- Reported on success of 75th anniversary memorial ceremony of WW11 crash in SAP
  • Bristol Parks Forum (Chair)– We have been informed that by 2020 there will be no specific budget for parks in Bristol and all council funds will come from Business Rates. We also understand that proposed new bye-laws are still going through the Council for approval on 13.10.16 before going to the Secretary of State for final approval.
  • Dog walkers (MW) – Nothing to report.
  • Graffiti (DR)- Nothing to report
  • Play Area (DC and SC)-Reported they met with the Chair, PB, SP as the Small Working Group for this issue, together with John Knowlson, BCC Play manager, regarding extension/improvement to the play areas. They were informed that no extra money is yet available for this from John’s department. They hope to get £2500 from the Neighbourhood Partnership to prepare a survey report on what is possible/desirable for SAP play areas. DC, SC and PB have met with two firms of landscape architects who will provide method statements and estimates for the cost of the initial survey and outline design. DC reminded us that SAP is a destination park and so must be treated differently from some other local parks. It is planned to apply for this funding by end of July.
  • Publicity (MW)- Nothing to report
  • Recycling and Litter (JG)- No report
  • Social and Arts (AM)- Nothing to report except Picnic in the Park on 26th June was cancelled due to bad weather. It is hoped that a new date can be fixed in September. PB explained to new councillors that in the past we have had events including Music in the Park/Art in the Park/Theatre in the Park. MW suggested a Pro-European Festival to much enthusiasm (not sure if this will be carried forward?
  • Wildlife (SR & Jo Corke)- SR has spoken to BCC about the two trees which were recently felled. Sarah Tyler told him that all wood from these trees will be removed from the site, while the wood for the “sculpture” trees will remain in place, with the surplus wood from the dog-free zone being taken to the dead wood area, as requested by Simon.

9. Treasurers Report (SP): Nothing to report

10. Secretaries Report (PB): nothing to report

11. Ashley, Easton and Lawrence Hill Neighbourhood Partnership: The Chair explained function of NP and said he would report anything of interest to FOSAP. He had attended, together with AM, the most recent meeting of the NP Forum. These meetings are open to the public and are held four times a year. AM, SP, Jo C and JM also attended two meetings of the NP Environment Sub-group on 9.5.16 and 13.6.16. These meetings are held monthly to discuss action on anything concerning the environment in the NP area. Park matters and issues are included in these meetings.

12. Any Other Business:-

(a) PB reported on meeting between himself, Chair, SP and the Vicar of St Bart’s Church, Wayne Massey to discuss future of St Bart’s which is currently closed for services although the church will be open for services during the summer months. The closure is due to the heating system being out of action but the church hall is not affected. There is a strong possibility that the three churches in the parish will be reduced to two. This would mean the closure of the Church of the Good Shepherd, leaving St Bart’s and St Michael’s. A decision on the future of the vicarage is also to be made by the diocese.

(b) Notice of Melita Road Street party on Saturday 17/09/16 in the afternoon, at which we hope that FoSAP will be represented by a display table as we were last year.

(c) Notice of consultation in respect of a possible of merger between Bristol, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire to create a Unitary authority with a mayor.

(d) The long flowerbed between the central Maurice Road entrance and the Tea Garden is badly in need of weeding and volunteers may be needed to assist with this next Spring.

(e) PCSO Clare Gardner will send the police email addresses and telephone numbers.

12. Date of next meeting: Weds 07.09.16 at St. Andrews Bowing Club, Derby Road at 7.30pm.

Future meetings will be held on the following dates with minutes taken by those named below.

Wed 07.09.16 Martin Weitz

Tue 11.10.16 Jo Corke

Wed 07.12.16 [Xmas social] Paul Bullivant

Tues 17.01.17 Mary Welsh

Weds 01.03.17 Jenny Morris

Tues 12.04.17 [AGM] Steve Perry

Minutes taken by Sarah McMurchie

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