Minutes of meeting held at 3:30pm on Wednesday 21 July 2004 in the Conference Room, South Tower, Woodend Hospital

Present: Dr Steve Hamilton, Chairman, Lead Clinician Stroke MCN

Dr Alastair Cozens, Consultant

Fred Christie, Service Manager

Elaine Horne, Stroke Register Coordinator

Dr Mary-Joan MacLeod, Consultant

Richard Abel, Clinical Governance Unit

Therese Jackson, Senior Occupational Therapist

Alison Hamilton, Head of Service, Speech and Language Therapy

1. / Welcome and Apologies
Lesley Berry, Dr Steve Wilkinson, Dr David Williams, Margaret Somerville, Graham Smith
2. / Notes of Stroke MCN Project Board Meeting held on 1st July 2004
Correction to section 5. Date of QIS Review Team Visit. This should read 20th October and not 15th October as stated in the minutes
All other sections accepted as accurate.
3. / Matters arising
Covered in Agenda
4. / Quality Assurance Framework Programme
QIS Visit - ‘Stroke Services : Care of the Patient in the acute setting’ – Assessment of the Grampian Stroke service against NHS Quality Improvement Scotland Clinical Standards
The NHS Quality Improvement Scotland review team will visit the Stroke service in Grampian on 20th October 2004.
It was agreed that the Clinical Governance team (Pamela Harrison) would liaise with Elaine Horne as the central point of contact for Stroke Services with regard to completing the self assessment document. Elaine would liaise with the clinical team and request information where required. Support for Elaine would be available from Dr MacLeod and Milne Weir. An update on progress is to be provided by Elaine to the next MCN Project Board meeting.
Quality Assurance Framework (QAF) Document
The Stroke MCN is required to produce a quality assurance framework document to be sent to QIS for approval. It has been agreed that the Lanarkshire Stroke QAF document is to be used as a template for all Stroke MCNs to follow. Work on this will be progressed by Milne Weir in liaison with the stroke clinical team. / Elaine
5. / Update on Stroke Strategy Allocation
Following discussion with NHS Grampian it was agreed that slippage from the Stroke Strategy allocation would be released to the Stroke MCN in the following way
2004/05 2005/06 2006/07
£60k £80k £60k
The Stroke Strategy bids will be formally submitted to the Scottish Executive by NHS Grampian in August 2004.
In summary the Stroke Strategy Bids are as follows :
·  Establish MCN
·  Stroke Database Posts
·  Weight Relieved Gait Trainer
·  Expand Neurovascular Clinic – Additional MRI Scans
·  Improved SpR Training – Involvement in Out of Hours
·  Preventing Vascular Events Post Stroke – G Grade Nurse time
·  Neuropsychology Stroke Service - Neuropsychology and Clinical Psychology sessions
·  Early Stroke Rehab - Roving Team at ARI
Being Submitted to the Scottish Executive
·  Flexible Grampian Wide Therapy team
·  Consultant AHP
·  Mobile Doppler – Carotid Scans and Technician
It was agreed that vacancy forms should be completed for posts linked to the projects outlined above and once formal approval had been received by NHS Grampian through the Scottish Executive then interviews could proceed.
All of the Stroke Strategy projects outlined above will be audited and evaluated by the Stroke MCN, and resources may be adjusted to create the ’best fit’ for patients, carers and staff.
Stroke NOF Bids
Early Supported Stroke Rehab team – Woodend Hospital
Cardiovascular Risk Nurse Practitioner – G Grade Nurse Post
Specialist bed / seating / walking hoist (capital)
Expanding Neurovascular Clinic – Upgrade CT Imaging Facilities (capital)
Volunteer Stroke Service
It should be noted that funding for the Stroke NOF Projects is for a fixed period only i.e two or three years. Each project is supported by a clear exit strategy should recurring funding not become available.
6. / Update from the Stroke MCN Sub groups
Stroke Discharge Group chaired by Therese Jackson
Therese updated the project board that the self assessment documentation was being reviewed and amendments being made by the sub group. Discharge policies were being reviewed as part of this process. Therese also outlined that there was now public involvement on the sub group and all members welcomed this.
Dr Hamilton noted that some of the information required by GPs for stroke patients under the new GMS Contract could be included in discharge documents produced by ARI and Dr Gray’s. It was agreed that the new GMS contract indicators for Stroke is circulated to members of the project board for information. Therese was asked to take forward this issue for further discussion at the next meeting of the discharge sub group.
Stroke Education Sub group chaired by Dr Alistair Cozens
Dr Cozens outlined that there was now public involvement on the sub group and all members welcomed this. The flexible grampian wide therapy team bid (stroke strategy) was being revised and would be submitted to Dr Hamilton before the next Project Board meeting. Good progress was being made by the sub group and all were keen to push ahead with the therapy team bid once formally approved by NHS Grampian and the Scottish Executive.
Acute Stroke Sub Group chaired by Dr Mary Joan MacLeod
Dr MacLeod updated the project board that the self assessment documentation was being reviewed and amendments being made by the sub group.
Secondary Prevention Group chaired by Dr David Williams
Dr Williams was on annual leave but will update the project board on the next meeting of the sub group which is scheduled for September 2004. / Therese
7. / Appointment of a Lead Clinician from Primary Care to the Stroke MCN
Interviews to take place on 24th August 2004. Dr Hamilton will report back on progress at the next meeting of the Project Board. / Dr Hamilton
8. / Public Involvement in the work of the Stroke MCN
Further work to be undertaken with Margaret Somerville following a pilot of this in NHSHighland during August. / MW / MS / SH
9. /

Links with Community Health Partnerships (CHPs)

It was agreed that the Stroke MCN Project Board should hold patient pathway workshops in Moray, then Aberdeenshire, and lastly in Aberdeen. This follows on from the successful Stroke Away day in Aberdeen on 10thJune 2004. The workshops, along with public involvement forums, will feed in to the development of a draft stroke strategy for NHS Grampian. / SH/MW
10. /


Nothing reported
11. /

Dates of Future Meetings

Thursday 26th August at 2:30pm in the Committee Room at Aberdeen Royal Infirmary