1.All applications for the hire of Tithe Barn, Wellingborough, (hereinafter called "the Premises") must be in writing on this printed form and forwarded on completion to the Head of Cultural & Community Development (hereinafter called "The Manager").
2. (a)The person by whom this application form is signed shall be considered the Hirer and shall be personally liable in respect of all obligations arising out of the hiring.
(b)Where a promoting organisation is named above that organisation shall also be considered the Hirer and shall be jointly and severally liable herein with the person who signs the form.
(c)This hiring is strictly subject to your taking out and maintaining insurance in respect of the liability referred to above, the insurance to be for an amount not less than £1,000,000 (or such other amount as required by the Borough Council of Wellingborough); if called upon to do so you shall produce such evidence as may be required that the insurance cover is in force.
3.All charges must be paid at the time of application and no booking shall be considered confirmed until the Hirer shall have received from the Manager a receipt duly signed.
4.The hire of the premises does not entitle the Hirer to use or enter the Premises at any time other than the specific hours for which the Premises are hired unless prior arrangements have been made with the Manager.
5.The Hirer shall not assign or sub-let his rights hereunder.
6.The Hirer is responsible for all damage to the Premises and to the Tithe Barn, (whichever the premises forms part of being hereunder call "the Building") and to any property therein occurring during the period of hiring or while persons are entering or leaving the Building pursuant to the hire however and by whomsoever caused. The cost of necessary repairs will be passed on to the Hirer.
7.The Borough Council of Wellingborough, its officers and servants shall not be responsible for any loss of or damage to any property arising out of the hiring nor for any loss, damage or injury which may be incurred by or be done or happen to any person or persons resorting to the Building during the hiring arising from any cause whatsoever or for any loss due to breakdown or machinery failure of supply of electricity, leakage of water, fire government restriction or act of God which may cause the Building to be temporarily closed or the hiring to be interrupted or cancelled and the Hirer shall indemnify the Council, its officers and servants against any claim which may arise out of the hiring or which may be made by any person resorting to the Premises during the hiring in respect if any such loss, damage or injury.
8.The Hirer shall comply immediately with the instructions of the Manager whether written or verbal.
9.The Hirer shall indemnify the Borough Council of Wellingborough, its officers and servants against all claims, demands, actions or proceedings in respect of any infringement of copyright or any unauthorised performance of any dramatic or musical work.
10.No right of exclusive possession of the Premises is conferred upon the Hirer who shall afford access thereto at all times to the Manager and persons authorised by the Manager.
11.The Hirer shall not advertise by fly-posting any activity at the Premises.
12.The Manager shall be empowered to cancel or determine any period of hiring at any time without giving a reason.
13.In the event of a breach of these Conditions being committed by the Hirer or any person present at the Premises during the period of hiring then the Hirer's right hereunder shall forthwith determine and no part of the sum paid for the period of the hiring shall be refundable.
14.If live musical entertainment if any kind is to be provided a Performing Right Return must be completed and handed to the Manager.
15.If crockery is used at the Premises it must be washed up and put away afterwards. The Kitchen area is to be left clean and tidy.
16.The use of any portable gas-fired/powered equipment and cooking equipment other than that provided is not permittedwithout the written authorisation of the Resources & Recreation Manager. Discretionary permission may only be granted if the Catering function is undertaken by a Professional Caterer and a copy of a valid Insurance Certificate is received.
17.It is the Hirer’s responsibility to provide First Aid cover for the users of the hall during the duration of hire.
18.A mobile phone must be available at all times during the booking in order that emergency calls can be made and that the Attendant can contact the hirer.
19.Where the use of the Centre is to be primarily for activities for Children or Young Persons (defined as under 18 by The Children’s Act) a copy of the organisations’ Child Protection Policy must be forwarded with the booking form
19.The selling of tickets for the purpose of a discotheque at the door of the Tithe Barn is forbidden. All tickets must have been sold prior to the disco.
20.If alcohol is to be sold during the function this must be done through a Licensed victualler.
21.Cancellation after payment has been made will result in forfeit of the full fee unless the Hall can be re-booked in which case a charge of 25% to cover administration costs will be made.
22.The maximum number of persons permitted to use the Hall is 200 (120 maximum advised for Table/Seated function)
23.All bookings must finish by 12 midnight.