They were from Xylokastro and the area around. The results are below.
The 1st question is at the bottom of the file, because we had a problem with this. /
Watching TV
alone / 12
with friends / 4
2nd Question: What kind of music do you like?
You can choose more than one
a. Pop / 11
b. Rand B / 9
c. Rock/Metal / 3
d. Rap / 5
e. Classical / 2
f. Popular -Folk songs / 9
g. Other / 1
3rd Question: How do you communicate with your friends?
You can choose more than one.
a. Send text messages / 19
b. Write e-mails / 2
c. Phone / 15
d. Talk / 14
4th Question: Does time pass quickly with pleasure
during the lessons at school?
a. Not at all / 3
b. A little / 7
c. Moderately / 4
d. Well enough / 7
e. A lot / 0
5th Question: If you like in school, …… you do this,
because you:
You can choose more than one.
a. Can wear any clothes you like / 5
b. Have and use mobile phone in the lessons / 3
c. Listen to music in the breaks / 2
d. Meet your friends / 17
e. Get marks / 3
f. Skip lessons / 3
g. Other / 2
6th Question: Do you/Have you heard about such issues at school as:
a. Bullying / 4
b. Smoking / 19
c. Drinking alcohol / 10
d. Drugs / 3
You can choose more than one.
6.2. Question: And your reaction is:
a. It's O.K., let people do what they want / 12
b. it's terrible / 5
c. Other / 2
7th Question: For which of the following are you most worried about
in regards to the future of your country?
(You can choose more than one.)
a. The economy / 16
b. Education / 7
c. Security / 9
d. Unemployment / 16
e. Job/Occupation / 3
f. The rate of crime / 8
g. Environment / 13
h. Other / 0
8th What are your relations with the teachers
a. You trust them / 2
b. You get on well with them / 17
c. They are your friends / 1
d. Bad / 1
9th Question: How good is your relationship with your parents?
a. Not at all / 0
b. A little / 1
c. Moderately / 2
d. Well enough / 5
e. A lot / 12
10th Question: Which group of adults do you believe that
best understands you?
( You can choose more than one)
a. Parents / 14
b. Teachers / 2
c. Grandparents / 6
d. Private tutors / 3
e. Other / 4
11th Question: If you have any problems, you trust:
a. Your parents / 10
b. Your teachers / 0
c. School psychologist ( councellor) / 0
d. friends / 15
e. Other / 3
12. Question: How much in your opinion do your ideas vary from adults?
a. Not at all / 0
b. A little / 3
c. Moderately / 8
d. Well enough / 7
e. A lot / 2
13th Question: Do you feel that some members of your family
invade your privacy unduly?
a. Not at all / 9
b. A little / 5
c. Moderately / 1
d. Well enough / 3
c. A lot / 2
14th Question: Do you feel that there are things which make you feel stressed?
Yes / 12
No / 7
15th Question: Which of the following do you believe that
you owe stress to?
( You can choose more than one)
a. School / 10
b. Relationship with parents / 1
c. Relationship with friends / 2
d. Relationship with the opposite sex / 2
e. What will your future like / 4
f. Other / 0
16th Question: Do you believe in general that people are prejudiced in regard to
young people'sappearance? ( clothing, shape of the bodes, skin color, movement,
nationality)from yourself or from friends?
a. Yes / 17
b. No / 3
17th Question: Would you make friends with a male or a female teenager
with a different appearance ( clothing, shape of the bodies, skin color, movement
nationality) from yourself or from your friends?
a. Yes / 6
b. No / 0
c. Depends on the characteristics of his/her character / 14
18th Question: Do you believe that the majority of your peers accepted you?
a. Not at all / 0
b. A little / 3
c. Moderately / 1
d. Well enough / 12
e. A lot / 3
19th Question: To what extend do you believe that teenagers in your
country obey the law?
a. Not at all / 2
b. A little / 9
c. Moderately / 4
d. Well enough / 6
e. A lot / 0
20th Question: To what extend do you believe that adults in your
country obey the law?
a. Not at all / 2
b. A little / 9
c. Moderately / 7
d. Well enough / 2
e. A lot / 0
21st Question: At school you are not hungry because you…
a. Have your lunch box / 2
b. You have your lunch in the canteen / 12
c. You buy junk food / 1
d. Have a good breakfast at home / 7
e. Other.. / 0
22nd Question: Are you aware
of what a " Mediterranean" diet is?
Yes / 16
No / 4
23rd Question: Do you believe that the food you eat is healthy?
a. Not at all / 1
b. A little / 3
c. Moderately / 6
d. Well enough / 8
e. A lot / 2
24th Question: How many times a week do you eat fast food
in place of breakfast,
lunch, dinner?
a. Once / 8
b. Twice / 6
c. Three / 1
d. Four / 3
e. More / 2 / X none
25th Question: How many hours aday do you occupy yourself with
games on PC?
a. Not at all / 3
b. 0,50 -1,50 hours / 12
c. two to four / 3
d. write how many / 0
26th Question: How much are you
addicted to the games on PC?
a. Not at all / 8
b. A little / 11
c. Moderately / 0
d. Well enough / 1
e. A lot / 0
27th Question: If you have answered moderately and above in the
previous question write if thiw tires you.
Yes / 1
No / 3
28th Question: Are you aware of whether European Union supports
programs for teenagers?
Yes / 5
No / 15
29th Question: If you have answered Yes in the previous
question state some of the ones you know:
Comenius, Ecomobility, Of Youth
1st Question: With which of the following do you occupy yourself in your free time? You are able to circle more than one choices given.
- Sports
- Music
- Dance
- Computer
- Internet games
- Going out with friends
- Meet with friends
- Art
- Watching TV