Meeting Minutes #5

I. Call to Order

Joseph Anderson, Speaker, called to order the regular meeting of the Undergraduate Student Government at 3:08 PM on February 23, 2015.

II. Roll Call

The following persons were present: Danielle Leibowitz, Jacob Schulz, Brandon Gaskew, Joe Anderson, Gabriela Bedolla, Flordalia Rodriguez, PriyaUppuluri, Joseph Washington, Mercedez Jones, Sun Choi, Christen Lee, David Zheng, Mateo Uribe, Ryan Chiu, and Sarah Mustafa.

III. Approval of the minutes from last meeting

Motion to change Director Washington’s report to read “Safer Sex fest will be on March 11” and not “March 13”.

Motion to approve the meeting minutes. The minutes were approved.

IV. Approval of the agenda

Motion to approve the agenda. The agenda was approved.

V. Ceremonial Induction(s): None.

VI. Guest Speaker(s): None

VII. Reports


Advisor / Dean DuJuan Smith / No report.
Student Member of Board of Trustees / Danielle Leibowitz / Attended the 50th Anniversary, Circle Back. Was at the ribbon-cutting ceremony for the new study room at the library, the “Circle Reading Room”
President / Jacob Schulz / The 50th anniversary circle campus occurred on the 22. There was a ribbon cutting and the reception was at the UIC Daley Library. Had a luncheon with the 20th president of the University of Illinois Timothy L. Killeen. Has emailed the assembly if everyone is interested to join the Chief of Police Student Advisory Committee. Received a message of a student suggestion a UIC commuter bus location pick up for UIC students to arrive on time. Received an email from Dean Wright has not extended the due date for new submissions of the Referendum Question.
Vice-President / Brandon Gaskew / There is no set date for the Pop-Up Benefit but the Illinois room is on hold for April 13th. Vice Chancellor Nearhoof is looking into having Mariono’s donate food for the Benefit. There will be a silent auction as well and Director of Operations Katie will email departments if they are willing to participate. There will also be an art showcase for UIC students to donate their art for the silent auction. Katie has created a Facebook Page for the Pop-Up Pantry and working with the Graphic Designer to create a flyer for the Pop-up benefit. Still unsure when the next Pop-up Pantry will appear but March 19 could be a possible date before Spring Break. There would be a food drive both on March 10th and 11th at the CSRC from 10:00-5:00 PM. OVP department meetings will take place weekly and Flor is working on the schedule.
Speaker of the Assembly / Joe Anderson / Sun has ordered the metal placards so general meetings can look professional. Started printing the resolutions for the Spring Semester. Will meet with directors he did not have a chance to meet during the week. Had the first Robert’s Rule Session the second one will be on Friday 12-1 PM for those who could not attend the first one. Next week everyone would have to turn in their Service Hours sheet.
Treasurer / Gabriela Bedolla / Crystal has forwarded a list of transportation vendors for Lobby Day. Working with Medlife who are requesting funding and will go over their proposal. Processing Chicago Adaa reimbursement and the assembly will be viewing the SNA reimbursement proposal. The general assembly budget is currently 12,715 dollars.


Sustainability and Infrastructure committee / PriyaUppuluri / Updated the printing survey and hope to be sending out soon. Waiting on ACCC/ Cynthia’s response to distribute the survey once some items on the survey get discussed. David, Omero and Matt are working on getting a list of dance groups at UIC once that is done we would look into having the Reflection Room repurposed to become a dance studio. Flordalia is working on the lights initiative.
Interpersonal Relations committee / Joseph Washington / IRC did not meet the past week. “It’s on Us” campaign photo shoots are finished, they had a great turned out. Now they are working on editing and designing the layout of the posters. Safer Sex Fest will take place on March 11, 2014 from 1PM-3PM. Let him know if you want to help run the table.
University Relations Committee / Mercedez Jones / Director Jones and Ryan would meet with Pia regarding their Textbook Affordability tomorrow and will bring updates next meeting. Jamie has not started working on the flyer for Lobby Day but will soon do it by this Friday. They could not reserve the area next to Dunkin Donuts but are working on reserving the location by the bookstore. Finishing up small details of the Commuter Safety resolution adding information based on an email Jacob received.
Communications and Recruitment Committee / Sun Choi / Ordered 30 placards for the speaker and will be arriving within a week. Ordered promotional items and still waiting for the Pop-up pantry can opener and the USG flag. Possibly ordering three Chalk boards for election season to promote it. Chris has been working on the Student election candidate video and has emailed the candidates to participate on it. Sent a flyer request update to the graphic designer and hope to receive it soon for recruitment. Sent the graphic designer to create a poster for the Student elections. Working on drafting a recruitment email as well. The flyer request form is under the CRC in the Box, please send it to Director Choi first and not directly to the designer for approval to know which flyers need to be done first.

VIII. Resolution proposals:None.

IX. New business:

a. Resolution 2015-5S-525: Student Nurses’ Association- Whereas, the student organization Student Nurses’ Association (SNA) would like to attend the National Student Nurses Association (NSNA) convention in Phoenix, Arizona from April 8 – 12th and the SNA is a student organization that strives to enhance leadership skills of UIC’s nursing students so that they can go on to offer a competitive advantage in the health care field, academic, and advocacy initiatives. Under new student leadership, the SNA has set this year as a goal to fundraise for, represent, and spread awareness for major health and social justice issues in the UIC community which includes Planning and Coordinating Parenthood, Breast Cancer Awareness, Ronald McDonald House Charities and Diabetes Awareness, HIV/AIDS Awareness and Homelessness Awareness. The SNA have fundraised money by having a concession stand at Soldier Field, having t-shirt sales for Breast Cancer Awareness, holding an auction for a Kaplan Course, and fundraising at the Hot Chocolate Run. The SNA would present at the NSNA a research proposal which proposes changing current healthcare methods and medication availability and, if chosen, would be implemented in schools and hospitals nationwide andthis would be the SNA’s fifth year of consecutive attendance which has made the SNA eligible to win the NSNA Stellar School Award which would make UIC’s nursing program standout from other top nursing programs in the Nation.The SNA formally requests for financial assistance to fund airfare expense. Let it be resolved, that the Undergraduate Student Government Assembly approves half of the Student Nurses’ Association airfare expense ($1416) for them to attend the National Student Nurses Association.Passes.

b. Resolution 2015-5S-804: Increasing the Vice-President’s budget by $2,000- Whereas the Vice President budget has been depleted for the year in his effort to support the Pop-Up Pantry.The increased funds would go to support the Pop-Up Pantry, the upcoming food drive, and the Pop-Up Benefit: A Call to Action. The Pop-Up Pantry has seen an unprecedented number of students using the service this semester, and I ask that USG continue to support this initiative. Operating the Pop-Up Pantry requires, sending mass mails to inform students of the dates, purchasing can openers, tote bags, plastic bins to store food. Promotional items include new Pop-Up Pantry labeled can openers, t-shirts for volunteers, stickers for collection bins, new fleeces and other gear for volunteers who pickup donations from the collection bins. The food drive will require mass mails, plastic storage bins. The Pop-Up Benefit will require purchasing invitations and programs from UIC copying, having other signage made for the benefit, gift bags, and a plethora of other expenses. All these endeavors go to support students at this university who need help. I remind people that having food is a basic human right, and the Pop-Up Pantry helps our very own community of students achieve that right. Let it be resolved, approve the Vice President’s budget an additional $2,000 so that USG can continue to support the Pop-Up Pantry.Passes.

X. Items for Discussion:None

X. Public forum and announcements: None

X. Voting in new members:None.

XI. Adjournment:

Joe Anderson adjourned the meeting at 4:18 PM.

Minutes submitted by Secretary of Assembly: Flordalia Rodriguez-Garcia

(7 minute limit)
President: Schulz’s Report

No report submitted.

(7 minute limit)
Vice President: Gaskew’sReport

Unfortunately, I will be absent from the meeting this evening, because I have an exam this evening and need to study for it. Please feel free to email me any questions or concerns regarding anything in my report.

Food Drive:

  • The food drive is tomorrow and Wednesday. If you want to volunteer or stop by please feel free to do so.
  • Information: 3/10 & 3/11 10:00am-5:00pm at the CSRC.
  • Marketing: Another mass mail will be sent on Tuesday. Carol had her staff pass out flyers last week. Katie posted flyers around campus. David and I posted flyers on the third floor outside our office. The Greek Programming Board is also promoting the food drive on social media, and contacting all their members to promote as well.
  • Volunteers: Thank you to those who have signed up to volunteer. The Greek Programming Board is sending a ton of volunteers again, and Katie and I will be there to setup for both days of the food drive.

Pop-Up Pantry:

  • The next Pop-Up Pantry will be on March 19th.
  • Location: 604A in SCE/ 11:00am-4:00pm
  • This Pop-Up Pantry, will be specially important, because it is the week prior to Spring Break, and we want to ensure students have food to eat during the break.
  • Marketing: We will use our Pop-Up Pantry listserv to inform students, send a mass mail, use social media, and post/ distribute flyers around campus.

Pop-Up Benefit: A Call To Action

  • I have created a planning committee for the event, which is composed of representatives from all the co-sponsors of the event. Currently organizations/ departments involved are: USG, the Wellness Center, the Office of Development, SLDVS, SAB, the Greek Programming Board, Campus Programs, American Society of Consultant Pharmacists, Pathways to Black Male Achievement, and the African Student Council. I am meeting with Annie Li, to add the Student Alumni Ambassadors, and I am inquiring if GSC would be interested in being a co-sponsor as well.
  • Everyone in the planning committee has been assigned an area of responsibility for the benefit such as, marketing, volunteers, logistics, setup, and etc.
  • The benefit will be April 13th from 5:30pm-7:30pm.
  • Vice Chancellor Nearhoof is working with Marino’s to get donations for the Pop-Up Pantry, and we would have to acknowledge them at the benefit.
  • I am working with UIC catering to try and get them to donate catering for the evening.
  • Katie is still working on the silent auction for the benefit. Several departments have already pledged items for the benefit.
  • Katie and I still have to work on the Art showcase portion of the benefit, but that will be our project for this week and we will keep you all posted.
  • There is a lot of other various details for the benefit, if anyone wants further information please just email me.

GSC Meeting

  • Jacob & I attended the GSC meeting last Thursday. GSC has been incredibly supportive of the Pop-Up Pantry, and I thanked them for their support. Moreover, I gave a short presentation about the Pop-Up Pantry, and informed them of the upcoming food drive and the Pop-Up Benefit.

(7 minute limit)
Speaker of the Assembly: Anderson’s Report


Just a reminder to try to get your reports in on time. I will not be including your report in the packet if it is submitted past the deadline (Sat. at midnight). However, I understand and realize that everyone is busy and sometimes forgets. You can always print your report out on your own or submit it orally during the meeting as well. Thanks

Robert’s Rule Session:

Both sessions have been done, thank you all for attending. For the members who could not attend I have reached out to them and am setting up a time. If you did not attend a session and I have not reached out to you yet, expect to hear from me soon.

Letter Writing Campaign:

The Director of URC Mercedez, David, and I attended the letter writing campaign last Monday. It was a huge success! We had a total of 350 students write to their legislators! Also there are Lobby Day fliers that SAA has made that we can choose to distribute if we want? They are more than happy to give us a bunch to hand out.

Service Hours:

We will be going over everyone’s February service hours in today’s meeting. If you have not done so already, you need to turn in your service hour sheet as soon as possible. You can put it in my mailbox if that is more convenient for you. Thanks.

Leadership Event/Outing:

I realize that a lot of the leaders in our committee are graduating and we will be short on members at least for the beginning of next year. Therefore, I think it’s important that we reach out to the future leaders of this organization and make sure they are ready to move into leadership roles. I am going to plan an event which will hone in on leadership skills and teambuilding practices. It’ll be fun too!

(7 minute limit)
Treasurer: Bedolla’s Report
Assistant Treasurer: TBA / Members: / Meeting Times:Tues. 2-4PM


  • Medlife: Setting up a meeting. We are working with them to get a proper proposal.
  • SNA: We contacted to congratulate them and ask for the paperwork to process their reimbursement.
  • Chicago Adaa: We are awaiting their paperwork


  • Sun has surpassed her discretionary in expenses and we are (hopefully by now have) written a resolution to fix this.
  • I looked up UIC transport rental services and the biggest vehicle they rent can carry 15 people so, we will probably go with the other company because they have a 58 people capacity.
  • RFF’s: catering, placards, etc.

(7 minute limit)
SIC Director: Uppuluri’s Report
Assistant Director:TBA / Members:David Zheng, Flordalia Rodriguez, Matt Pasko, Omero Jiménez / Meeting Times:
Wed. 2-3PM

SIC Updates:

-Reflection room/dance groups project

  • Omero & David have been working on contacting registered dance groups and asking them exactly what concerns they have. The main comments and concerns that dance groups have mentioned are: 1.) Not enough space/places to practice. AND places that are open aren’t fully adequate enough. 2.)Hard to get a reservation to practice in the atrium/ have to contact other dance groups and work around schedules to have a practice time in the atrium of East Campus Rec.
  • So far, 10 official registered dance groups were found. Got responses from Filipino Alliance, Movimiento Latino, Primo Dance Troupe.
  • I have Emailed Eric Simon some of the common concerns brought up by the dance groups and asked to schedule a time to meet with him on this issue in further detail.
  • Omero will be researching costs of resources needed to change room into a dance studio (mirrors, taking out carpeting, etc.)
  • Next steps for this week- Continue to contact other dance groups, working compiling a list of all dance groups in support of the idea of an additional dance studio on east campus/the reflection room changing into a dance studio, then working on a resolution towards this.

-ACCC/Printing project:

  • Cynthia hasn’t been getting back to me, however she has gotten me in contact with other people from ACCC to discuss this more. We have been discussing looking at the printers data on east campus, seeing where printers get the most use, and possible having more printers moved to the area(s) that have high printing traffic and students think need more printers. She should be giving me data on this soon.
  • Still unsure as to the printing money roll-over initiative as I need to talk more in depth with ACCC about this.

-Due to exam scheduling for one of my classes, I will most likely not be having a committee meeting