Technology in the Learning Spaces

Constituent Group Feedback

Group / Date / Feedback
ATC / 7/27/10 / ·  Does Redbook align?
·  Some faculty fund own workstation or grant funding
·  Drill down by school – how funded
·  Could we virtualize desktops in classrooms?
STEC / 9/10/10 / ·  Explicit changes in personnel documents re: teaching and incentives - has to be assessed
·  Speed – tablet initiative – gets away from technology classroom
·  Use of new faculty hire money – used for second computer?
·  Publish minimum standards for faculty laptop
·  SPHIS requires laptop
·  Amazon – doing away with textbooks; pilot for UofL
Full Faculty Senate / 10/6/10 / ·  Blackboard is not accessible to students with disability - why not use Angel?
·  Social networking restrictions should go both ways - faculty do not want students contacting them on Facebook
·  Upgrades of Blackboard are problematic the semester after the upgrade
·  Need to register all classrooms in Resource 25 - endorsement of the recommendation
·  Recommendation for Wimba - noted we had been vendor neutral in the recommendation
·  Confirmed that if we did all recommendations, then the rooms would be Tegrity ready
Council of Academic Officers / 10/20/10 / ·  Marcia Hern raised the question about where is technology in the scorecard? How can you show technology impacts retention/completion/performance rates?
·  Pah noted that Bob G. will be working with ATC on this very issue.
·  Rick Clover - students learn differently. Delphi Center did a session last week that was very well received by his faculty.
·  Jim Chen - might be helpful to have technology goals at university and at unit level. Way of measuring like the NSSE. Mentioned Mel Welch and his classroom 2.0 which makes the point that we should not be constrained by physical infrastructure. Dean Chin quipped "Facebook shares strange with friends while Twitter allows one to be friendly with strangers"
·  Provost asked about the status of technology budgets in the various colleges - did they still exist. A&S said theirs did. Evidently the budgets were mandated by Carol Garrison.
·  Share url with Dale B. Others directed to share TLS within their units.
·  All in all, positive feedback.
TAG / 11/04/10 / ·  In regard to recommendation #5, what about damage? Who supports?
·  In regard to recommendation #6, faculty should attend training in order to get laptop
HSC Faculty Forum / 11/1510 / ·  Basic training for using technology in the classroom should be mandatory for faculty
·  Documentation should be what user needs, not written in “technospeak”
·  Change reference to collaborative spaces to “collaborative-based learning spaces
·  Technology must be flexible enough to ensure students learn the way they want to – “their reality”
·  Continuous assessment is important
Belknap Faculty Forum / 11/16/10 / ·  How will this initiative be funded?
·  Was lab space considered?
·  What will be assessed? How technology is used and outcomes. Will work with Bob Goldstein and IR.
·  Need to ensure discussion with schools when selecting new virtual “chat” software
·  Ensure new faculty are aware of training for Blackboard

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