Curtin University of Technology

Young people’s Activity Questionnaire - Music


Dear Student,

Many of the activities you do regularly at home and school are new to your generation. We are trying to understand the impact of these activities on your physical, mental and social development. Our aim is to provide guidelines for wise participation in these activities - so you can enjoy the benefits without experiencing any problems.

We appreciate the time and effort you put in to completing the questionnaire.


Young People's Activity research team.

Q1. First some questions about you and your school.

1a / Which school do you go to? /
1b / When were you born? (Date of birth)
(eg 27th June 1990  27/06/90) / day / month / year
1c / Write the 1st, 3rd and 4th letter of your name / / /
(For example Martin) / / /
1d / What year are you in at school? / year/grade
1e / Who is your home class teacher? /
1f / What suburb do you live in? /
1g / What are your initials? /
1h / Are you a boy or girl? / 1 boy / 2 girl
1i / Do you wear glasses or contact lenses? / 1 yes / 2 no
1j / Which hand do you usually write with? / 1 left / 2 right / 3 either
1k / How tall are you? /
/ cms
1l / How much do you weigh? /
/ kgs
1m / In the last month, how often did you have any headaches?
1didn’t / 21 x month / 31 x week / 42-3 x week / 5every day
╚►If ‘didn’t’ go to question 1p
1n / In the last month, did you ever have to stop doing an activity because of the headaches?
1yes / 2no
1o / In the last month, did you take any medicine for the headaches?
1yes / 2no
1p / In the last month, how often did you have any stomach aches?
1didn’t / 21 x month / 31 x week / 42-3 x week / 5every day
╚►If ‘didn’t’ go to question 2
1q / In the last month, did you ever have to stop doing an activity because of the stomach aches?
1yes / 2no
1r / In the last month, did you take any medicine for the stomach aches?
1yes / 2no

2. Now some questions about your muscles, bones and joints.

2a / Can you do ‘tricks’ with your joints? (eg your thumb can touch your forearm)
fingers back)
1yes / 2no / 3don’t know
2b / Do your joints often feel like they need to click?
1yes / 2no / 3don’t know
2c / Have you ever had a problem with your muscles, bones or joints?
1yes / 2no
╚►If ‘didn’t’ go to question 3
2d / Please describe the problem with your muscles, bones or joints.
2di / What was the problem (for example, broken bone, scoliosis, arthritis)
2dii / Where was the problem
aneck / bmid back / clow back / shoulder/arm
dleft fright / elbow/ hand
eleft gright / leg
hleft iright / jother
2diii / How long ago you had it
2div / How it affects you now
2dv / Why do you think you had it
2e / In the last month, how often did you feel any soreness, pain or discomfort in your muscles, bones or joints?
1didn’t / 21 x month / 31 x week / 42-3 x week / 5every day
╚►If ‘didn’t’ go to question 3, page 3
2f / In the last month, did you ever have to stop doing an activity because of the soreness?
1yes / 2no
2g / In the last month, did you take any medicine to reduce the soreness?
1yes / 2no
2h / In the last month, did you see a doctor/physiotherapist/etc. because of the soreness?
1yes / 2no
Circle each body part on the picture where you felt soreness in the last month. / / 2j
For each area you circled, put a number in the box for that area to rate how much soreness you had on a scale from
0 (no soreness) to 10 (extreme soreness).

soreness soreness / aneck
bmid back
clow back
dleft shoulder/arm
eleft elbow/hand
fright shoulder/arm
gright elbow/hand
iright leg
j other
2k / What do you think caused this soreness?

3. Now some questions about…

…playing a musical instrument.

3a / In the last month, how often did you play a musical instrument?
1didn’t / 21 x month / 31 x week / 42-3 x week / 5every day
╚►If ‘didn’t’ go to question 4, page 6
3b / About what age were you when you started playing a musical instrument?
years old
3c / Have you ever felt any soreness anywhere when you played a musical instrument?
1yes / 2no
3d / List the musical instruments you play regularly.
3e / In the last month, for how long did you usually play a musical instrument each time?
1< 30 minutes / 230-60 minutes / 31-2 hours / 42-5 hours / 5>5 hours
3f / In the last month, what was the longest time you played a musical instrument without a break?
1< 30 minutes / 230-60 minutes / 31-2 hours / 42-5 hours / 5>5 hours
3g / In the last month, how often did you feel any soreness anywhere when you played a musical instrument?
1didn’t / 21 x month / 31 x week / 42-3 x week / 5every day
╚►If ‘didn’t’ go to question 3B, on page 4
3h / In the last month, did you feel any instrument playing related soreness, tingling or weakness which stopped you from playing your instrument as well as you usually play?
1yes / 2no
3i / In the last month, did you take any medicine to reduce the soreness you felt when playing a musical instrument?
1yes / 2no
3j / In the last month, did you see a doctor/physiotherapist/etc. because of the soreness you felt when playing a musical instrument?
1yes / 2no
Circle each body part on the picture where you felt soreness in the last month related to playing a musical instrument. / / 3l
For each area you circled, put a number in the box for that area to rate how much soreness you had on a scale from
0 (no soreness) to 10 (extreme soreness).

soreness soreness / aneck
bmid back
clow back
dleft shoulder/arm
eleft elbow/hand
fright shoulder/arm
gright elbow/hand
iright leg
j other
3m / What do you think caused this soreness?

3B. Now some extra questions about your musical instrument playing

3Ba / Which instrument do you play the most?.
3Bb / About what age were you when you started playing your main musical instrument?
years old
3Bc / How often do you usually do warm up exercises before music practice/performing?
1never / 2almost never / 3sometimes / 4most times / 5always
If you did warm up exercises, why?
3Bd / How often do you usually take breaks when you practice music?
1never / 2almost never / 3sometimes / 4most times / 5always
If you did take breaks, why?
3Be / How often do you usually do cool down exercises after music practice/performing?
1never / 2almost never / 3sometimes / 4most times / 5always
If you did cool down exercises, why?
3Bf / Have you been playing more or less than usual in the last month?
1much less / 2a little less / 3about usual / 4a little more / 5a lot more
3Bg / If you were playing more, why? (tick as many boxes as you need)
1exams / 2new piece of music / 3concerts / 4competition / 5school performance / 6no reason
3Bh / How did you practice more than usual? (tick only one box)
1don’t / 2play for longer / 3play more often / 4play longer and more often
3Bi / Was the piece of music you were playing in the last month more or less difficult than usual?
1much easier / 2a little easier / 3about usual / 4a little difficult / 5a lot more difficult
3Bj / In the last month, why did you play a musical instrument? (tick as many boxes as you need)
1mostly for school / 2mostly own fun / 3mostly for private lessons / 4other reasons
3Bk / How often do you usually get the feeling of butterflies in your stomach when you play music in a competition/concert? (tick only one box)
1never / 2almost never / 3sometimes / 4most times / 5always / 6have not played in a concert
╚►If ‘never’ go to question 3Bm
3Bl / Do you usually take any medicines (eg Beta blockers) for the feeling of butterflies in your stomach
1never / 2almost never / 3sometimes / 4most times / 5always
3Bm / How much do you usually enjoy playing music?
1don’t enjoy it / 2enjoy ita little / 3enjoy it / 4enjoy itvery much / 5love it

3C. Now, when and where do you practice music.

Please describe your usual weekly playing schedule (use your diary to help you remember).

Please fill in when and where you practice and for how long (eg. In my bedroom for 35 minutes)

Day of the week / Before School/ Early Morning / At School/middle of the day / After school/evening
Where / How long / Where / How long / Where /

How long

Example / Bedroom / 35 min / Class / 55 min / Band practice /

45 min


Main Instrument
Instrument No 2
Instrument No 3


Main Instrument
Instrument No 2
Instrument No 3


Main Instrument
Instrument No 2
Instrument No 3


Main Instrument
Instrument No 2
Instrument No 3


Main Instrument
Instrument No 2
Instrument No 3


Main Instrument
Instrument No 2
Instrument No 3


Main Instrument
Instrument No 2
Instrument No 3

4. Now some questions about…

…watching TV or videos.

4a / In the last month, how often did you watch TV/videos?
1didn’t / 21 x month / 31 x week / 42-3 x week / 5every day
╚►If ‘didn’t’ go to question 5
4b / In the last month, for how long did you usually watch TV/videos each time?
1< 30 minutes / 230-60 minutes / 31-2 hours / 42-5 hours / 5>5 hours
4c / In the last month, how often did you feel any soreness anywhere when you watched TV/videos?
1didn’t / 21 x month / 31 x week / 42-3 x week / 5every day

5. Now some questions about…

… drawing or writing.

5a / In the last month, how often did you write or draw on paper?
1didn’t / 21 x month / 31 x week / 42-3 x week / 5every day
╚►If ‘didn’t’ go to question 6
5b / In the last month, for how long did you usually write or draw each time?
1< 30 minutes / 230-60 minutes / 31-2 hours / 42-5 hours / 5>5 hours
5c / In the last month, how often did you feel any soreness anywhere when you wrote or drew?
1didn’t / 21 x month / 31 x week / 42-3 x week / 5every day

6. Now some questions about…

…playing electronic games.

6a / In the last month, how often did you play electronic games (hand held games like Game Boy and TV/console based games like Play Station)?
1didn’t / 21 x month / 31 x week / 42-3 x week / 5every day
╚►If ‘didn’t’ go to question 7, next page
6b / List the electronic game equipment you use regularly.
6c / In the last month, for how long did you usually play electronic games each time?
1< 30 minutes / 230-60 minutes / 31-2 hours / 42-5 hours / 5>5 hours
6d / In the last month, how often did you feel any soreness anywhere when you played electronic games?
1didn’t / 21 x month / 31 x week / 42-3 x week / 5every day

7. Now some questions about…

…using a desktop or laptop computer

7a / In the last month, how often did you use a computer?
1didn’t / 21 x month / 31 x week / 42-3 x week / 5every day
╚►If ‘didn’t’ go to question 8
7b / About what age were you when you started using a computer?
years old
7c / In the last month, for how long did you usually use a computer each time?
1< 30 minutes / 230-60 minutes / 31-2 hours / 42-5 hours / 5>5 hours
7d / In the last month, what was the longest time you used a computer without a break?
1< 30 minutes / 230-60 minutes / 31-2 hours / 42-5 hours / 5>5 hours
7e / In the last month, how often did you feel any soreness anywhere when you used a computer?
1didn’t / 21 x month / 31 x week / 42-3 x week / 5every day

8. Now some questions about…
…other hand intensive activities.

8a / In the last month, how often did you do other activities where you use your hands a lot (eg sewing, yoyo, woodwork/metalwork, making models, making jewelry, playing cards)?
1didn’t / 21 x month / 31 x week / 42-3 x week / 5every day
╚►If ‘didn’t’ go to question 9
8b / List the activities you do regularly where you use your hands a lot (crafts, playing cards, etc.)
8c / In the last month, for how long did you usually do these activities each time?
1< 30 minutes / 230-60 minutes / 31-2 hours / 42-5 hours / 5>5 hours
8d / In the last month, how often did you feel any soreness anywhere when you did these activities?
1didn’t / 21 x month / 31 x week / 42-3 x week / 5every day

9. Now some questions about…

…vigorous physical activities.

9a / In the last month, how often did you do vigorous physical activity (activities that make you puff or your heart beat faster like running, football, netball, hockey, vigorous dancing, bike riding)?
1didn’t / 21 x month / 31 x week / 42-3 x week / 5every day
╚►If ‘didn’t’ go to question 10, next page
9b / List the vigorous physical activities you do regularly.
9c / In the last month, for how long did you usually do these activities each time?
1< 30 minutes / 230-60 minutes / 31-2 hours / 42-5 hours / 5>5 hours
9d / In the last month, how often did you feel any soreness anywhere when you did these activities?
1didn’t / 21 x month / 31 x week / 42-3 x week / 5every day

10. Finally,

10a / Were your activities over the last week different to usual?
1yes / 2no
If ‘yes’ please describe how your activities were different

10b. Trace your left and right hand along the ruler on the next page and mark your thumb tip and finger tip, just like the picture below.

10bHand Span

Place your hand along the ruler, spread fingers as far as possible and mark your thumb tip and little finger.

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