Holy Love Messages on
The Blessing of Truth
Given at
Maranatha Spring and Shrine
September 16, 2014 - January 13, 2016
September 16, 2014
"I am your Jesus, born Incarnate."
"The fulfillment of My Commandments is what will save the world from wars, terrorism and disasters. These Commandments are encapsulated in Holy Love. It follows that those who oppose Holy Love, oppose Me."
"I have taken this property - a wilderness * - and transformed it into a sanctuary of great favor and peace [Maranatha Spring and Shrine]. It is here souls are offered, with certainty, every possible grace to transform their lives and to be saved from the treachery of Satan."
"These are serious times when souls seem unable to distinguish good from evil. This is why I offer, here, the Seal of Discernment. The values of the world have produced an acceptance of evil, and this acceptance has become more important than the Light of Truth to many. Now, you live in a society of moral decadence. The righteous are persecuted for opposing this degeneration."
"You must be brave in your convictions. Do not give in to moral relativism. Here, on the property, I will give you the strength of perseverance in the Truth. I will give you my Blessing of Truth."
* Reference to the Book of Revelation 12:6
Read 2 Thessalonians 2:13
Read 2 Thessalonians 3:1-5
September 17, 2014
Maureen asks: "Jesus, what is the difference between the Seal of Discernment and the Blessing of Truth?"
Jesus says: "The Blessing of Truth more specifically helps the soul to discover the compromise of Truth and abuse of authority in leadership."
Maureen asks: "Is it retroactive, covering those who already came here?"
Jesus says: "No."
Maureen asks: "Must the person come to the property to receive it?"
Jesus says: "Yes."
Maureen asks: "Does everyone who comes receive it?"
Jesus says: "Only those who come with a sincere heart."
September 18, 2014
"I am your Jesus, born Incarnate."
"You are asking about My Statement that the Blessing of Truth will be given to those with a sincere heart who come to the property [Maranatha Spring and Shrine]. A sincere heart is a heart free of any hidden agenda towards faultfinding in regards to the Mission. This is reminiscent of My instructions concerning discernment. Discernment is not an investigative process looking to support a pre-conceived notion. * True discernment searches out the Truth and is open to the Truth."
"Many come here hoping to find negatives and to support rash judgment. I will withhold My Blessing of Truth from such as these; but to those to whom I extend this Blessing, Truth will be revealed. They will be enlightened as to where the compromise of Truth lies and as to who is abusing power. These are the ones I will shelter in My Mournful Heart."
* A pre-conceived notion is an opinion one holds without searching for Truth. Jesus has provided Messages previously regarding the difference between opinion and discernment.
Read Titus 1:15
To the pure all things are pure, but to the corrupt and unbelieving nothing is pure; their very minds and consciences are corrupted.
September 19, 2014
Friday Service - For all those falsely accused within society, governments and within Church circles; that all calumnies are exposed by Truth and for World Peace
Jesus is here with his heart exposed. He says, "I am your Jesus, born Incarnate."
"My brothers and sisters, accept the cross and victory as one. This is your surrender to Me; then, I can use you as My perfect instrument in the world."
"Tonight I'm extending to you My Blessing of Truth."
September 26, 2014
Friday Service - For all those falsely accused within society, governments and within Church circles; that all calumnies are exposed by Truth and for World Peace
Jesus is here with his heart exposed. He says, "I am your Jesus, born Incarnate."
"My brothers and sisters, tonight I invite you to surrender to Me all your excesses, whether it be emotions, attachment to people or things, reputation - give it all to Me, so that I can make you simple vessels of Holy Love."
"Tonight, I'm anointing you with My Blessing of Truth."
September 27, 2014
"I am your Jesus, born Incarnate."
"My brothers and sisters, realize the evil times in which you now live. This is the season of error when sin is being re-defined and overlooked. It is the season of blasphemy and abomination, all designed by evil confusion. This is why I come to you with My Mournful Heart - calling you to recognize the abuse of authority and the compromise of Truth. This is why I graciously offer to you My Blessing of Truth."
"With this Blessing [of Truth], I am anointing you with apostleship. I am calling you to be apostles of Truth - the Truth of Holy Love. I am intervening in the conscience of man - helping him to see the difference between good and evil. I am helping mankind to see that not all authority is just authority and deserving of blind obedience."
"This is the hour when consciences must be well-formed in the Truth of good versus evil according to the Commandments. There must be no confusion. Confusion is a stumbling block on the road to salvation. The Commandments are not, and never have been debatable. Sin is sin. Do not choose to follow the most convenient or accommodating path. I call you into the Light of Truth. Choose it."
Read 2 Thessalonians 2:9-12
September 29, 2014
Feast of the Archangels - St. Michael, St. Gabriel and St. Raphael
St. Michael the Archangel says: "Praise be to Jesus."
"Today, I come, as Jesus allows, to accentuate the importance of the knowledge of good versus evil. These days, Satan has successfully disguised evil as good. He does this by concealing hidden agendas, by using people of high authority and rank in the world, and by promoting within hearts love of worldly esteem, money and power. Such ambitions oppose humility and Holy Love."
"What people do not grasp, these days, is the importance of recognizing evil for what it is despite outward appearances. You must identify the enemy before you can fight him. Evil is most often disguised as good as a means of gaining a foothold in well-meaning souls."
"For these reasons, the Blessing of Truth and the Seal of Discernment offered here on this property [Maranatha Spring and Shrine] have added importance in the battle between good and evil. The Blessing of Truth gives the soul unwavering resolve to discover the Truth and to unmask evil."
"I am the Vanguard of Victory in every battle against the Dragon. God desires my Shield of Truth be placed over every heart, and in His Final Victory - over the heart of the world."
"Therefore, I stand guard over this property by my lake. The Heavenly Peace you feel here is under my protection. I extend my Shield of Truth to all who visit me here."
Read Psalm 5 - Trust in God for Deliverance from Enemies
October 6, 2014
"I am your Jesus born Incarnate."
"The greatest portion of My Grace awaits the one who comes to the property [Maranatha Spring and Shrine] in simplicity. Such a one does not come looking for miracles or proof, but in Holy Love he comes here to please God."
"Do not fall into a certain spiritual self-satisfaction, feeling you have all the answers and can be told nothing new. The Holy Spirit refreshes every present moment in new and exciting ways when you are open to the Truth."
"Allow your pilgrimage here to be your gift to Me. I will shed light upon the path of Truth for you with My Blessing of Truth."
October 6, 2014
Monday Service - Peace in All Hearts through Holy Love and World Peace
Jesus is here with His heart exposed. He says: "I am your Jesus born Incarnate."
"My brothers and sisters, tonight I have come to help you in your ongoing battle to distinguish good from evil. You will have peace and security in your hearts if you obey the Truth, and so tonight I'm imparting to you My Blessing of Truth."
November 3, 2014
Feast of St. Martin de Porres
Monday Service - Peace in All Hearts through Holy Love and World Peace
Jesus and St. Martin de Porres are here. Jesus' Heart is exposed and He says: "I am your Jesus, born Incarnate."
St. Martin is holding a broom.
Jesus says: "My brothers and sisters, the way to sanctity, the way to proceed along the path of personal holiness, is to imitate this humble saint in service of others."
"Tonight, I'm extending to you My Blessing of Truth."
November 10, 2014
Blessed Mother says: "Praise be to Jesus."
"Dear children, by now you must realize that every conflict is a battle in hearts of good versus evil. Souls who come here and receive the Seal of Discernment, as well as the Blessing of Truth, are not exempt from choosing untruth over Truth. This remains a matter of free will, which God does not interfere with. However, this Seal and Blessing help in more clearly defining good as opposed to evil, thus making it more difficult for the soul to oppose the Truth of good."
"It remains for the heart to be open to the Truth, avoiding any disordered self-interest or ambition. Those who come here are given every opportunity to believe in the Truth of this Mission but, ultimately, belief remains a matter of free will."
"It is here, on this property [Maranatha Spring and Shrine] and through these Messages [of Holy Love], that many battles are fought."
Read Ephesians 6:10-16 *
Synopsis: The warfare of Christians (whose strength comes from the Lord and His Power), is a spiritual warfare.
December 19, 2014
"I am your Jesus, born Incarnate."
"I come, once again, to rally all people and all nations into one effort - the Consecration [of the heart of the world] to the United Hearts. This is the key to living in the Truth, for no one can live in Holy Love and support sins such as abortion and same-sex marriage."
"These days, confusion is in the lead. 'Freedom' has become synonymous with sin. Righteousness - Truth - is persecuted. But here, at this site [Maranatha Spring and Shrine] and through these Messages, I give you the solution. Consecration to Our United Hearts is the peace and security you search for."
"If you come to the property, you will be given the Seal of Discernment and the Blessing of Truth, provided you do not come looking for reasons not to believe. True discernment is the search for the Truth without a pre-conceived opinion or desire for a certain outcome."
"When I come, as I have, to give you a solution, you must choose to use it with your heart."
Read Mark 7:6-8 *
January 27, 2015
Our Lady comes as Mary, Refuge of Holy Love. She says: "Praise be to Jesus."
"Today, I invite you, once again, to pray for the heart of the world. It is the ability of this heart to distinguish good from evil, which will determine the future of the world. This all encompassing heart is comprised of every heart world-wide. Therefore, I once again and always, invite all people and all nations to this prayer site [Maranatha Spring and Shrine] to receive the Seal of Discernment and the Blessing of Truth. Without these special gifts, you are easily tricked into accepting evil as good. Your priorities become compromised and you place much credence in unworthy opinions of others. The result is the confusion in the world today, where, who says what matters more than what is being said."
"The graces offered here are given to unscramble the opinions in hearts which have compromised the Truth. Those who come here must be ready to surrender such opinions if they are convicted to do so by merit of these graces."
"Sometimes, what souls accept as good looks good on the surface, but there is a hidden agenda underneath which is evil. The Blessing of Truth helps the soul to realize what lies hidden. The Seal of Discernment aids the soul in recognizing where he is being led. Of course, evil attempts to discount these Truths."
"Pray for the strength of the heart of the world, for then you are praying for every soul to live in the Truth."
March 18, 2015
Our Lady comes as Mary, Refuge of Holy Love. She says: "Praise be to Jesus."
"Dear children, the spiritual battle between good and evil is waged in every heart. The soul must be armed with the Truth in order to be successful in this spiritual warfare. Those who openly oppose Heaven's intervention here are losing this battle and need our prayers."
This is why I repeatedly tell you, discerning the difference between good and evil is so vital to your salvation. This is why the Seal of Discernment and the Blessing of Truth are offered here. This Mission is all about the salvation of souls. It is not about predictions, or power or money. The Messages are spiritual guides to godliness - guidance most leadership is lacking."
"The path of Light - the path of Truth - must be laid bare by pointing out the pitfalls along the way - namely, sin. Sin is not spoken of or acknowledged by most today. This is why Truth is the weapon that the soul needs to be saved. Truth is Holy Love in action."
Read 2 Timothy 1:13-14*
May 30, 2015
"I am your Jesus, born Incarnate."
"You are asking in your heart the difference between the Seal of Discernment and the Blessing of Truth. The Seal of Discernment helps the soul to discover the difference between good and evil. The Blessing of Truth helps the soul to discover the Truth in all situations. Notice I say in each instance 'helps the soul'. It is not magic. The soul must cooperate with the grace that is given."