Capital Area College Tech Prep Consortium
Friday, Nov 13, 2009
9:00-11:00 am
HBC 201
Members Present:
Annette Gregory Austin ISD/ACC
Clenton LaGrone, Manor ISD
Charlene Aguayo, San Marcos ISD
David Willingham, Florence ISD
Donna Pauler, ACC
Elizabeth Crownover, Manor ISD
Geralyn Elmore, Pflugerville ISD
Gloria Smith, Jarrell ISD
Grace Trevino, ACC
Bud Hazlett, Fredericksburg ISD
Kay Wing, Elgin ISD
Kim Martinez, ACC
Les Hudson, Bastrop ISD
Mark Kincaid, Pflugerville ISD
Mison Zuniga, ACC
Pat Betzner, Eanes ISD
Pilar Westbrook, Del Valle ISD
Ray Larson, Manor ISD
Ryan Merritt, Lake Travis ISD
Tammy Caesar, Austin ISD
Tasha Wilson, Luling ISD
Tim Strouse, ACC
Staff Present:
Sharyl Kincaid, Rebecca Robinson-Francis and Sandra Lavender
I. Welcome and Introductions Charlene Aguayo
The meeting was called to order at 9:00 a.m. and followed with introductions of all members present.
II. Minutes from Sept 18, 2009 Charlene Aguayo
The minutes of the April 17, 2009 meeting were read and approved.
III. Budget Report Rebecca Francis
A report of the 2009-2010 CACTPC budget was given showing expenditures for the grant period. Rebecca further explained expenses related to webinars, ACC professional development grants, software needs for electronic meetings and the $12 overage.
IV. Old business Sharyl Kincaid
A. Mini-grant Awards
A report was given on the status of the 2009-2010 high school Mini-grant
B. College Mini-grant Awards
The due date for college application was extended to Dec. 18, 2009. A request was made to research a possible offering of online summer professional development.
C. Articulation Workshops
Sharyl shared a chart titled ‘CACTPC Teacher Attending Articulation Workshops and PEIMS Coding Workshop by School District and ACC Program Area for Fall 2009’. Teachers that attended the workshop by webinar during the presentations were counted in the total. Sharyl reviewed the process and expectations for teachers using the webinar option. Webinar costs totaled $3600, and discussion followed on ways to maintain on online option with reduced costs. A hospitality articulation workshop may be held in the spring due to a request from the ACC dept.
D. CATEMA training and enrollments
It was suggested that teachers set up classes by the end of the 4th six weeks and that students should enroll in CATEMA classes by the end of the 5th six weeks grading period. Training on the CATEMA system was offered during articulation workshops; however, Sharyl is always happy to provide additional assistance.
E. Articulation Agreements
Requests for new or revised articulation agreements should be sent to Sharyl ASAP; all others should be reviewed and will be so stated on the CACTPC website.
V. New Business Sharyl Kincaid
A. Six Year Plans
Six year plans by program and by district are located on the CACTPC website. Kathleen Park, TEA, has requested that six year plans are written for each high school rather than by district. Six year plans are sent to TEA to represent each school’s Tech Prep program and include dual credit and articulated credit in addition to high school courses that lead to degrees and certifications in program areas. Discussion followed on access to the six year plan template and how to update each with the appropriate coherent sequence by high school. Gerri Elmore suggested that a separate link on the CACTPC website directly to the six year plans would be helpful to parents and students.
B. SBOE discussions and decisions
1. PE for work-based learning CTE courses
Sharyl read excerpts from the Sept 28, 2009 Texas Education News pamphlet detailing SB891 (Nelson) regarding PE waivers for work-based learning CTE courses. Discussion included notice of a letter from the CTAT director, Robin Painovich, to SBOE for consideration of the effect on current and future students.
2. Technology Credit
HB3 removed the requirement for technology credit from the recommended graduation plan in 2009. Discussion included conversations by Commissioner Scott and suggestions contributed by members present as related to planning for 2010 (and forward) programs.
3. THECB site visit
The THECB has scheduled a Perkins Technical Assistance visit to Austin Community College Feb 2-4, 2010. The agenda will focus on visits to all campuses that have technical programs and the Tech Prep program. Support may be requested on the budget and of consortium members.
4. New CTE courses and TEKS
Sharyl displayed where to find information on the TEA website related to 2010 TEKS, clusters, and crosswalks. Discussion included:
· The timeline for decisions from SBOE to identify CTE courses that will satisfy math, science, fine arts, and speech credits
· Draft of the first 8 ATC cluster crosswalks
· ATC training and evaluation or possible re-evaluation of qualifications
· Involvement of End-of-Course exams to possibly replace ATC teacher certification
· Student certifications remain emphasized by Perkins grant
· Member suggestion on how to build a coherent sequence
· Teacher certifications in draft form and grandfathered certifications
· Science and math certifications /HOUSE certification
· Member suggestion of importance to study actual TEKS not limited to course title or summary description – note enhancement of new/rigorous additions to courses
· SBOE certification website
· Discussion of the June 14 and 15 New TEKS required training for all CTE teachers presented by Region 13
VI. Adjourn
The meeting ended at 10:30 with Charlene Aguayo thanking everyone for their attendance.
2009-2010 Consortium Meetings Friday, Jan 29 9:00-11:00
Friday, April 23 9:00-11:00