East Hanningfield C. of E. Primary School
Spring Term 2018– 2nd Half
Also available on:
Please ensure you check your child’s book-bag every night. We have had a few instances lately where children have missed or been late for an event because their parents have not read the relevant letters that have been put in their child’s book-bag. Thank you.
Parents Evening
Thank you to all those who attended our recent parents meetings. We see parent/school partnerships as extremely important and thank you for your continued support.
Friends of East Hanningfield School
FOEH held a very successful quiz night raising £300! Half of this will go to school funds and the other half to Farleigh Hospice. This term FOEH will be holding some Easter fundraising events. More information to follow!
Swimming Lessons
Swimming letters will be going out this half term. Our lessons will start in the Summer term. I am happy to announce that this year we will also be swimming in the first half of the Autumn term.
Clubs will take place every week this half term apart from Church Club that has specific dates that are detailed below. If your child has a place in a club the expectation is they will attend each week unless ill.
Supporting Farleigh Hospice
Mrs Clare James our Deputy Headteacher is running in this year’s London Marathon for Farleigh Hospice. If you would like to support her and Farleigh please donate using her just giving page below;
We wish her lots of luck with her training and the challenge of a Marathon!!
In aid of Farleigh we will also be selling Easter Flumpetsfrom Tuesday 27th February for £2 each. If children would like to bring their money to school and Year 6 will be coming in to classes to sell them.
Dates for your diary
19thFeb – Back to School & Clubs on
21st Feb - Church Club is on
26thFeb – BOOK WEEK!
1stMar – World Book Day & Dress as a Character!
2nd Mar – Dance Workshop – all classes
7th Mar – Class 1 & 2 Trip to Braintree Museum
- Church Club is on
8th Mar – Mother’s Day Lunch
13thMar – AM – Infant Music Festival – Year 2
21stMar – Church Club is on
23rdMar –Sport Relief–Wear something sporty!
-Parents Assembly – All parents welcome
-Easter Disco KS1–4.15–5 KS2–5.15-6.15
27thMar – Assembly in the church – Parents Welcome!
29thMar – Last day of Term!
We return to school Monday 16th April 2018. / Book Week!
A reminder that next week is Book Week. There will be a number of activities taking place over the week. Thursday is World Book Day and we will be dressing up as book characters. We look forward to seeing everyone’s imaginative ideas!
Easter Disco
The teachers will be holding an Easter Disco for the children on Friday 23rd March.
Reception & KS1 - 4.15pm – 5.00pm
KS2 - 5.15pm – 6.15pm
The cost of the disco will include squash & crisps. Letters to follow. All proceeds go to school funds.
Mother’s Day Lunch
Just a reminder that we will be holding our Mother’s Day lunch at 12noon on the 8th March. If you would like to attend please ensure you have completed the slip with payment and return to the school office asap.
During the coming weeks, Miss Rainford is going to be developing a 'Gym Trail' course. This will involve lots of gross and fine motor skill activities that will benefit children who find pencil and scissor work tricky along with some PE activities such as balance or catching. If you have any of the following games at home and no longer use them, she would welcome them being brought into school:
• Operation/Time Shock,
• Twister,
• Kerplunk,
• Large skittles/bowling,
• Pots of unopened playdough.
Please bring them to the school office.
/ / Safeguarding
Please be aware that if parents wish to come to the office they should walk around the outside of the school and not through the school or if they wish to use toilet facilities on the school premises could they please come to the office.
Reminder - To meet our safeguarding commitments we will now be locking the school gates promptly at 9 am. Please ensure your child is in school by this time. If you arrive at school at 9am, or afterwards, please bring your child to the office to sign them in, please do not enter via the school gates as these will be in the process of being locked. Thank you.
Tesco and Sainsbury Vouchers
The school has again registered for both schemes. If you shop in either store please collect the vouchers and send them into school. School can redeem the tokens for a range of equipment. This is really worthwhile.
We also are still collecting “Box tops for books” from Nestle Cereals.
School dinners
April’s baguette special will be roast chicken. Thank you for your continued support.
Music lessons
Music lessons recommence on Tuesday 16th April for guitar and Monday 22nd April for piano and recorder.
Letters were sent out this week detailing swimming for next term. Please collect another letter from the office if you do not receive a copy.
Book Club orders
Thank you to all those who ordered from the book club. We received £18.05 in commission and have ordered books for the children.
The Great East Hanningfield Bake Off
The school kitchen is running a competition for the children to draw a picture of their favourite cake. The winning entries will go on the school dinner menu and be cooked by Mrs. Skudder before the end of the summer term. The four winning entries, one from each class, will also receive a small prize. The entry form is attached and the closing date for entries will be Tuesday 16th April.
“Bags 2 School”
We are again collecting for “Bags 2 school” this year. Bags 2school are a commercial organisation that pays us for collecting old clothes, textiles, shoes, bags and belts. The school will receive 50p per kilo for what we collect.
Empty bags have been sent out this week. The collection will be on Wednesday 17th April 2013 by 9am. Storage before the day is difficult for us but please speak to the office if you are unable to leave bags at the front of school on 17th April. Thank you for your support.
If you would like to find out more about Bags2School please visit their website at: / The following children have received Achievement certificates in March:
Layla Wing, Toby Saunders, Eve Sharp, Rhylan Webberley, Madison Faulkner, Oliver Grabski
Emily Chapman, Katharine Warley, Harry Lambert, Layla Roberts, Louis Cheek, Isla Sewell,
Kamil Kaminski, Jack Williams
Hannah Sturrock, Bertie White, Oliver Howe, Olivia Moss, Ben Gamlin, Lucy Woodroff, Abbie Tricker,
Holly Liddiard.
Mason Sweeting, Arabella Fletcher, Tony Richmond-Chennells, Josh Ashcroft, Brooklyn Tracey, Harry Howett, Erin Fortey, Chanel Tricker, Harry Byfield
Summer Term clubs
The members of staff running the following clubs will be preparing letters for your child to take home in the first week of the term.
Clubs will start week commencing 22nd April
The last week of clubs will be Monday 8th July
Monday pm: Key Stage 2 Choir (4.00pm finish)
Tuesday pm: Gardening club Key Stage 1 &2 (4.00pm finish)
Tuesday pm: Cricket club – Years 5 & 6 (4.15pm finish)
Wednesday 8.10am: Key Stage 2 Gym club
Wednesday pm: Key Stage 2 Dance club(4.00pm finish)
Thursday pm: DT club (4.00pm finish)
Non pupil days for 2013-2014
The school calendar for September 2013 to July 2014 is attached. It shows the non pupils days that have been set and agreed by the Governing Body.
The diary for the summer term is shown below.
If you have any concerns or questions at any time please contact me through the school office. Our next newsletter is due out at the end of April.
Happy Easter
I hope you all have a lovely Easter and an enjoyable break. I look forward to seeing you all on Monday 15th April 2013.
Mr. Crisp’s retirement
Thank you for all the contributions that you have made to Mr. Crisp’s retirement present. We would all like to wish him a happy and healthy retirement.
On Thursday 28th March there will be an assembly at 9.15am for the parents of class 4 children as well as any parents that would like to say farewell to Mr. Crisp.
There will be no stay and share this week.
Miss Kerry Collins Headteacher