1. This application is open to all LaSalle and Grundy County graduating
seniors of Seneca High School.
2. Print clearly in ink.
3. Complete all areas applicable to you.
4. Attach the following documents to this application form.
a. Verification of Admission for the next academic year.
(Letter of acceptance from an institute of higher education)
b. Letter of Recommendation (only one) from your Principal,
Teacher or Counselor.
c. Personal Letter indicating the reasons you are applying for this
scholarship and your plans for the future.
5. Submit the completed application with the documents stated above to
Delta Theta Tau Sorority c/o Seneca High School Guidance Office.
6. An interview with several members of the Delta Theta Tau Scholarship
Committee will be conducted.
7. Delta Theta Tau Sorority scholarship funds will be sent to the recipient’s
prospective college or university. Funds must be used during the regular
school year for tuition or books only.
8. Applications are due by Monday, April 4, 2016.
I hereby certify that the statements herein are true and correct to the best of my knowledge. I have enclosed my application and a copy of the following documents:
_____a. Verification of Admission
_____b. Letter of Recommendation (only one)
_____c. Personal Letter
Applicant’s Signature
Delta Theta Tau Sorority
Golden Members Memorial Scholarship Application
Personal Data Sheet
Name of applicant: ______
Address of applicant: ______
Telephone Number: ______
Name of college to which scholarship would be applied:
(If undecided, list your top two choices)
Major course of study intended to pursue: ______
Current G.P.A.______
Name of parent or guardian: ______
Address of parent or guardian: ______
Please list below any scholarships, grants, or other financial aid, and the amount awarded to you at the time this application is submitted.
Description/Name Amount
1. ______
2. ______
3. ______
4. ______
Personal References:
Student Activity Information
Please complete all sections. Do not be modest. All of this information will be used by the scholarship committee to assist with the selection process. If you need more space, please use an additional sheet of paper.
Extra-Curricular Activities: Please list all activities in which you have participated during high school. Include clubs, teams, organizations, and musical groups. Also include major accomplishments in each area.
Activity Year Accomplishments
9 10 11 12
Community Involvement: Please list community activities in which you have participated and note any accomplishments in each area. These should include any activities outside of school in which you participated for the betterment of your community. Some examples would be 4-H, Girl or Boy Scouts, volunteer groups or community endeavors.
Activity Year Accomplishments
9 10 11 12
Leadership Positions: Please list all elected or appointed leadership positions held in school or community activities. Include only those positions in which you were directly responsible for directing or motivating others. Examples would be elected as a club or class officer, team captain, 4-H treasurer, etc.
Activity Year Accomplishments
9 10 11 12
Academic Honors and Awards: Please list honors and awards such as Rookie of the Month, Honor Roll, Illinois State Scholar, etc.
Honor or Award Year
9 10 11 12