Laura Woodward PTO Meeting
Tuesday, October 18, 2016
Attendees: Abby Berlin, Linda McNaughton, Rebecca Lay, Ryan Malany, Tara Drennen, Michele Brockett, Elizabeth Kelly, Jody Everett, Kathy Shelton, Jessie Glass, Michelle King, Kristen Shoeff, Holly Shuter
- Introductions
- Guest Speaker, Patrick Higgins, from Boy Scouts of America.
- Woodward is one of only three schools in DCS without BSoA Den.
- Terra Nova Church has agreed to be Woodward charter sponsor. They are willing to host meetings and have agreed to fill 2 out of the 6 required leader positions.
- Woodward will be hosting an information meeting on Tuesday, October 25th at Woodward Library at 6:00 p.m.
- If traditional program isn't possible, Scout Reach Program is an option. More of an after-school based program.
- Pack meetings (organized by grade 1-4) are 1x per month.
- All 1st graders are required to have an adult present at events.
- Den meetings (den is comprised of the packs) are 1x per month.
- Pack leaders meet 1x per month.
- Leaders are required to complete an online course and a background check. 2 deep leadership requirement applies.
- Fees are $2/month per member. Uniform requirement varies by den. As a beginning den, many just order a customer t-shirt. Otherwise a uniform shirt is $30.
- Pack calendar typically runs on the school year calendar. During the summer, packs typically coordinate 1 activity per month.
- Bobcat Program provides an initial list of requirements that typically allows for members to receive a badge after the first meeting.
- Spring recruiting is an option to recruit Kindergarteners.
- Approval of prior meeting minutes (Michelle Brockett, Rebecca Lay)
- Review Treasurer Report
- Review Principal and Staff Report
- Behavior Communication
- No longer doing clip charts.
- Harlem Wizards
- Game scheduled against Pacer All Stars for Thursday, October 27th. Tickets can be purchased in advance through the school.
- A short 30 minute assembly will be held the day of the game for 1st through 4th graders in the afternoon at Woodward.
- Parent Teacher Conferences
- PD Day and Two-Hour Delay
- Partnerships with OWU
- Literacy classes with 2nd graders.
- Construction Update
- Review President's Report
- Thank you to all that helped with Breakfast with a Buddy.
- Grant requests
- Approved pre-school fall field trip.
- Box Tops
- Earned $200+ for September.
- Fall Fundraiser
- Little Caesars Pizza totaled more than $8,800 in sales. Woodward profit TBD.
- Winter Fundraiser
- Foertmeyer & Sons Holiday Plant sale to begin 10/21.
- Holiday Open House
- Information to be sent out soon for volunteer opportunities.
- Next PTO meeting scheduled for 11/15 and will have Officer John Hartman to discuss stranger danger.
- Adjourment