Upon reviewing this handbook, please sign and return page 77 Acknowledgement of Receipt.

Grant Joint Union High School District
1333 Grand Avenue
Sacramento, California 95838
Parent and Student Handbook
Telephone: (916) 570-0287
A Service of the
Division of Educational Services
and the
Office of Communications and Community Relations



The purpose of education is to free individuals from their personal limitations.


The Grant Joint Union High School District will provide a new education for a new economy and will graduate students who are lifelong learners and productive citizens; maximizing individual development in mind, body and spirit.


The goals of the Grant Joint Union High School District Governing Board are as follows:

Graduation: Increase the percentage of students scoring proficient or above on the California High School Exit Exam;

Reality: Increase the number of students who are prepared for employment as a result of the District’s Career and Technical Education Programs;

Academic Achievement: Increase the number of students scoring proficient or above on the California Standards Test (CST);

National Recognition: The district will use exemplary models of effective education; and

Technology: Increase the accessibility, training and use of data and technology.


Linda Thompson, President

Annette Emery, Clerk

Frederick A. Gayle, Board Member

Patrick Kemp, Board Member

Richard Standley, Board Member

Dr. Larry Buchanan, Superintendent


Academic Guidelines...... 6-10
Acknowledgment of Receiving Annual Parent Notification and the Student Handbook Form……………… 77
Attendance and Types of Absences, Truancy...... 11-14
Automobiles on Campus ...... 15
Anytime(Charge) School……………………………………………………………………………………… 44-45

Behavior Guidelines –Suspensions and Expulsions...... 15-26
Board of Education...... ………… 2
Bus Safety Rules and Conduct ...... 27
Closed School Campus...... 27
Complaint Procedures/Forms ...... 66-68
Detention after School...... 27
District Office Telephone Numbers ...... 4
Dress and Grooming...... 27-28
Eligibility for Co-Curricular Activities/Athletics...... 29
Enrollment of Students Expelled from other School Districts ...... 17
Enrollment Verification...... 29
Free and Reduced Lunch Information (Application attached) ……… ………………………………… 71-74

Grading ………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 44

Health Services and Medication release ...... 44, 76

Healthy Kids Survey Release Form ………………………………………………………………………. … 34, 77

High School Graduation Requirements and Ceremonies...... … 6-8
Inspection of Records………………………………………………………………………………………… 45

Instructional Materials/Films...... 31
Law Enforcement-Removing Student From School ...... 31
Media Release Form...... 69
Mission Statement ...... 2

No Child Left Behind Act…………………………………………………………………………………. .. 55

Open Enrollment (Intradistrict) ...... …. 53-54

Parent Annual Notification of Education Codes (48980)………...... … 31-49 Programs and Services (Contact Person )...... 65 Regular Portable Communication Devices……………………………………………………………………. 26

Questions or Concerns about the Grant District...... 63-64
Radios, Headsets, Tape Recorder/Players, Televisions, and Beepers ...... 31
School Property Restitution ...... 45
School Addresses and Telephone Numbers ...... 4
School Site Guidance and Counseling Services ...... 5-6
School Uniforms………………………………………………………………………………………………. 28-29

Search and Seizure...... 26

School Calendars…………………………………………………………...... 71

Special Education Rights...... 46
Substance Abuse Prevention/Intervention Program ...... 47
Technology/Acceptable Use Form…………………………………………………………………………… 50-52

Transfer of Records………………………………………………………………………………………….. 45

Trespassing...... 53
Transfers to and from another school district...... 53
Visitors ...... 54
Work Permits...... 54


1333 Grand Avenue 3222 Winona Way, Suite 200

Sacramento CA 95838 North Highlands, CA 95660

Superintendent...... 286-4921
Board of Trustees ...... 286-4922
Assistant Superintendent - Business Services ...... 286-4881
Assistant Superintendent-Human Resources...... 286-4819
Associate Superintendent-Educational Options

Deputy Superintendent-Educational Services ...... 286-4860
Business Office...... 286-4881
Career Ed./ROP/Summer School ...... 286-4905
Office of Communications and Community Relations ...... 286-5153
Testing and Assessment ...... ….. 286-4986
Facilities Planning ...... 286-4946
Food Services ...... 286-3806
Instructional Technology...... 570-0210
Curriculum Instruction...... 286-4941
Maintenance and Operation...... 286-4961
Multicultural Services ...... 286-4988

Personnel Office ...... 286-4816
Police Services/ Campus Safety ...... 286-4875
Psychological Services ...... 286-5011
Purchasing ...... 286-3822
Professional Development...... 286-4980
Student Services ...... 286-3826
Transportation ...... 263-6323

District Schools
Grant Maritime Technologies 286-1056 Keema High School 570-0216
1400 Grand Ave., Sac 95838 5201 Arnold Avenue, McClellan 95652

Martin Luther King, Jr. Technology Academy Norwood JHS 649-6600

286-4700 3051 Fairfield St., Sac 95815 4601 Norwood Avenue, Sac 95838
Miles P. Richmond School 286-5095 Nova Community Day School 286-7566
4330 Keema Ave., NH 95660 2035 North Ave., Sac 95838

Foothill Farms JHS 286-1400 Pacific Career/ Tech HS 286-1970
5001 Diablo Dr., Sac 95842 3800 Bolivar Ave., NH 95660
Foothill High School 286-1300 Rio Linda High School 286-4500
5000 McCloud Dr., Sac 95842 6309 Dry Creek Rd., Rio Linda 95673
Grant Union High School 286-1000 Rio Linda JHS 286-1601
1400 Grand Ave., Sac 95838 1101 G St., Rio Linda 95673
Grant West 286-1200 Rio Tierra JHS 286-1500
1221 South Ave., Sac 95838 3201 Northstead Dr., Sac 95833
Highlands Academy of Arts & Design (7-12) 286-1701 Vista Nueva Career/Tech HS 286-1100
6601 Guthrie Way, NH 95660 2035 North Ave., Sac 95838


Welcome to the Grant Joint Union High School District. This student handbook is provided for every student in the Grant District as a reference guide. The information provided is to help you have a productive and positive experience in the Grant District.


A counselor shall review the academic and deportment record of each student in grades 7-12, and meet with each student and, if practicable his/her parent/guardian, to explain the records. At the meeting, the counselor shall also explain the student’s educational options, the coursework and academic progress needed for satisfactory completion of middle school or high school and passage of the high school exit examination, and the availability of career technical education. If such services are available to district students, the educational options discussed shall include college preparatory and vocational programs, including regional occupational centers and programs and any other available alternatives. (Education Code 52378)

The Superintendent or designee shall identify students in grades 7-12: (Education Code 52378)

1. Who are at risk of not graduating with the rest of their class

2. Are not earning credits at a rate that will enable them to pass the high school exit examination

3. Do not have sufficient training to allow them to fully engage in their chosen career.

The district shall provide the following services:

1.  List of Coursework and Experience: For students in grades 10 and 12 who have not passed one or both parts of the high school exit examination, the district shall provide a list of coursework and experience necessary to assist them in their respective grade and to successfully transition to postsecondary education or employment. For students in grade 12, the list shall also include options for continuing their education if they fail to meet graduation requirements, including, but not limited to, the option of enrolling in an adult education program, enrolling in a community college, or continuing enrollment in the district. (Education Code 52378)

For students in grade 7 who are deemed to be at the far below basic level in English language arts or mathematics pursuant to the California Standards Test administered in grade 6, the district shall provide a list of coursework and experience necessary to assist them to successfully transition to high school and to meet all graduation requirements, including passing the high school exit examination. (Education Code 52378)

A copy of the list of coursework and experience shall be provided to the student and his/her parent/guardian. The list shall also be included in the student’s cumulative record. (Education Code 52378)

2. Individual Conference: For students in grades 7, 10, and 12 who have been provided the list of

coursework and experience detailed in item #1 above, the district shall offer and schedule an individual

conference with each student, his/her parent/guardian, and a school counselor. During the conference, the

counselor shall apprise the student and his/parent guardian of the following: (Education Code 52378)

a. Consequences of not passing the high school exit examination

b. Available programs, courses, and career technical education options needed for satisfactory

completion of middle or high school

c. The student’s cumulative records and transcripts

d. The student’s performance on standardized and diagnostic assessments

e. Available remediation strategies, high school courses, and alternative education options

f. Information about postsecondary education and training

g. As applicable, the student’s score on the English language arts or mathematics portion of the

California Standards Test administered in grade 6

The individual conference shall be scheduled, to the extent feasible, within the following timelines: (Education Code 52378)

a. For students in grade 7, the conference shall occur before January of the year in which the

student is in grade 7.

b. For students in grade 10, the conference shall occur between the spring of the year the students are enrolled in grade 10 and the fall of the following year in which the student would be enrolled in grade 11.

c. For students in grade 12, the conference shall occur after November of that school year in which the student is enrolled in grade 12, but before March of that same school year.

Beginning in grade 7, parents/guardians shall be notified at least once before career counseling and course selection so that they may participate in the counseling sessions and decisions. (Education Code 221.5)

No counselor shall unlawfully discriminate against any student. In addition, when exploring the possibility of careers and courses leading to such careers, counseling staff shall not differentiate career, vocational, or higher education opportunities on the basis of the sex of the student. (Education Code 221.5; 5 CCR 4930)

For appraising or counseling students, the district shall not use testing or other materials that permit or require impermissible or unlawful differential treatment of students. (5 CCR 4931)


(In Alpha Order)


The Grant Joint Union High School District has high academic standards and expects all students to master the California State Standards and educational opportunities that reflect an ever-changing and global economy. Upon graduation, Grant students will be prepared to pursue post-secondary options in education, training or employment that continues to promote life long learning, productive citizenship and maximize development in mind, body, and spirit.


1. Promotion for grades seven and eight will be based on passing 4 specific core –academic

classes during the year; 2 academic classes must be passed the 2nd semester; Contact your school counselor for specific criteria.

2.  Academic instructional support is available during the school day through intervention classes and Opportunity programs. Academic support is also available after school.


1. Graduation from the Grant Joint Union High School District will require the successful completion of at least 220 credits, which are accumulated at the rate of 30 per semester, 60 per school year in grades 9,10,11, and 12.

2. A student may earn five high school credits upon successful completion of a course.

3.  High school students will move sequentially through their four years of high school until they

graduate from high school.

4. If a student does not earn the 30 credits per semester, parents will be notified by the school about instructional opportunities to recover those credits.

5. The California High School Exit Exam (CAHSEE) and the Computer Technology Proficiency exam must be passed in order to complete graduation requirements.

6. The following are required subjects that must be taken to graduate:

English / 8 Semesters (4 years) / 40
World History / 2 semesters(1 year) / 10
Laboratory Science (1 year of biological science and 1 year of physical science) / 4 semesters (2 years) / 20
United States History / 2 semesters (1 year) / 10
Civics/American Government / I semester (1/2 year) / 5
Economics / I semester (1/2 year) / 5
Physical Education / 4 semesters (2 years) / 20
Mathematics (Algebra I required) / 6 semesters (3 years) / 30
Visual & Performing Arts/or Foreign Languages or Practical Arts (Maximum 10 credits of Practical Arts) / 4 semesters (2 years) / 20
Health Education/First Aid / 9 weeks (1/2 semester) / 2.5
Driver's Education / 9 weeks (1/2 semester) / 2.5
Elective Courses / Four years (12 semesters) / 55
TOTAL / 220



ALL students are required to pass the California High School Exit Exam in order to graduate. Beginning in the sophomore year students are required to take this exam until they have passed both the math and language arts sections. A student must earn a score of 350 in order to pass each section.


Language Arts
9th & 10th grade standards / Mathematics
6th 7th & 8th grade standards
·  Vocabulary
·  Informational Reading
·  Literary Reading
·  Written Oral Language
Written Strategies / Mathematics
·  Statistics, Data Analysis, and Probability
·  Number Sense
·  Algebra and Functions
·  Measurement and Geometry
·  Mathematical Reasoning


Senior students who have met the graduation requirements of the district by the last calendar day of any given school year, have no outstanding debts to the school, and deemed eligible to participate in graduation ceremonies by the principal are invited to participate in the graduation ceremony at the school of their attendance. Students who have not met all the graduation requirements by graduation day of any given school year, have not repaid all financial obligations to the school, and/or deemed ineligible by the principal will not participate in the graduation ceremony.

1. The student shall receive a diploma from the district comprehensive high school in which he/she has successfully completed the final semester of his/her senior year.
2. If the student completes his/her requirements at continuation high school, the diploma will be awarded by the continuation high school.
3. If the student completes his/her requirements at the district's Keema High School (Independent Study) the diploma will be awarded by Keema High School.
4. If the student completes his/her requirements as a regularly enrolled student in Adult Education, the diploma will be awarded by the Adult Education Division.