Texas Italian Greyhound Rescue
(Middle Eastern Saluki Rescue in care of TIGR)
Middle Eastern Saluki Adoption Application
Email Address:
Home Phone:
Work Phone:
Cell Phone:
Place of employment:
Work address:
Area in which you live: City/Suburban/County
Type of residence: Single family home/Apartment/Condo/Duplex/Other
If other what type?
Do you own or rent?
If you rent please provide landlord’s
Phone number:
Do you have permission to have a pet?
Do you currently have or ever had a Saluki?
What is your knowledge of the breed?
Why are you interest in adopting a Saluki?
Do you have a completely fenced back yard?
What type?
How tall?
Do you gates have locks?
Do you have a pet door?
In addition to the fenced yard, how will you exercise your Saluki?
Number of adults in home?
Children and their ages?
What other pets do you have? (breed/type, sex, age, altered/unaltered)
Approximately how many hours a day will your dog be left alone?
Do you own a crate?
What size?
Approximately how many hours per day do you think a Saluki would be in a crate?
Where will your Saluki spend its time during the day?
And at night?
If you go away on vacation/business, where will the Saluki stay?
Are you aware that special care needs to be taken when a veterinarian
administers anesthesia to a Saluki?
Yes No
Sex preference: Male Female
What age dog would you prefer?
Do you prefer the smooth or feathered coat type?
Please include names and phone numbers of one or two references.
Name, address and phone number of your current veterinarian.
Does current veterinarian have Sighthound experience? Yes No Unknown
Do you agree to immediately notify TIGR should the foster dog become lost or stolen?
In assuming responsibility for the ME Saluki, I agree to never abuse or allow anyone in my charge to abuse him/her. The term “abuse” used herein shall mean physical aggression, the withholding of food, water, shelter and /or emotional neglect. I agree to provide a loving home including in-house sleeping privileges, and a balanced diet. Furthermore, I understand and agree to never transport or allow anyone else to transport this animal in the open back of any truck or pickup. When transporting for any reason, this animal will be properly leashed with ID tags and confined to the inside of the auto, with adequate ventilation and never left unattended. I agree never to allow the Saluki to be off leash unless in an area which is completely safe and free of traffic.
I agree that this animal will not be bred, nor fought, nor used for a guard or attack purposes. I will not give or sell this animal to another person, company, organization, medical research facility, pound or animal shelter. Furthermore, I will not, for any reason, temporarily surrender the physical possession of this animal to any person, rescue, shelter or business entity unless prior written consent is received from TIGR.
If my address, telephone number or email address is changed I agree to notify TIGR immediately.
I have read the above agreement and understand and agree to the terms and conditions herein stated.
Name (print):
TIGR Contact Information for ME Salukis:
Robin Toula – TIGR President