Menucha Commission Minutes
April 15, 2014
Members present: Micah Chu, Rick Lee, Joyce Malin, Allen Nesbitt, Melissa Olmsted, Chris Razzano, Joey Razzano, Tim Sercombe, Steve Snodderly, Susan True, Jim Walsh, MaryKay West
Members absent: Victoria Alley, Jeff Foley, Chris Rasmussen
Menucha staff members present: Scott Crane, Lauren Deming, Tim Kurkinen, Donna Leamy, Spencer Parks, Ernie Yoder
The Commission meeting began with devotionand prayer led by Spencer Parks.
A quorum was declared. The minutes were approved by a unanimous vote.
TASK GROUP REPORTS (replacing committee reports)
- Menucha’sPricing Structure and Rate Review. Key contact: Melissa Olmstead. The group is working along and on track to present a report at the June meeting.
- More Understandable Financial Statements. Key contact: Rick Lee. Planning to meet with Sally Bowder to review any constraints in FPC’s financial software. MaryKay West requested adding a column for % over/under and a column for a brief narrative, if needed, to explain the over/under.Date for completion: TBD depending on Sally’s availability.
- Monthly Financial Statement Review. Key contact: Micah Chu. Micah shared a report entitled “Budgeted Financial Statement for Period 06 February 50%” (attached).
- Budget. Key contact: MaryKay West. This task group needs to meet soon. FPC budget worksheets are due in a month. Report due at Commission’s June meeting.
- Future Planning. Key contact: Tim Sercombe. Group has met several times and submitted a memorandum outlining their progress and the 4-chapter report they intend to create (attached). They recommended two items to the Commission:
1) Adoption of a new mission statement. The Commission voted in favor of this.
2) Adoption of new revenue projections, which would require the addition of several persons “skilled in financial wizardry.” The commission added the names of Joey Razzano and Jerry Johnsonto provide financial expertise. One additional person from the Finance Committee may be added as well.
A new task force was created to give direction to the financial aspect of the proposed mission statement. The key contact for this group is Chris Razzano, and they plan to have a preliminary report at the June meeting.
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- Deferred Maintenance.Key contact: Steve Snodderly. This group met, reviewed the historical maintenance list, prioritized items and created an updated deferred maintenance forecast (attached). The categories are A (need attention in 1-5 years),
B (6-10 years), C (10+ years), and Greening (for inclusion in the current Friends of Menucha Foundation Greening of Menucha Campaign). They are still seeking cost estimates for a number of items and expect to have a final report at the June meeting.
- Staffing During Down Times. Key contact: Allen Nesbitt. The group met and is working on having a report ready for the June commission meeting.
- Ernie’s House. Key contact: Joey Razzano. Ernie will not be moving until October. See Item K, Gift Shop Recommendations, below.
- Volunteer Recruitment/Management. Key contact: MaryKay West. We are beginning to build our Resource Council. Lacey Hinkle of HMH Advertising and Jerry Johnson of Johnson Economics accepted our invitation to serve in this capacity. Spencer promised to answer MaryKay’s email regarding the scope of tasks to be performed by the Organizer of the Memorial Day Work Weekend. He’ll also send names of those who’ve turned down the job of Organizer of the Croquet Tournament.
- Greening Project. Key contact: Steve Snodderly. We know the scope of the project for Wright Hall. Next we’ll need to figure out the costs associated with greening our other historic buildings. The group will collect these costs by the June meeting so that grant writing may begin.
- Gift Shop Recommendations. Note: this is not a task group job; it was assigned to Joey Razzano by the Executive Director. Joey reviewed the gift shop’s sales, policies, history and talked with staff and volunteers who work on it. She submitted a report (attached) with short- and long-term recommendations. The five priorities that Menucha could implement right away are:
1. Set up a better record-keeping system for sales.
2. Provide branded products online (sweatshirts, hats, etc.) or offer them with group reservations (“For an extra $5 per person we could provide t-shirts for your group.”)
3. Create a policy for inventory that all items must meet one of Menucha’s missions.
4. On consigned items, require a certain amount of hours of volunteer work from consigner.
5.To cross train current staff to work in the coffee bar and the gift shop. - STAFF REPORTS:
Ernie and Tim: Spring means we are busy, rain or shine. Among other things, we’ve been mowing and aerating lawns, spraying garlic mustard, and preparing the pool. When asked, Tim also reported that his 7 week old daughter, Lucy Louise Kurkinen, is not sleeping very much but is pretty adorable.
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Donna: The office is busy. More calls are coming in to request price quotes. Our weekly deposits are increasing as we receive money for groups coming this summer. Weekend office worker Pat Haffner is off for the foreseeable future because her husband Larry was injured in a parasailing accident. He is recuperating in an Arizona rehab center. Our office staff is taking turns covering on Saturdays and Sundays until Pat is able to return to work.
Lauren: We’ve just mailed over 1,800 postcards to local nonprofits, inviting them to come for lunch and a look around. A reporter for The Gresham Outlook newspaper is coming next week to interview people about our centennial celebration. This Thursday night she’ll participate in a speed networking event with a Beaverton-based nonprofit group, trying to meet as many nonprofits as possible as quickly as possible.
Scott: In May, two FPC members will lead 1-day art events: Joey Razzano leads a scrapbooking day on May 10 and Candace Primack teaches a silk scarf dyeing workshop on May 5. We’re very pleased that many people attended our Ukulele Band Camp and our first Practical Church Leadership seminar. We are still working to get more attendees for our Dulcimer Festival. Scott asked Commission members to consider allowing Menucha clergy staff to serve communion for four upcoming Menucha programs: Wright Lecture Series 2014, Pastors Unplugged 2015, Bread and Wine 2015, and Transitional Ministries 2015. It was moved and seconded, and approved. On a personal note, Scott fulfilled his pledge to buy and plant over 200 trees to replace ones illegally cut by our Johnson neighbors along Menucha’s entrance road.
Spencer:Chef Becky Lindsay is leaving to tend to elderly relatives full-time. Under her leadership, our kitchen has been a functional, low-drama workplace, and we are grateful for her years with us. May 2 is her last day. We’ve advertised the job and held initial interviews. There are 3 candidates who will come out to Menucha to beinterviewedby the staff. Each one has many years of experience. Even if we hire someone rapidly, it looks as if Spencer will need to serve as food service manager for 1-2 weeks in May.
Regarding the timber trespass along our entry road: we’re still not finished with the insurance companies. California Casualty has a new person working on our claim, and Spencer will be in contact with the new representative.
Easter Sunrise Service at Menucha starts at 6:30 a.m. on April 20 in Wright Hall. If the weather is good, we may finish the service on the terrace. The Rev. Dick Wiggers (HR) is preaching. There is coffee, juice, pastries afterwards. We usually get 60 – 80 attendees.
There being no further business, Scott Crane closed the meeting with prayer.
Respectfully submitted,
Lauren Deming
- Dialogue with FPC Business office: We need easier-to-understand financial statements. Rick Lee (Spokesperson- SPOX) and Jeff Foley. Menucha staff resource: Spencer
Start date: April 1, 2014 Date for completion: August meeting 2014
- Menucha’s Future: Strategic Plan; Master site-plan: Tim Sercombe (SPOX), Rick Lee, Chris Rasmussen and Chris Razzano. Menucha staff resource: Spencer
- Deferred Maintenance List update: Steve Snodderly (SPOX), Jim Walsh, Chris Razzano
Menucha staff resource: Ernie/Tim/Betty Jane
Date for completion: April 2014 meeting
- Staffing: Looking at different staffing models; wages, staffing during down times:
Allen Nesbitt (SPOX), Joey Razzano Melissa Olmsted
Menucha staff resource: Becky Lindsay
Progress report: April 2014 meeting Rough draft: June Meeting 2014
- Budget: MaryKay West (SPOX), Rick Lee, Micah Chu, Allen Nesbitt
Menucha staff resource: Spencer
Date of Completion: June 2014 meeting
- Review Financial Statements Monthly: Micah Chu (SPOX), Rick Lee and Allen Nesbit
Menucha staff resource: Spencer Progress report: April 2014 meeting
- Greening Project: Focus on 3 areas: Lighting, Insulation/air sealing, and remodel of dining hall area possibly reducing window size. Steve Snodderly (SPOX), Chris Rasmussen, Joyce Malin. Menucha staff resource: Ernie/Tim
Progress Report: April 2014 meeting - Re-evaluate Pricing Structure for Menucha: Looking at competitive pricing and sufficient income: Melissa Olmsted (SPOX), Joey Razzano. Menucha staff resource: Spencer
Progress Report: April 2014 Meeting, Rough Draft: June 2014 meeting
- Outside Lighting: Chris Rasmussen (SPOX), Menucha staff resource: Spencer
Progress Report: June 2014 meeting
- Volunteer Recruitment (including Memorial Day Work Weekend and Annual Croquet Tournament) and Management and Resource Council items:
MaryKay West (SPOX), Rick Lee, Susan True Menucha staff resource: Lauren
Progress Report: as soon as posssible
- Future Plans for Ernie’s House: Joey Razzano (SPOX), Melissa Olmsted, Susan True
Menucha staff resource: Spencer
Progress Report: June 2014 meeting