1. Full Name: ABANG, Sunday Owen
2. Department: Political Science
3. Faculty/College: Social and Management Sciences
4. Date and Place of Birth: December 15, 1966, Mbube, Cross River
5. Nationality: Nigerian
6. Marital Status: Married
7. Number of Children: One
8. Name and address of Spouse: Mrs. Gloria Owen Abang, No 86 Rumford
Street, Suncity Estate, Abuja.
9. Name and address of Next of Kin: Abang David, No 420 Kida Bus, Abesan, Ipaja Estate, Lagos
10. Date of First Appointment with the University: September 11, 2007
11. Status of First Appointment and Salary: Assistant Lecturer
UASS 2 Step 1
12. Present Position and Salary: Lecturer II /UASS 3 Step 7
13. Date of Last Promotion / Re-grading: February 10, 2009, Lecturer II
14. Date of Confirmation of Appointment: November 14, 2014
15. If not confirmed, why? Not applicable
16. Period of Present Contract: Not applicable
17. Total Number of Years of Teaching and Research: Olabisi Onabanjo University, 7 years
B. Educational Background
1. Academic Qualifications with Dates/ Issuing Authority:
i. B.Sc. Political Science, University of Jos 1991
ii. M.Sc. International Relations, University of Uyo 2002
iii. PhD International Relations, University of Calabar 2008
2. Current Higher Degree Programme Registered For (IF ANY): Nil
3. Awards and Distinctions: Nil
C. Work Experience
1. Previous Work Experience Outside the University:
i. Station Manager, Customer Service Officer, ADC-Airlines,
Muritala Muhammed Airport, Domestic terminal Ikeja, Lagos Nigeria. 1994 - Dec.2002
ii. Teacher, St. Bartholomew Secondary School. Wusasa, Zaria, Nigeria Jan.1993-Jan. 1994
iii. Teacher, Army Secondary School, Odogbo, Ibadan, Nigeria. Sept.1991-Sept 1992
2. Previous Work Experience in other Universities: Nil
3. Details of Professional Experience at Olabisi Onabanjo University:
I. Teaching Functions:
Course Code Course Title Units
i. POL 221: Introduction to International Relations 3
ii. POL 337/PUB 335: Local Government in Nigeria 3
iii. POL 345/PUB 367: Comparative Federal Systems 3
iv. POL 445/PUB 453: The Military and Politics 3
v. POL 360/ PUB 366: The Government and Administration of Urban Systems 3
II. On-going Research
i. Abang, S.O. The Dynamics of Nigeria’s Foreign Policy: A historical view
ii. Abang, S.O. Issues and challenges in International Peacekeeping Operations.
iii. Abang, S.O. Boko Haram Insurgency: A Challenge to Nigeria National Security
III. Administrative Functions and Contribution to the University
i. Departmental Examination Officer 2009 – Date
ii. Member, Faculty Board of Studies 2009 - Date
iii. Member, Faculty Board of Examiners 2009 - Date
iv. Member, Faculty Examination Committee 2012 - Date
IV Contribution to the Nation
i. Sub-committee member, Cross River State Government and Organized Private Sector Initiative: Nov 5- Nov 30, 2002.
ii. Member, 1st Cross River - State Tourism Forum December 15, 2002
iii. National Youth Service Scheme 1991
D. Membership of and Registration with Professional Bodies:
i. Nigeria Institute Of Management (NIM) 2000 to date
E. Publications
1) Abang, S.O. (2008) “September 11, 2001, Attacks on United States of America and the
Emerging World Order” PhD. Thesis in International Relations Submitted to The Graduate School, University of Calabar, Calabar, Cross-River State, Nigeria.
2) Abang, S.O.(2002) “United Nations Peace Keeping Operations: A Case Study of Somalian Crisis”, M.Sc. Thesis in International Relations Submitted to Post Graduate School, University of Uyo, Uyo, Akwa-Ibom State, Nigeria.
ii. Books: Nil
iii. Monographs: Nil
iv. Journal Articles:
3) Akinsanya, A. A., Abang. S.O. and Egugbo C. (2007). “Federalism and the Politics of Revenue
Allocation: A Different View”. Unical Journal of Policy and Administrative Studies 2 (1), pp 56-79.
4) Abang, S.O.(2012) Understanding terrorism in the 21st century: Approaches and Dynamics.
International Journal of African Culture and Ideas 12(1&2), pp 83-97.
5. Abang, S. O. (2013) Misplaced Aggression in International Relations: A Personal Attack on
the United States President in Iraq.”.IOSR: Journal of Humanities and Social Science. 16(2), pp 103-108
6. Abang, S. O. (2014). “International Actions Against Terrorism: An Overview”. ICHEKE: Ignatius Ajuru University Journal of the Faculty of Humanities, 12:1, pp 670-685.
7. Abang, S.O. (2014) United Nation’s Charter and Contemporary Global Crises: An Overview.
UniUyo Journal of Politics and Administration, 1:1, pp 1-10.
8. Abang, S. O. (2014) “The Niger Delta Crisis and the Role of Government Agencies in Nigeria”
African Identities Journal, 12.2 pp 180-195.
v. Paper Accepted for Publication - Journal Articles (With Letter of Acceptance):
9. Abang, S.O.(2012) Foreign Interventions in Somalia: the Said Barre’s Intractable Solution.:
Uniosun Journal of Politics and Society, Osun State University
10. Abang, S.O. & Ajayi F.O.( 2013) From OAU – AU: African Political -Economic Impact on the International System African Journal of Institutions and Development (AJID)
Obafemi Awolowo University lle-Ife, Osun State.
vi. Contribution to Books:
11. Abang, S. O. (2013) Political and Social Change. In An Introduction to Political Science in
Nigeria (eds) by A. A. Akinsanya and J. A. Ayoade. Lanham, M.D.: University Press of America. pp 109-116.
12. Akinsanya. A.A., Abang, S.O. lsijola G. and Egugbo, C. (2013). Non- Alignment As an Approach to World Peace and the Nuclear Age: An Anthology. In An Introduction to Political Science in Nigeria (eds) by A. A. Akinsanya and J. A. Ayoade. Lanham, M.D.: University Press of America. pp 227-243.
vii. Published Conference Proceedings: Nil
viii. Technical Reports: Nil
x. Unpublished Conference/Workshop Paper and Published Lectures Nil
F. Conferences Attended with Dates and Papers Read Nil
G. Contribution to National and International Life.
1. Within The University:
i. Departmental Examination Officer 2009 – 2014
ii. Departmental coordinator, part time programme 2009-2014
iii. Member, Faculty Board of Studies 2009 - 2014
iv. Member, Faculty Board of Examiners 2009 - 2014
v. Member, Faculty Examination Committee 2012 - Date
2. Outside the University:
iv. Sub-committee Member, Cross River State Government and Organized Private Sector Initiative Nov 5- Nov 30, 2002.
v. Member, 1st Cross River - State Tourism Forum December 15, 2002
vi. National Youth Service Scheme 1991
Signature Date
Abang, Sunday Owen, PhD
1. Overall evaluation by the head
Professional / Outstanding / Very Good / Good / Average / PoorTeaching/ Professional Competence
Research Activity
Contribution to Curriculum Development
Overall Contribution to the Nation
2. Comments by Head of Department, including special Recommendation for
………………………………… ………………………………………..
Head of Department Date
3. Comments by Provost of College/ Dean of Faculty
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Signature of Provost of College/ Dean of Faculty Date