Board Meeting Minutes
March 7, 2016
Attendees: Sean O’Connor, Jen Sjoldsted, Dave Smith, Cisco Holland, Karen Mullen, Frank Burgess, Chris Nylen, Lisa Thornton, Michelle Flaherty, Steve Hearn, Mike Connors, John Crotty
Opening Remarks
- Sean delivered the agenda to all attendees and opened the meeting.
Treasurer’s Report
- Terie was unable to attend but U8 and U10 registrations are up to 256 (100 at last meeting) which helped. Terie noted the next morning we are up 5% from last year at this time.
- All voted in favor of a $200 donation to St. Mary’s
Registrar’s Report
- Frank delivered the Registrar’s report. Overall, numbers have come up but we would like to have more u8 and U10’s sign up. We would like to remind the coordinators and coaches to send emails to last year’s coaches and teams – late fee applies on and after 3/15.
- U12 to U19 we have 21 teams registered and possibly 2 more. GU16 and BU18.
- It was noted that this is the first time in many years that we have had a BU19 team which is a positive reflection of SHS and SSC Soccer programs.
Uniform Update
- Michelle Flaherty has ordered uniforms and are all set for March delivery. She was able to get the 4 sets of pinnies with the excess funds from wegotsoccer.
- Karen has ordered the U8 and U10 uniforms from Challenger and they are all set for March delivery.
Coastal Rep Report
- Coastal and MYS new rule. No heading at U10 and under. Please check rules for U12 heading.
- Schedules, scores, rankings, fields and directions will all be on google docs moving forward. Please make sure Coaches are reporting their scores so they are uploaded into the standings. This will make things easier for everyone.
Coordinator’s Reports
- Please remind all of your Coaches that anyone that fills in for them MUST be korried. Assistants/parent helpers. It is an easy process and can be done quickly. Contact Cisco to make sure it gets done.
- Travel Coach’s Meeting tentatively scheduled for Saturday 3/19 or Monday 3/21.Will let you know asap.
- In Town Coach’s Meeting tentatively scheduled for Monday 3/28.
- Starting this Fall, all Coaches and staff will be required to wear lanyards and present passcards.
Player Clinics
- Dave is working on player clinics. Once we have field availability we will know for sure. They will be done by FC Stars.
- Planning on doing some conditioning clinics with FCUSA to get travel teams ready for Spring season. Will depend on field availability.
- We are still waiting for field availability for clinic and practice times.
- Please try to send your players to the clinics.
- If you do get field space for practice, try and coordinate with another team to do joint practices.
- If you are unable to use your scheduled practice time, please let your Coordinator know so they can assign the spot to someone else if possible.
- Frank is going to put together a welcome letter out to coordinators to send to coaches to forward on to parents; sportsmanship, expectations, player safety, report time to games. Coaches will also be given practice drills and outlines.
- Frank will organize high school student coaches, if they can attend a practice and home games, that would be great.
In progress:
- We discussed bringing trained coaches on to coach higher level teams to retain club players.
- Talked about ways to come up with training schedules/outlines for coaches to assist and attract coaches and get them up to speed.
Field/Equipment Report
- Shed is being delivered on 3/9.
- Sandbags, balls, medkits ice packs are being ordered by Frank.
- We will be using Flannery Field at the High School and Mr.C’s is moving to Jenkins. Mike and Frank will coordinate on setting up that field – 3 U8 fields. U11 and U14’s also use. May have to pick a third color to line the fields with.
- Mike will coordinate with DPW on lining all of the fields and setting up the nets.
In Progress:
- Can we put a box at the High School for storage?
- Looking into buying wheel kits to keep nets in better shape. $470/set
Referee Update
- Cassandra is looking for people
- Please try and call or write Kevin Cantwell to explain the need for younger referees. We need 12 and 13 year olds to be eligible again so we have more refs.
- No heading for U10 and under in games or practice, will result in a free kick.
Coaches Meeting
- Tentatively 3/23
- Season dates 4/9 – 6/11
Fundraising/Sponsorship Update
- Open Position – Find a New Fundraiser for Sponsors!!
Picture Day
- Picture day will be at Gates – Mike Foley
- Eastern Exposure will be the vendor again
- EE will pay the janitor fees
World Cup
- U10 Jamboree scheduled for the last day of the season. 6/11
- Challenger would like to set up Spirit Wear Tent - portion of proceeds comes back to SSC. Karen will speak with Barry.
General Updates
In progress:
- Michelle will work with Cheryl Nelson on inquiring about a merchandise link through wegotsoccer to put on our website and send out to players to generate income.
- May confer with SHS soccer boosters and find merchandise that works for everyone.
Next Meeting:
Monday 4/12