Collegiate Health Services Corps
The City College STEM CDI has partnered with the Manhattan-Staten Island Area Health Education Center to provide the Collegiate Health Service Corp (CHSC) exclusively to City College Students. The STEM CDI will give participating students the training, experience and support they need to be competitive in career searches and professional school admissions processes. Through a series of carefully designed projects, workshops and training sessions, participants work to:
- Increase their marketability and earning potential
- Develop skills to conduct successful job or graduate school searches
- Establish professional contacts
In addition to access to these trainings, CHSC participants will have experiences designed for those interested in a career in health care. The CHSC is designed to introduce undergraduate students to health careers through service learning experiences. CHSC participantsinternat health facilities located in medically underserved areas and help address community health needs.
Eligibility Criteria
□Applicants must be CCNYsophomores or juniors(during Fall 2016) with GPAsof at least 2.7 in a STEM major with plans to pursue a health field (medicine, nursing, dentistry, etc.) and maintain at least half time enrollment status.
□Applicants must be able to commit to the following:
- All CHSC participants will complete a minimum of 100 hours at their project/leadership placement from January 2017 to May 2017. Projects will vary depending on participant interest and service learning site placement.
- A minimum of five hours a week at their placement;
- Attendance and completion of all training sessions;
- Participation in a mock interview;
- Mandatory attendance of and participation in 6 reflection sessions held on Saturdays (one per month starting in October).
Please complete the application form below. You may return the application to us by printing out the completed application and delivering it to the address below or you can save the form, and then email the form with the required application materials to the e-mail address below.Please return the completed application with the essay, resume, and unofficial transcript to:
Emiko Morimoto, Associate Director of STEM CDI
Shepard 10C
Name: ______Date: ______
Ethnicity: Date of Birth: ______
□American Indian or Alaskan Native
□Asian (Cambodia, Malaysia, Pakistan, Vietnam)
□Asian (China, Philippines, Japan, Korea, India)EMPL ID#______
□Black or African American
□Hispanic or Latino
□Native Hawaiian or other Pacific IslanderOther Language(s) Spoken:______
□Other/Multiracial ______
Gender: ______
Major: ______Anticipated Date of Graduation:______
Address: ______
Street Apt/Suite
CityState zip code
Permanent Address (if different from above): ______
City Statezip code
Phone Number: ______Cell Phone Number: ______
Area code Area code
CCNY Email Address:
Preferred Email Address (if not your Citymail account): ______
Please attach a copy of your resume.
Unofficial Transcript:
Please attach a copy of your unofficial college transcript.
Collegiate Health Services Corps
Please rank your top three Primary Care Fields (1 as top choice):
___Family Medicine ___Emergency Medicine ___Pediatrics ___ Mental Health ___Dentistry
___Nursing ___Other Allied Care Profession______
Please rank three Service Learning Projects in order of interest (1 as top choice):
___Obesity Education ___HIV/AIDS Prevention ___Asthma Awareness ___Diabetes Education
___Health Care for the Homeless ___Adolescent Health Issues ___Pre-Natal Care Education
___Preventing Domestic Violence ___ Oral Health Awareness ___STD/STI Prevention
On a separate document please describe your interest in the health professions and explain the importance of working with medically underserved populations. Please explain how participation in the CHSC program will help you in your pursuit of a health career.
Are you a former MSI AHEC Participant?
Collegiate Health Services Corps
□Yes ______