Timmons PTO 2017/2018 Meeting Minutes

Wednesday, November 8, 2017

9:30 am - TES Multi-Purpose Room

Board Member Attendees

Timmons PTO 2017/2018 Meeting Minutes

Wednesday, November 8, 2017

9:30 am - TES Multi-Purpose Room

Dave Rogaliner, Principal

Andrea Solak

Becky Alexander

Carla Murphy

Carla Stachiw

Heath Robertson

Jason Lawenda

Jessica Filipkowski

Julie Voudris

Kate Rucker

Kristin LeFeber

Marla Zwinggi

Missy Spellacy

Suzanne Albano

Traci Felton

Timmons PTO 2017/2018 Meeting Minutes

Wednesday, November 8, 2017

9:30 am - TES Multi-Purpose Room

Welcome and IntroductionsTraci Felton, President

●Traci opened the meeting 9:36 am

Approve Minutes from October 11th Meeting (attached)

●October minutes were approved as presented

Principal's ReportMr. Dave Rogaliner, Principal

●The third grade music program in honor of Veteran’s Day is Friday, November 10th. Mrs. Nutter has invited veterans to tell their stories and demonstrate a flag folding ceremony for the students after program.

●Teachers participated in a professional development program on writing last week. Takeaways included: the importance of broadening journaling prompts and that each student should write a minimum of 7:42 minutes/day. Teachers who attended presented to their grade level teams.

●By law Timmons is required to hold a security drill by December 1st and a total of three drills/year. Messaging to the kids is always age-appropriate, but never sugar coated.

●The PEAK trait for November is gratitude. We are thankful for everything parents and the PTO do. The home-school connection is vital for student success.

●Special thanks to the PTO for funding the purchase of i-Pad cases.

●Timmons Elementary has been awarded the Ohio Gold Award for the fifth year in a row. This speaks to the importance of our play blue program and our general health and wellness curriculum. Thanks to Mr. George and Mrs. Maestros for all of their work. Mrs. Maestros submits the application and will receive the award on behalf of the school at a conference next month.

●Traci's note: PTO the technology reserves from cookie sale paid for the i-Pad cases. The rest will move into playground improvements.

Treasurer's Report Traci Felton for Katie Reed

●Please send your expense forms in so we can close out events. These final numbers will help us build the budget for next year.

PTO Council ReportBecky Alexander, Vice-President

●Council is continuing to work to create universal bi-laws. An example addresses voting. Voting requires a critical mass. 50% of our committees plus 1 must be present to hold a vote. Please especially attend meeting when votes are on agenda.

●Santilli gave details on all facility incidences. Middle schoolers will be back in their building as soon as possible. In the meantime, the other buildings have been very hospitable.

Grade Rep Reports

●Kindergarten (Carla Stachiw)

○Math: focusing on 2D and 3D shapes.

○Social Studies: Learning about Veteran’s Day and The First Thanksgiving including history and traditions

○Science: Unit on bears

○Reading and Writing: focusing on letters b, c, f, r, new sight words and sing sight words to make sentences

●First Grade (Suzanne Albano)

○Remind parents to notify the teacher and office of any holiday plans that involve missing days of school.

○First graders had a great Halloween day! Many thanks to the PTO parents that made the parties a huge success! Many fun pumpkin- and Halloween-inspired activities continued throughout the day that had kids estimating, measuring, using observation skills, reading and researching, and writing.

○We will be starting our history unit this month, which will have the first graders learning about how basic needs were met in the past, and then comparing and contrasting that information with how basic needs are met in the present.

●Second Grade (Nicol Thompson)

○Will have report at next meeting

●Third Grade (Kate Rucker)

○Math - Students are wrapping up multi-digit addition and subtraction and beginning the much anticipated unit of multiplication! Start practicing those facts! :)

○ELA/Social Studies - Historical fiction units are underway in ELA, as they tie right into the social studies unit on early settlers of Geauga County. The field trip to Century Village was a huge success giving students hands-on and visual knowledge to connect to their ELA and social studies units.

○Science - Life cycles of plants are the current focus and then we move into Roles of Living Things (animal adaptations).

○Suggestion to streamline fundraiser questions/answers to eliminate passing out tickets

Committee Chairs Summary Report


●Fundraising, Carla Stachiw

○The event was a success. It was nearly sold out and feedback has only been positive. Net income thus far: $11,863.78

○Traci - the overall fundraising dollar amount is to come. An estimate for now is $16,500! The envelopes and event income both surpassed expectations.

○An attendee suggested an e-blast as a thank you to families.

●Points, Julie Voudris

○Submitted for $1322 which will be received in December. This number is very similar to last year.

○Looking into the functionality of the Points app, but so far is very tedious.

●Parent Teacher Conferences, Marla Zwinggi

○The 19th proved to be not quite enough food. The 26th was more than enough. Currently $100 over budget with one conference in february and grandparents day still to come.

○Will vote in December for funds for the rest of the year.

●31st - Fall Class Parties, Becky Alexander

○Impressive games and more. Parent volunteers had fun with it and all had great time.

○Food aspect remains a challenge. Menus must be in on time for approval from nurse.

○Mrs. Monroe made individual menus for each allergy classes.


●10th - 3rd Grade Music Program

●22nd - 24th Thanksgiving Break


●2nd - Cookie Sale at Silver Bells Craft Fair at KHS

○Free roller skate ticket for any Timmons family that donates.

○Cookie Sale Update and Plans, Traci Felton for Chrissy Walters: Flyer went home asking for donations. Donations will also come from Heinens and Sugar Me donations

○Money raised goes to technology.

●6th - PTO Meeting

○Please attend if you are able, there is lots to go over including a vote for hospitality budget.

●20th - Holiday Class Party, 9-10

●21st - Jan 2nd - Winter Break

New Business/Topics

●Topics of Interest - Please submit ideas to Traci.

●OSOB Luncheon Funding Request - Traci Felton for Stacy Cianciolo: The date is TBD. Requesting budget line item of $300 to fund. Email vote to follow.

●Review of Open Board Positions - Traci

○Staff Appreciation - Jessica Filipkowski

Traci adjourned the meeting at 10:30 am

Addendum: Email vote for OSOB Luncheon Funding

●The vote passed 34-0. OSOB Luncheon request for $300 has been approved.

Next meeting will be Wednesday, December 6th at 9:30am - TES Multi-Purpose Room