CST 221Fall 10, Instructor: Zhen Jiang
Project 6 Group project.
Develop a database to describe the schedule of Paoli/Thorndale line of SEPTA train (Philadelphia local). The database will be designated to provide the information to answer the following question:
For given a pair of source and destination (parameter input), and the estimated start time, find all catchable train every day. The results must be different according to weekday or weekend.
Among these available trains, find the fastest train (with the least elapsed time), the earliest train (at the earliest time it arrives), and the most efficient train (with less stops).
Develop a query to provide any update of train delay (departure time change), and train cancellation (record deletion). The above functions should also be supported after these changes applied.
Bonus points will be given for the group that successfully develop the query to find the cheapest train. Different zone, different time (peak time/off peak), and different day (weekday/weekend) will have different price.
Part A (first week): Organize the group, no more than 3 students together (1, 2, or 3 are ok). Read the course materials (page number: AC50 -- AC360, AC 426 – 600, including self-study three chapters that we do not go over in class: chapter 5 mulit-table forms, chapter 7 Advanced report techniques, and chapter 8 Advanced form techniques) and discuss how to prepare the data from for ACESS, and what the interface will be designed. You need to submit a proposal (check the deadline set in D2L) and describe the details of these two things. The proposal should have names of both students.
Part B (second week): Step 1. Prepare the data, design the interface, develop db file with test cases. Step 2. Run the complete data input and make any necessary adjustment. Step 3. Build a ppt presentation. It should have the following structure: Cover page, outline, explanation of data preparation (why it must be in this way), db queries for each question in the above, demonstration of how each query works by data, the interface design and walkthrough, conclusion (what is the most difficult part or most time consuming part, what is the new thing you learn here). Submit your ppt file, db file, and data file in a single zip file to D2L.
A pilot trial version is available at (also can be accessible inside dropbox at D2L).