German Playschool Experience –
School Holiday Program – Schnupperwoche
Tuesday xx October to Friday xx October, 2013NB: This is 4 days, not 5
9:30-12 noon
Scout Hall (in Haig Park) on Masson Street, in Turner, ACT
Phone during session: 6257 7323
Please fill out the details below and return to
PART A: All attendeesChild’s name:
Child’s date of birth:
Parent/guardian’s name:
Parent/guardian’s contact details (phone, email):
Does your child have any allergies or illnesses (diabetes, epilepsy, etc) we should be aware of?
Is there anything else we should know to make your child’s time with us as stress-free, safe and enjoyable as possible?
Please indicate your child’s level of German knowledge.
Is your child under 3 years? A parent/carer must stay. Fill in Part A only.
Is your child 3 years or older? Fill in Part B as well. Parent/carers can decide whether to stay with their child or have some personal time while their child enjoys the program with us.
PART B: Three and four year olds
Which (if any) days to you intend to stay with your child at the program? / Parent will stay with child on:
Tues yes/no Thurs yes/no
Wed yes/no Fri yes/no
If you will be leaving your child in our care, please answer the questions below.
Emergency contact name (in case we cannot reach you):
Their phone number during session times:
Is anyone other than the parent named in Part A picking your child up after the program? / Yes No
If yes, name:
Please sign to indicate you are aware that the program run by a qualified teacher, and is aided by parent volunteers, and that you allow them to change your child’s clothes or nappy, in discharging their duty of care towards your child. / (Return your form by email. It will be printed for you. You will be asked to sign in this box when you drop off your child on the first day.)
Parent Information on next pages.
What to bring:
Please pack a morning tea, a hat, and a set of spare clothes (and nappies if necessary) for your child in case he/she gets wet.
The $80fees are payable in cash or cheque, or by internet banking / direct deposit by Wednesday the week before Experience Week startsto:
Account Name: Spielwelt German Parents Association Inc.
BSB: 032778 Account No: 276645
Bank: Westpac Bank
Reference: "WOCHE child’s surname" For example Ref: "WOCHEQuinn"
Program of Events:
Each day usually revolves around a basic routine of: Welcome, warm up time (puzzles, games, colouring), circle time, story, craft, morning tea, outdoor games, free play, closing circle, story, songs, home time.
The program varies each year, but here is a sample:
Day OneThemes / Having fun, welcoming children
Special Events Today / Welcome game, action songs, craft time, learning the routine and adjusting to their whereabouts
Focus vocabulary / Guten Morgen,
Hände waschen,
Danke schön,
Tschüss / Good morning,
morning circle,
hand washing,
thank you,
Day Two
Themes / Colours
Special Events Today / Stories, exploring colours in playdough, jumping on colours game
Focus vocabulary / Rot,
Grün / red,
Day Three
Themes / Our bodies
Special Events Today / Games, dancing, stories, painting, songs about the names of parts of our bodies
Focus vocabulary / die Augen,
die Fuesse,
die Haende,
der Mund,
die Nase / eyes,
Day Four
Themes / Baking, kitchen, cooking, playing house
Special Events Today / Baking,singing a very traditional German children’s song about baking (Backe backe Kuchen)
Focus vocabulary / das Essen,
der Apfel,
die Banane,
die Birne
das Trinken,
das Wasser,
die Milch,
der Saft
das Brot,
das Mehl,
der Kuchen,
backen / food,
a drink,