Falmouth Museums on the GreenGarden Tour Ticket
Ticket Number ______
This is your ticket for the Garden Tour in Falmouth Friday, July 17.
Bring this with you and each garden will be checked off after your visit. Thanks for supporting the Museums on the Green with your attendance!
230 Davisville Road, Falmouth
Falmouth Garden Club award winning garden. Whimsical garden beds twisting throughout on a stony walking trail. Wide range of hydrangeas, hostas, perennials, annuals, and container plantings. Lively goldfish pond, waterfalls, and bridge over the pond. Numerous bird feeders, and birdhouses attracting hummingbirds, finches, cardinals, and orioles to name a few. Certified as a Backyard Wildlife Habitat by the National Wildlife Federation.
(Directions from Rte 28. Go south on Davisville Road 0.9 miles. House will be on the left between Elizabeth Jean Drive and Terry Lou Avenue)
28 Sady’s Lane, East Falmouth
Visitors will experience surprising vistas and vignettes while strolling the winding garden paths. A stone patio walled by espaliered pear trees and dogwood, archways of beech trees and hydrangea, and a small pond are some of the features of the thirty year old garden. The summer garden includes collections of daylilies, hosta, and hydrangea. Annuals, tropical plants, and container plants accent the garden borders.
81 Palmer Avenue, Falmouth
Upon exiting the garden gate, turn right and take the sidewalk to the Palmer House Inn. At the Inn, there are four buildings and several small gardens. First, one arrives at the T.W Burgess Garden that is home to several rabbits and is a cool shady spot for guests to relax on a warm summer's afternoon. Next, there is the H.D.ThoreauCottageGarden that gives this secluded cottage suite its own private bit of nature. Third, the Innkeeper's Cottage garden is a pleasant shade garden located at the back of the inn's property. Last but not least, one can walk through inn's herb garden, where all of the herbs that are grown are used in the inn's sumptuous breakfasts. We suggest that visitors park at the Falmouth Museums on the Green parking lot
1021Sandwich Road, East Falmouth
Nestled among shade trees the gardens wrap around the house and are made to be a retreat for relaxing and enjoying the outdoors. The flower beds are where the owners indulge their passion for experimenting with flower plantings for shape, color and texture. Masses ofannuals, tropicals, succulents and perennials are planted intobeds and containers. This is primarily a shade garden with one
peekof sun and not large in size - the goal of this garden was to create pockets of planting beds that can be changed out every year. Color starts in this garden in March with Hellebores and extensive bulb plantings and proceeds through the seasons including winter with one garden dedicated as a winter garden. Park at Soares Nursery.
19 Pennsylvania Court - FalmouthHeights
An intimate garden with meandering beds await discovery in this compact, quaintproperty. The mostly shaded backyard is filled with many different and unusual varieties of hosta and other shade loving plants. A peaceful, small hand-dug pond is filled with koi and goldfish, that thrive in their acquatic playground. The soothing sound of water greets you as you enter the yard, hidden by a lush wall of ornamental clumping bamboo. New and vintage garden art is scattered around the garden beds and hung on the fence, lending a whimsical, almost Provincetown-like feeling to the yard. There are several different types of hydrangea planted around the yard, blending harmoniously with a variety of ferns, assorted perennials, and annuals, all leading the eye and the admirer to a quaint little garden and potting shed. Several bird houses and bird baths are strategically place around the tranquil yard to keep our feathered friends happy, housed, and hydrated.
19 Pennsylvania Court is located in the flats of FalmouthHeights. If you are coming from Main Street turn right on to Falmouth Heights Road and take a left onto Little Rock Ave.Continue straight through the stop sign and take your second right onto Penn Court. My house is the 3rd house on the left with the lilac colored front door. I look forward to your visit.