Possible Outline for Worship / Prayer
This is intended to be very flexible and can be adapted radically or minimally, as needed for a local community.
Chairs should be arranged in a horseshoe with a table / communion table across the open end. A public address system should be used so that no one is disadvantaged through not being able to hear. The act of worship should have several leaders and not just one.
Taizé Chant (eg. “Jesus, remember me” played as people gather).
Call to Worship: Psalm 84: 2-3.
“We begin our time of worship in the name of God
Warmth and Light for us
Fountain whence we can draw strength
Refuge who enfolds us and heals our soul.”
Hymn: (sung seated) A Hymn of praise or Acclamation re the faithfulness or mercy of God eg: 96 R&S Great is Thy Faithfulness
Leader A: Jesus meets us at our point of need and we find ourselves valued. We are offered a safe space.
Short Quiet Reflection followed by:
Leader B: Luke 18:35-43 (Please do NOT treat as an allegory….eg Bartimaeus stands for…..)
Leader C: Notice elements in the story.
1) The Need to be Heard
2) The Need to See
3) We have not gone too far past.
4) The Need to stop and Acknowledge.
Leader D: In the Quiet be still and acknowledge how God values others and us.
Leader E: A Relevant Story or, if necessary, a Poem (eg “Binding the Broken Releasing the Captive” or “This Living Hell” by Pauline Pearson from the book: ‘Binding the Broken, Releasing the Captive”) © Pauline Pearson Compiled 1996. Both printed out at the end of the service.
Leader A: A Prayer of Quiet Confession: Forgive us for we know not what we do.
Leader B: We acknowledge the pain of our wounded sisters and brothers and our own pain. Show us where we have gone wrong, We confess our sins… Show us the path to peace.
Leaders A B C D E: On all who have sinned and are truly sorry. The God of love and justice and peace PRONOUNCES PEACE and gives grace for new beginnings.
Hymn: eg. “Christ’s is the World in which we move” or “Inspired by Love and Anger”.(Both by John Bell)
Leaders C,D & E: Prayers of Intercession (with or without a response such as 398 (R&S), “ O Lord Hear my Prayer”)
In these we pray for: 1) Those with concerns & hurts. Those who have been abused.
2) Those who have caused hurt and their loved ones.
3) Those who are alleged to have caused hurt and their loved ones.
4) i) The Specialist Listening Teams in the Synod
ii) Allegation Group
iii) Pastoral Care Group
iv) Learning Group
5) PCR Team
6) The Local Church
7) The Wider Church
8) The Future
All: St. Columba’s Prayer (in cover of R&S) said together
Be thou a bright flame before me
Be thou a guiding star above me
Be thou a smooth path below me
Be thou a kindly shepherd behind me
Today, tonight and forever
COMMUNION (Optional) – There is a communion service which can be used with several celebrants on pages 63-69 of “Praying for the Dawn” by Ruth Burgess and Katy Galloway.
Final Hymn: eg; “The Kingdom of God” (200 in R&S), “We shall go out with hope of resurrection” or “The Church of Christ in every age”(636 in R&S).
All: A COMMITMENT (said together)(Based on words from “Liturgy for Victims of Abuse” by Rev. Graeme Skinner of St. Mary’s Upton)
Along with Jesus Christ our Redeemer and following His example
We believe that everyone should be valued.
We believe that no one should be abused or exploited.
The Church, Our Church, Is Called
To bring Good News and be Good News.
To Make a difference.
We pledge to be a healing community
To be a place and a people
Where all are helped in their pain and struggles
We seek eyes to recognise abuse where it exists
We seek a heart to reach out in compassion
We seek courage and resolve to do what is right
All: A BLESSING (said together)
If we have suffered abuse in the past or are in an abusive relationship now.
If we are still living with that pain or its consequences
May God bring healing into our mind and body.
If we are sisters and brothers in Christ to any who have suffered or who
are suffering
May God bring us the Blessing of grace, love and fellowship in Jesus Christ,
our Saviour. Amen.
Binding the Broken, This Living Hell
Releasing the Captive. Silence and secrecy
Broken People Threatening fears,
Hurting lives, Nights full of misery
Captives, prisoners Followed by tears.
To their past, Blackmail and bribery,
Lying on the ground Violent abuse,
They wait, Smothered emotion,
Whilst inside, Hidden for years.
Hope shrivels.
The struggle grows harder
Into the picture The longing to tell,
Strides a Man Will somebody listen
Picking up a scroll, To my stifled yell?
He reads of healing, I’ve got to say something,
Release and freedom, Whatever the cost.
Saying, “Today’s the day” I’ve got to climb out of
And hope quickens. This living hell!
To broken hearts, A victim no longer,
Bruised and bleeding I want to be free.
Prisoners, I’m going to find someone
He still speaks Who will be there for me.
With authority Willyoube that person?
And power Can I trust you enough
Through His Spirit - To tell you my story?
And hope it burns.
I’ll try it and see.