2016-17 Innovations in Alternatives to Suspension Award

New legislation and district policies are inviting school communities to respond to discipline differently. Uniting for Youth’s PathNet and Alternatives to Suspension Advisory Committees believe King County is up to the challenge. We are honoring creative and bold partnerships, programs and projects that support opportunities for King County students who would otherwise be suspended or expelled, to continue their education during the disciplinary process.

Nominations (including self) will be accepted through May 31, 2017. Nominations should be submitted, using this form, to Marcus Stubblefield, King County Systems Integration Coordinator, .

Past recipients of the award include Highline School District’s Pacific Academy and Bellevue School District’s Central Education Program.

Award ceremonies:

Winning program will receive recognition and $250 to support program costs at the King County based Understanding Discipline Policy & Practices for Community Members Convening happening in late spring, location TBD.

Award criteria:

The program, activity or policy:

·  Is innovative and created or modified within the last three years

·  Results in at least one of the following quantitative outcomes: 1) improved academic success for disciplined youth, 2) reduction in the number of suspension or expulsions and/or 3) reduction in out of classroom hours

·  Improves outcomes for any group of students disproportionately represented in school discipline

·  Is sustainable

·  Includes a recommendation by parents, caregivers and/or students as part of the application

Finalists will be chosen by the PSESD Regional Alternatives to Suspension Advisory Committee, PathNet Executive Committee and be presented to Uniting For Youth Executive Team for final approval.

Application (Deadline March 10, 2017)

Project/Activity Name:

Community, Government, District or School Partners involved and key contact info:

Primary Agency: Contact:

Partner Agency: Contact:

Partner Agency: Contact:

Site where activity occurred (including address):

Project/Activity mission/vision:

1.  Description of the activity, program, policy or project (include rationale and evidence):

2.  Describe why the program or project is innovative?

3.  Did the program or project result in one of three outcomes:

Improved academic success for disciplined youth

Reduction in the number of suspension or expulsions or

Reduction of out of classroom hours

4.  Please provide evidence of outcomes. Strong applications include quantitative and qualitative data as well as recommendations from outside individuals or organizations.

5.  Did the program or project target vulnerable populations? Yes No Explain who was included in the target population and how they were identified.

6.  Is the program or project sustainable? Yes No

Explain how the project will be sustainable.

7.  Describe the current status of the project or program and how the leaders have designed sustainability from a personnel and funding standpoint.

8.  Attach a letter or other form of evidence, showing the support of caregivers, caring adults, community members and/or students.

For more information contact: Marcus Stubblefield or Jill Patnode