Vale United Methodist Church
11528 Vale Road ¶ Oakton, VA 22124
Sunday Worship at 8:30 a.m. and 10:00 a.m.
Sunday School for All Ages at 10:00 a.m.
Grace and Gratitude, Week 3
Order of Worship ~ May 17, 2015
Welcome Announcements
Safe Haven Presentation Gail Hambleton
Passing the Peace Offer one another signs of reconciliation and peace
Prelude “Concerto in G Major – 3rd Movement”
Flutes Choir G. P. Telemann
arr by E. Monroe
* Call to Worship Lay reader leads congregation
Call: The earth is yours, O God,
Resp: and the fullness thereof.
Call: God of all creation, help us to think of ourselves in this way:
Resp: as servants of Christ and stewards of your mysteries.
Call: We, your servants and stewards, know the joy of opening wide our hands to meet the needs of the poor.
Resp: to share with the needy the gifts you entrust to us.
Call: Loving God, place your Spirit upon us and strengthen us this day:
Resp: that we may bring good news to the poor, liberation to the captives, sight to the blind, freedom to the oppressed, that we may announce the year of your jubilee!
* Hymn “Sanctuary” No. 2164 (sing twice)
* Prayer of Confession Lay Reader leads congregation
God of abundance, through your son Jesus Christ, you remind us that our lives “do not consist in the abundance of possessions,” but in our identity as his servants, your stewards. Awaken us to the freedom and joy of our vocation, that we might taste your abundant life.
Call: This is the Good News: Jesus Christ is risen!
Resp: He is risen indeed! Thanks be to God. Amen.
Scripture Luke 12:13-34 Pastor Jeff
Children’s Moment (10 am Service) Ruth Anne Luckenbaugh
Children and Youth (Age 3 to Grade 12) may leave for Sunday School
Sermon “Living Simply in God’s Grace” Pastor Jeff
*Hymn “Have Thine Own Way, Lord” No. 382
Stewardship Moment Tom Feeney
Prayers of the People
Caring Cards are available in the Narthex and Resource Library for your personal use in supporting the congregation’s joys and concerns.
The Lord’s Prayer
Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name.
They kingdom come,
thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread.
And forgive us our trespasses,
as we forgive those who trespass against us.
And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.
For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, forever. Amen.
Offertory “Let There Be Peace on Earth”
Flutes Choir S. Miller & J. Jackson
arr by R. Lombardo
* Doxology “When I Survey the Wondrous Cross” No. 298, v. 4
Were the whole realm of nature mine,
that were an offering far too small;
love so amazing, so divine,
demands my soul, my life, my all. Amen
* Prayer of Dedication
Everything in heaven and earth belongs to you. We joyfully release these symbols of the gifts you lovingly entrust to us: time, skills, life. May these gifts be signs of our whole lives returned to you, dedicated to the healing and salvation of your world, through Jesus Christ. Amen.
* Hymn “I’m So Glad Jesus Lifted Me” No. 2151
* Benediction
* Postlude
Lay Reader – Steve Miska (8:30am and 10:00am).
Coffee Fellowship – Worshipers are invited to remain after the service and socialize over coffee. Thank you to the Allardyce family (8:30am) & to the Estes family (10:00am) for their gift of fellowship by sponsoring today’s coffee hour.
If you would like to sponsor a coffee hour, please contact Diane DuBois (8:30am service) or Pat Ogle-Collins (10:00am service).
Altar Flowers – The altar flowers today are in loving memory of Jan Sullivan (Margie Lee’s mom) and in honor of Michael Sullivan (Margie’s dad), for their birthdays. From Margie and Harry Lee.
Grace and Gratitude, Week 4, May 24, 2015
Scripture: Mark 10:17-31 ~ Sermon: “Sharing God’s Grace”
Our worship for the last three weeks now culminates in the third, loving response to God’s grace: “give all you can.” Having earned all we can (co-working with God to help unveil grace) and saved all we can (living simply within God’s grace), we have the pleasure to actively present to God the gifts that God first entrusted to us. We make this presentation through deliberately sharing these gifts with others, especially those deprived of access to God’s “banquet,” the bounty of God’s grace. In doing so, we also “effectually [secure ourselves] from ‘laying up treasures upon earth.’” (Wesley) Rather than an optional afterthought, “giving all you can” is to be a source of joy and life-giving humility within every step of our ongoing stewardship journey.
Grace and Gratitude, Week 3
Vale Announcements ~ May 17, 2015
Whether you are new to the area or a long-time resident, we warmly welcome you to our community of faith at Vale Church!
If you are visiting for the first time, we invite you to fill out a visitor card located in your pew—and please join us after the service for coffee and snacks. We look forward to meeting you!
Please also be sure to pick up a Vale Welcome Bag, which contains more information about our church. The bags are available at the entrance to the Main Sanctuary and outside the Church Office.
For families with children … at the 10am service, children ages 3 through Grade 12 are invited to attend Sunday School following the Children’s Moment. You may pick them up in their classrooms after the service. Nursery care is available for infants and toddlers during both services.
Keep Safe During a Local Emergency
Attend Vale's special workshop TODAY after the 10am service.
Mr. Bruce McFarlane of Fairfax County's Office of Emergency Management will present on Home Emergency Supply Kits, Family Emergency Plans, Emergency Alerts, and resources.
Everyone needs to be prepared. Are you? Checklists will be available to help get you started.
Would you like to become a member of Vale UMC?
Then join Pastor Jeff for a New Members’ Orientation on Sunday, June 14, following the 10am worship service. We will talk about the United Methodist Church and the opportunities for service and growth at Vale UMC. If you have any questions, you can email Pastor Jeff at .
Support the Guatemala Mission Team at a "Taste of Guatemala" Dinner (May 30)On Saturday, May 30, the Guatemala Mission Team will be hosting a "Taste of Guatemala" fundraising dinner—featuring a menu of traditional Guatemalan dishes prepared by team members under the culinary direction of Vicky Alonzo. You won't want to miss this mouthwatering meal, which starts at 6:00pm in the Fellowship Hall!
The suggested donation price is $10 per ticket. An anonymous donor will match all donations up to $5,000, so please give generously and yourgift will go twice as far.
Currently, 24 team members will be traveling to Guatemala in July. The team's goal is to raise $10,000 to continue our work building classrooms inTwi'Ninwitz, Vicky's home village.
Everyone is welcome at the dinner—friends, family and kids of all ages! For more information, please contact Guatemala Mission Coordinator Deb Cohen at .
Grocery Dollars – The grocery dollars for the month of May will support the United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR) to purchase relief kits (i.e., bedding, birthing, health, layette, school and sewing kits, etc.) Don’t forget to purchase your cards for Giant, Safeway, Wegmans or Whole Foods at the coffee hour after the service.
American Girl Presentation: Please join us this afternoon from 1:00pm-3:00pm in the Vale Fellowship Hall, where the United Methodist Women (UMW) will present a program that will delight anyone who has ever loved a special doll. This program will focus primarily on American Girl dolls, but will also include other dolls. Our presenter, Marcia Woolston, is an expert on collecting and repairing dolls. Bring your daughter or granddaughter, mother or mother-in-law—and your favorite doll—to enjoy an afternoon of dolls, refreshments, and other surprises.
Bible Study: 24 Hours that Changed the World
Come join our class today from 11:30am to 12:30pm. All are welcome. This is a study by Adam Hamilton that includes a video filmed in the Holy Land focusing on the time leading up to the Resurrection.
Wednesday Bible Study (10:30am) with Pastor Jeff – Come join the Wednesday morning bible study at 10:30am in the Resource Room. On May 20th, we will watch and discuss a video on the gospel of Luke.
Vale Job Opening: Director of Youth Ministries
Vale wishes Alex Woody all the best as she leaves us this summer to focus on her internship and studies. We have begun our search for a new Director of Youth Ministries and encourage everyone to spread the word. If you or someone you know is interested in applying, the complete job description can be found on Vale’s website,, under the Jobs tab.
Get Ready for the Vale Yard Sale (June 6)
Vale's Annual Yard Sale is just around the corner on Saturday, June 6 (7:30am to 1:00pm). This is one of our most important fundraisers of the year—and it requires a lot of volunteer support from the Vale community to be a success.
We are looking for volunteers who can help sort and price donations during the week prior to the sale (June 1-5), as well as helpers who can staff the event on June 6. A sign-up sheet will be available soon.
Even if you cannot commit to helping for an entire day, please join us for whatever hours you are available throughout the week. We are counting on the helping hands of many to prepare for and run this major event.
Donations of household goods, clothing and other gently used items will be accepted between Monday, June1 and Friday, June 5. Please note that we cannot accept large furniture or appliances, paints or chemicals, soiled clothing, inoperative electronics, TV or computer equipment, or baby car seats. As usual, tax receipts will be available for all donations.
Questions? Please contact Dick Allardyce at , Tim Mitchell at , or Bob Lacy at .
Lunch N’ Life, Monday, June 8th, 12 noon at Emmanuel Lutheran Church, 2589 Chain Bridge Road, Vienna, VA (Sponsored by Shepherd’s Center)
Join us for a delicious lunch followed by a performance by “Russkie Musikanti,” an ensemble of the Washington Balalaika Society. The group wears traditional Russian costumes and performs Russian and Eastern European music on authentic Russian folk instruments.
Lunch is $10 per person and prepayment is required by June 1. For more information and sign-up form, see the Lunch N’ Life flier on the Missions bulletin board or contact Susan Leigh at or 703-273-9589.
New Adult Fellowship Group: Vale "Lunch Bunch" (May 31)
Are you new to Vale and would like to meet more members of the Vale community in a casual, social setting? Or are you a long-time Vale attendee who would welcome more opportunities to "hang out" with the great people you've gotten to know.
We've heard you ... and hope you'll join us after church on May 31st for the second gathering of the new adult fellowship group we're calling the "Vale Lunch Bunch." We'll meet at 11:30am at Ruby Tuesday in Fairfax (at the intersection of Route 50 and Blake Lane, in front of Staples) for lunch, conversation and fellowship. (We will take a quick headcount beforehand at the morning services so that Ruby Tuesday can prepare space for our group.)
Once we are able to gauge interest and participation in the "Lunch Bunch," we can plan future outings for this group—perhaps branching out beyondlunch to other activities. We can also explore options for childcare to better accommodate parents with children who would like to participate.
We hope to see you on the 31st! If you have any questions, please call Ed Lowry at 703-620-6632 or email him at .
GRADUATING SENIORS! – Please call or email the church office (703-620-2594 or ) and give us the name of your high school or college graduate, along with the name of the school from which they are graduating. In addition, for high school graduates, if your student is planning to attend college in the fall, please let us know the name of the college. For college graduates, please let us know his/her major or completed course of study. The graduates will be recognized during the 10am worship service on Sunday, June 14.
This Week at Vale ~ May 17, 2015-May 24, 2015
Sun, May 17 8:30am & 10:00am Safe Haven Presentation
8:30am & 10:00am Flutes Play
11:00 am JAM Children’s Choir Rehearsal
11:15 am Youth Choir Rehearsal
11:15 am Emergency Preparedness Presentation
11:30 am Adult Bible Study
11:30 am Confirmation Class
1:00 pm UMW, American Girl Doll Presentation
Mon, May 18 9:30 am Jazzercise
3:00 pm Brownie Troop 2517 Meeting
7:30 pm Boy Scout Troop 1983 PLC & BoR Meeting
7:30 pm Flute Choir Rehearsal
Tues, May 19 9:30 am Vale Preschool Classes
12:00 pm Vale Preschool Chapel
7:00 pm Scholarship Committee Meeting
Wed, May 20 9:30 am Vale Preschool Classes
9:30 am Jazzercise
10:30 am Bible Study with Pastor Jeff
Thurs, May 21 9:00 am Yoga
9:30 am Vale Preschool Classes
8:00 pm Vale Youth Music Ensemble Rehearsal
Fri, May 22 9:30 am Vale Preschool Classes
9:30 am Jazzercise
4:30 pm Girl Scout Troop 1323
Sat, May 23
Sun, May 24 10:00 am Chancel Choir Sings
11:00 am JAM Children’s Choir Rehearsal
11:15 am Youth Choir Rehearsal
11:30 am Adult Bible Study