Beta Tester IntakeForm

Note: > indicates a “fill in” field – you can type directly into this form if you’ve downloaded it in Word. If you’re filling it out by hand and need more room, please attach additional sheets at the end rather than writing on the back. Email the completed form as an attachment to , or fax back to 202-728-0136. Thank you!

Personal Information

First Name:Last Name:


Beta Test Information

Do you think you’ll be interested in participating in future beta tests with us?

Beta tester instructions and materials are at

Questions? Email

Yes – please keep me on the list

Maybe/Not sure – keep me on the list for now

No – please take me off the list

Beta tester instructions and materials are at

Questions? Email

How did you hear about this beta test?

Beta tester instructions and materials are at

Questions? Email

N-Ten listserve

Email (from Simone Parrishto registered users)

Evaluation Learning Institute training home page (“What’s New”)

Conference or Presentation -- please specify: >

Other – please comment >

Beta tester instructions and materials are at

Questions? Email

Thank you for your testing contribution—we really appreciate your participation! As a thank you, please choose one of the following:

Enter me in a drawing for:

A complimentary membership to GrantStation -- visit to check out this great fundraising resource (up to a $599 value -- one winner from the February-March testing group)


A $25 gift certificate (5 winners from the February-March testing group)

What about “free access to tools”?

In our original beta tester information sheet, we mentioned that a possible thank-you for beta testing would be “Eligibility for a year of no-cost access to new tools (otherwise available only by subscription)”. We haven’t finalized any subscription plans, so we don’t know how much this could be worth. If you’re interested in a year’s free access (if any of our tools become subscription-based), please check the box below—we can’t promise free tools, but we’d like to reward our testers in any way that’s feasible for us.

Yes, I’d be interested in free access to tools (if the tools become subscription-based)

Beta tester instructions and materials are at

Questions? Email

Beta Tester Intake Form

Page 2 of 2

System Information: Please fill in your answer to the best of your ability. (If you’re not sure, “Not sure” or

“I don’t know” are fine answers.)

1. Are you using a PC or an Apple computer? >

2. What operating system are you using? (e.g., Windows 95, Mac OSX) >

3. What version of your operating system are you using? >

4. What browser are you using (Internet Explorer, Netscape, Mozilla, etc.)?

5. What version of your browser are you using? >

6. Are pop-ups enabled in your browser? >

7. Are cookies enabled in your browser? >

8. What security settings do you have in place in your browser?

9. Do you have any additional security programs running on your local computer (e.g., Norton Internet Security, Norton or McAfee virus protection, or other antivirus or privacy programs)? If yes, what programs and what versions?

10. What type/speed of internet connection are you using (e.g., dial-up 52K, cable modem, DSL)? >

11. Will you be trying to access the testing site through a network internet connection? If so, what type of connection? >

12. Will you be trying to access the testing site from behind a firewall?

Yes No Part of the time Not sure

13. Are you an AOL user?

Yes No Part of the time

14. What resolution is your monitor set at? >

15. Are you using an accessibility reader? >

Beta tester instructions and materials are at

Questions? Email