
Under minutes No. 4

of the 10 July 2013 meeting

of the procurement commission set up in the Latvian School of Public Administration*




"Centralised training for communication specialists involved in ensuring the Latvian Presidency of the Council of the European Union"

Procurement identification number VAS 2013/3

Riga, 2013

*The English version of the Procurement Procedure is informative. In case of misunderstanding or contradiction the original source is the Latvian version of the Procurement Procedure.


1.General Information......

1.1.Purpose of the Procurement Procedure and other Information......

1.2.The Contracting Authority......

1.3.Tenderers of the Procurement Procedure......

1.4.Obtaining of Further Information on the Procurement Procedure......

1.5.Deadlines of the Procurement Procedure......

2.Information on the Subject-matter of the Procurement......

2.1.Information on the Subject-matter of the Procurement......

2.2.Technical Specification of the Subject–matter of the Procurement......

3.Information on the Presentation of the Tender and the Documents to be Provided......

3.1.Submission of a Tender for the Procurement Procedure......

3.2.Documents for the Selection of the Tenderer......

3.3.Technical Proposal Documents......

3.4.The Financial Proposal Documents......

4.Examination of Tenders......

4.1.The Tender Opening Meeting......

4.2.Tender Presentation Compliance......

4.3.Selection of Tenderers......

4.4.Examination of the Technical Proposal......

4.5.Evaluation of the Tender......

5.Information about the Work and Decision-making of the Procurement Commission......

5.1.The Commission's Working Procedure and Decision-making Procedures......

5.2.The Commission's Rights and Obligations......

6.Information on the Tenderers of the Procurement Procedure......

6.1.The Rights and Obligations of a Tenderer......

7.Information on the Agreement......

Schedule 1......

Schedule 2......

Schedule 3......

Schedule 4......

Schedule 5......

Schedule 6......

Schedule 7......

1.General Information

1.1.Purpose of the Procurement Procedure and other Information

1.1.1.The purpose of the procurement procedure "Centralised training for communication specialists involved in ensuring the Latvian Presidency of the Council of the European Union" (hereinafter referred to as - the Procurement procedure) is to select the best offer of centralised training for communication specialists involved in ensuring the Latvian Presidency of the Council of the European Union in accordance with the technical specifications (hereinafter referred to as theTechnical specifications) developed by the contracting authority and set out in Schedule 1.

1.1.2.The objective of the procurement procedure is achieved if the contract to provide centralised training for communication specialists involved in ensuring the Latvian Presidency of the Council of the European Union (hereinafter referred to as – “the Agreement”) has been concluded.

1.1.3.The procurement method - the procurement procedure in accordance with Part Seven of Section 8 of Public Procurement Law.

1.1.4.The identification number of the procurement is VAS 2013/3.

1.2.The Contracting Authority

1.2.1.The contracting authority is the Latvian School of Public Administration (hereinafter referred to as - the LSPA), registration No. 90000028156, located in Riga, at Raiņa bulvāris4, LV-1050.

1.2.2.The party to the agreement shall be the LSPA.

1.2.3.The contact person authorised to provide information of an organisational nature on the Procurement procedure shall be Ms. Ilze Neimane, technical secretary of the LSPA procurement who can be reached by phone +371-67225997, fax: +371-67821277 or e-mail: .

1.2.4.The source of funding shall be state funding.

1.2.5.Neither the contracting authority nor the procurement commission (hereinafter referred to as - the Commission) assume any liability for the costs incurred by the tenderer in connection with the preparation and submission of the tender regardless of the outcome of the Procurement procedure.

1.3.Tenderers of the Procurement Procedure

1.3.1.A tenderer may be any natural person, a legal entity or an association of such persons in any combination, which has submitted the documents in accordance with the procedure set forth in the Procurement procedure regulations.

1.3.2.All tenderers of the Procurement procedure shall be treated equally.

1.3.3.If the tender for the Procurement procedure is submitted by an association of persons, all members of the association shall sign the application and the technical and financial proposals. If the application and the technical and financial proposals are signed by one of the members of the association, the original powers of attorney or certified copies thereof of the other members of the association of persons must be enclosed in the application.

1.3.4.If the tender for the procurement procedure is submitted by an association of persons, the name of the person representing the association in the Procurement procedure shall be specified in the tender to ascertain the exchange of information with the Commission within the Procurement procedure. In the tender submitted for the Procurement procedure with members of an association of persons, the responsibilities of each member in the performance of the anticipated contractual obligations shall be specified. This information shall be signed off by each member of an association of persons.

1.3.5.If an association of persons is recognised as the winner of the Procurement procedure, its members shall, at the request of the contracting authority, establish a partnership for the purposes of signing the contract. This request shall by notified by the contracting authority together with the decision on the outcome of the Procurement procedure.

1.4.Obtaining of Further Information on the Procurement Procedure

1.4.1.The Commission shall provide all information on the activities within the Procurement procedure as well as answers to the queries submitted by interested suppliers in writing.

1.4.2.The interested party shall make queries regarding the Procurement procedure regulations in writing, by mailing them by post to the address specified in sub-paragraph 1.2.1 hereof or sending it to the fax or e-mail specified in sub-paragraph 1.2.3 hereof. The tenderer shall satisfy itself as to the delivery of the letter by calling the contact person specified herein. Communication between the interested contractor and the contracting authority shall be in Latvian.

1.4.3.Upon receiving a written question from a tenderer on the procedure of the Procurement procedure, the Commission shall provide an answer in writing within five (5) days from the day of receipt of the question. The day on which the question has been received shall be the day on which the letter received by mail was registered by the LSPA, but in respect of letters received by e-mail or fax - the receipt date as recorded by the technical equipment. Questions received outside the LSPA’s office hours via e-mail or fax shall be considered to have been received on the next business day.

1.4.4.The clarification provided by the Commission, along with the question asked, shall be published on the website of the LSPA under the section “Procurements”: without identifying the submitter of the question.

1.4.5.The Commission shall deliver the clarification to the submitter of the question: fax or e-mail depending on how the question was received, save for cases when the submitter of the question has not indicated either of the said communication means, and post, save for cases when the submitter of the questions has not specified any postal address.

1.4.8.The Procurement procedure regulations and all information on the activities of the Procurement procedure, including the answers provided to the questions submitted by interested suppliers, shall be available in electronic form at the LSPA website under the section “Procurements”:

1.4.9.To obtain the regulations in electronic form the interested suppliers shall make a request to that effect by sending an e-mail to the e-mail address of the contact person of the Contracting authority which is specified in sub-paragraph 1.2.3 hereof.

1.4.10.The tenderers can familiarise themselves with the regulations in paper form on site at the LSPA’s premises in Riga, Raiņa bulvāris 4, Room 316 (phone: (+371) 67225997), during the working hours of the Contracting authority.

1.5.Deadlines of the Procurement Procedure

1.5.1.The tenders must be submitted in Riga, at Raiņa bulvāris 4, Room 316 by 10 a.m. on 12 August 2013.

1.5.2.The tender opening procedure shall take place in Riga, at Raiņa bulvāris 4, Room 401 at 10 a.m. on 12 August 2013.

2.Information on the Subject-matter of the Procurement

2.1.Information on the Subject-matter of the Procurement

2.1.1.The subject-matter of the procurement is the provision of centralised training for communication specialists involved in ensuring the Latvian Presidency of the Council of the European Union (i.e. the provision of the training courses – “The Institutional Framework and Legislative System of the European Union for Presidency Communication Specialists” (8 academic hours), “The Role and Tasks of Public Communication of the Presiding Country” (8 academic hours), “The Cooperation of the Presiding Country with National and International Media” (16 academic hours), “The Public Written Communication of the Presidency” (16 academic hours), “The Communication of the Presidency over the Internet” (16 academic hours), “An Interview – Preparation, Conducting, Examples of Best Practice and Advice” (16 academic hours), “Crisis Communication” (16 academic hours) in Riga (English being the language of instruction) pursuant to the Technical specification up to the complete performance of the obligations.

2.1.2.The subject-matter of the procurement consists of the following substantive parts:

2.1.3.The provision of the training course “The Institutional Framework and Legislative System of the European Union for Presidency Communication Specialists;

2.1.4.The provision of the training course “The Role and Tasks of Public Communication of the Presiding Country”;

2.1.5.The provision of the training course “The Cooperation of the Presiding Country with National and International Media”;

2.1.6.The provision of the training course “The Public Written Communication of the Presidency”;

2.1.7.The provision of the training course “The Communication of the Presidency over the Internet”;

2.1.8.The provision of the training course “An Interview – Preparation, Conducting, Examples of Best Practice and Advice”;

2.1.9.The provision of the training course “Crisis Communication”.

2.1.10.The subject-matter of the Procurement is 80570000-0 (Personal development training services) under CPV classification.

2.1.11.The terms and conditions of the provision of services and the delivery and acceptance procedure thereof:

2.1.12.The service must be provided, having regard for the procedure and deadlines set forth in the technical specification, according to the timetable which will be specified upon awarding the contract;

2.1.13.The services specified in the technical specification may have different service start dates depending on the time the contract is concluded;

2.1.14.The receipt of services shall be coordinated by the contact person(s) designated by the contracting authority;

2.1.15.The venue of the provision of services shall be Riga.

2.1.16.Payment terms: advance payment 20% of the total Contract amount, settlement between the Contracting authority and the Contractor occurs when a bank transfer is made to the contractor within 15 working days of the signing of the delivery - acceptance statement in respect of the training provided in the preceding calendar month, on the basis of properly drafted invoices issued by the Contractor. The payment date shall be the date on which the Contracting authority has made a transfer to the bank account specified in the Contractor's invoice.

2.2.Technical Specification of the Subject–matter of the Procurement

2.2.1.The services shall be provided in accordance with the technical specifications developed by the Contracting authority (Schedule 1 hereof).

3.Information on the Presentation of the Tender and the Documents to be Provided

3.1.Submission of a Tender for the Procurement Procedure

3.1.1.The tenderer shall be liable for designating the information (a document or a part thereof) that is confidential or a trade secret.

3.1.2.The tenders shall be submitted on or before 10 a.m. on 12 August 2013 to the LSPA, at Raiņa bulvāris 4, Riga, LV-1050, Room 316 (phone number: +371-67225997), in person or by mail. The tender may be submitted in person up to the deadline for the submission of tenders, within the contracting authority’s office hours.

3.1.3.If the tender is sent by mail, the tenderer shall be responsible for delivering the tender within the specified term and to the specified venue.

3.1.4.The tenders not submitted under the prescribed procedure or submitted after the deadline for the submission of tenders will not be accepted and shall be returned back to the submitter unopened.

3.1.5.A tender shall be submitted in printed form, in Latvian, in a sealed envelope (sealed with a stamp and / or signature), so that the information it contains is not visible and accessible until the opening of the tenders, ensuring that the envelope cannot unseal due to weather conditions. The documents of the tender must be clearly legible, without any corrections or deletions. The enclosed copies of the degrees issued by educational establishments as well as copies of certificates or licences issued by the authorities of central or local government (or equivalent authorities) as well as printed publications (if they are enclosed in the tender as samples) may be submitted in English. The following information must be entered on the envelope:

3.1.6.The tenderer's name, address, phone and fax number;


To the Commission of the Latvian School of Public Administration

Raiņa bulvāris 4, Riga, LV-1050

Tender for the procurement procedure

“Centralised training for communication specialists involved in ensuring the Latvian Presidency of the Council of the European Union”

(Procurement identification number VAS 2013/3)

Not to be opened before the tender opening meeting!

3.1.8.All documents of the tender shall be submitted in bound form. The original and copies of the tender shall be bound together, with the ends of the string fastened; the number of pages must be confirmed. The tender shall be presented in such a manner as to avoid any possibility of changing its pages without damaging the fastening. This requirement does not apply to printed publications, which are enclosed in the tender as examples.

3.1.9.The tenders submitted under the procedures and within the deadlines prescribed in the regulations, upon the end of the submission deadline shall not be returned to tenderers save in the case specified in sub-paragraph 3.1.4 hereof.

3.1.10.After the end of the term for submitting tenders the tenderer may not amend the tender submitted.

3.1.11.Before the end of the deadline for submitting tenders, tenderers may modify or withdraw the tenders submitted by them. Any modifications to the tender or its withdrawal must be notified in writing under the procedure and within the term set forth in sub-paragraph 3.1.3 hereof. The envelope must bear the information specified in sub-paragraph 3.1.5 of the regulations and additional information – “MODIFICATIONS” or “WITHDRAWAL”.

3.1.12.A withdrawal shall be of unconditional nature, and shall eliminate the further participation of the tenderer in the procurement procedure in respect of the withdrawn tender.

3.1.13.Upon receiving a tender, the Contracting authority shall register the tenders submitted by tenderers in the order of their submission.

3.1.14.If any modifications are made to the documents of the procurement procedure or the deadline for the submission of tenders is extended, the contracting authority shall publish information to this effect on its website referred to in sub-paragraph 1.4.4 hereof.

3.1.15.A tenderer's tender shall consist of the following documents:

3.1.16.The Tenderer's application for taking part in the procurement in accordance with Schedule 2 hereof, signed by the tenderer, an authorised signatory of the tenderer (if the tender is submitted by a legal person) or the authorised representative of the tenderer. If the application is signed by the authorised person of the tenderer, a power of attorney or a certified copy thereof shall be attached. If the tenderer is an association of persons, the application shall be signed by all members of the association of persons. If the application is signed by one member of an association, the original powers of attorney (or certified copies thereof) of other members of the association of persons shall be enclosed in the tender. In the tender submitted for the Procurement procedure, the members of an association of persons shall also specify the assumed responsibilities of each person in the performance of the anticipated contractual obligations. This information shall be signed off by each member of an association of persons.

3.1.17.The Tenderer’s qualification documents as prescribed in sub-paragraph 3.2.2 hereof.

3.1.18.The technical proposal, prepared in accordance with the technical specification (Schedule 1 hereof) and the technical proposal form (Schedule 3 hereof), to be signed by the same person who signed the tenderer's application for participation in the procurement.

3.1.19.The financial proposal, prepared and completed in accordance with the prescribed financial proposal form (Schedule 4 of the Regulations) signed by the same person who signed the tenderer's application for participation in the procurement. The contractual bid price must be specified in the tenderer's financial proposal in Latvian lats (LVL) (at the exchange rate of 1 EUR = 0.702804 LVL). With regard to value added tax, if the tenderer is a VAT payer, the bid price must be specified separately. The bid price shall cover all the costs related to the performance of the contract. Any additional costs not included in the bid price will not be taken into account upon the awarding of the contract.

3.1.20.By submitting copies of documents, the tenderer shall certify a copy of each document under the procedure set forth in the laws. A copy of a document may be certified by the official who signed the tenderer's application set forth in Schedule 2 to the regulations, with his/her signature, specifying the name and surname of the signatory. The said procedure for certifying documents shall also apply to the documents in English referred to in 3.1.5, if such are submitted.

3.1.21.A tenderer shall submit an application in two (2) copies - an original copy and a copy (a scanned original) on an electronic media carrier (CD, DVD or a USB flash drive). The requirement to scan in the original of the tender is not mandatory in respect of the textbooks included in the tender.

3.1.22.The procurement commission shall be eligible to request clarifying information regarding the tenders submitted by tenderers, and to require tenderers to present the original documents of the submitted copies of the documents. If the tenderer does not provide the information requested, the Committee shall take into account the information and documents at its disposal.

3.2.Documents for the Selection of the Tenderer

3.2.1.The criteria for tenderer selection shall be mandatory for all tenderers who desire to be awarded the right to enter into an agreement. Upon submitting the documents required under sub-paragraph 3.2.2 hereof, the tenderer shall represent that the qualification is sufficient to perform the Agreement.

3.2.2.In order to confirm compliance with the tenderer selection criteria specified in sub-paragraph 4.3.2 hereof, the tenderer shall submit the following documents: