Articulation Agreement

Elementary Special Education

CMU Elementary Special Education
Transfer Guide, Curriculum 0463

Lansing Community College

Equivalency / Bachelor of Science in Education
Elementary Special Education Emphasis
Central Michigan University
I. General Education at LCC (32-33)
English: (8)
1WRIT 121 Composition I (4)
1WRIT 122 Composition II (4) OR
1ENGL 122 Writing about Literature and Ideas (4)
Natural Sciences: (8-9)
Choose two of the following courses from different disciplines, one course must include a lab:
BIOL 127, 145, 210; ASTR 201; CHEM 125, 135, 151 & 161; GEOL 200, 221, 230; ISCI 121; PHYS 221 or 251

Social Sciences: (8)

PSYC 200 Introduction to Psychology (4)
Choose any 4 additional hours from the LCC MACRAO agreement social science area (not psychology)
Humanities: (8)
Choose 8 hours according to Humanities requirement for LCC MACRAO agreement
II. Additional Courses (33)
1MATH 112 Intermediate Algebra (4), MATH 121 College Algebra I (4) or a higher level math course
1SPCH 120 Dynamics of Communication (3) OR
1SPCH 130 Fundamental of Public Speaking (3)
MATH 201 Math for Elementary Teachers I (4)
MATH 202 Math for Elementary Teachers II (4)
2EDUC 220 Intro to Education (3)
3EDUC 201 Education Practicum (3)
EDUC 230 Intro to Special Education (3)
PSYC 205 Human Growth and Development (3)
4ARTS 240 Art for Elementary Teachers (3)

Total credits taken at LCC (62-63)

/ ENG 101
ENG 201
ENG 201
8 - 9 hours Nat. Science
PSY 100
8 hours Humanities
MTH 105
MTH 107
COM 101
COM 101
MTH 151
MTH 152
EDU 107
EDU credit
SPE 126
PSY 220
ART credit/
ART 345 / Required Professional Education courses (45)
EDU 320 Elementary Mathematics Methods (3)
EDU 330 Reading in the Elementary School (3)
EDU 343 Social Studies Methods in Elementary Ed (3)
EDU 345 Science Methods in Elementary Education (3)
EDU 361 Midtier Practicum (2)
EDU 431 Corrective Reading in the Classroom (3)
EDU 493 Learning and Evaluation in Elementary Ed (3)
EDU 495 Foundations of Education (3)
EDU 458 Student Teaching (10)
EDU 432 Student Teaching Seminar (3)
SPE 455 Special Education Student Teaching Seminar (3)
SPE 456 Special Education Student Teaching Emotionally
Impaired (6) OR
SPE 458 Special Education Student Teaching Mentally
Impaired (6)
Other Degree Requirements (9)
ENG 381 Children’s Literature (3)
PSY 310 Psychological Testing (3)
CDO 438 Language Disorders in Special Education
Populations (3)
6MUS 330 Music for Elementary Classroom Teachers (3)
Major in either:
Teachers of the Emotionally Impaired (39)
Teachers of the Cognitively Impaired (39)
Minor in one of the following fields: (20-24)
Bilingual-Bicultural Education-Ojibwe (interdisciplinary), Bilingual-Bicultural Education-Spanish (interdisciplinary), Child Development (HEV), English (ENG), Geography (GEO), History (HST), Integrated Science (Interdisciplinary) Language Arts (interdisciplinary), Mathematics (MTH), Physical Education (PES), Reading in the Elementary Grades (interdisciplinary), Spanish (SPN)
Note: Consult the CMU bulletin for a complete listing of majors and minors available under the Bachelor of Science in Education degree, Elementary Special Education Emphasis.

Minimum credits needed at CMU (60)

1 A grade of 3.0 or better in WRIT 121; a grade of 2.0 or better in WRIT 122 or ENGL 122, SPCH 120 or 130, and MAT 112

2 A grade of 3.0 or better in EDUC 220

3 A criminal background check is required prior to taking this course. Contact the LCC Office of Teacher Preparation for information at (517) 483-1010.

4 ARTS 240 will transfer as ART 345 if EDUC 220 and EDUC 201 are taken prior to taking ARTS 240. Please see the CMU Art Department for approval.

5 Students completing ENGL 208 at LCC prior to September 2008 do not need to take ENG 381.

6 Students taking MUSC 200 at LCC prior to June 2007 will have satisfied the music requirement and will not need to take MUS 330.

(Revised 6/08)