Yung Doug Suh, Ph.D., Director, Research Center for Convergence NanoRaman Technology (RC2NT), Korea Research Inst. of Chem. Tech. (KRICT), DaeJeon, Korea,

& Associate Professor, School of Chem. Eng., SungKyunKwan Univ. (SKKU), Suwon, Korea

Contact Info: E-mail: , , Phone: +82-10-3360-6607(Cell), +82-42-860-7597(KRICT), +82-31-290-7331(SKKU)

Academic background:

1991, B.S. Chemistry; 1993, M.S. Phys. Chemistry; 1999, Ph.D. in Nano Physics (Prof. Y. Kuk) and Phys. Chemistry (Dr. D. Kim, Prof. S.K. Kim), Seoul Nat’l Univ; 1999-2000, PostDoc in Nano Spectroscopy (Prof. R. Zenobi), ETH Zurich, Swizterland

Professional career:

2013-Present Associate Professor, School of Chemical Engineering, SungKyunKwan Univ. (SKKU),Suwon, Korea

2008 Visiting Scholar, NSEC/Dept. of Physics, Columbia University, NY

2005-2006 Visiting Scholar, Dept. of Physics, Univ. Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, IL

2003-Present (Recruited) Principal Research Scientist. Founder of LAMP & Director of RC2NT, KRICT

2002-2003 Chief Scientist/RI&P Director, Nanohybrid Ltd. Inc.

2001-2002  LTE Staff Member, Single Molecule Spectroscopy Lab., Environmental Molecular Science Lab (EMSL)

Pacific Northwest National Laboratory of DOE/Battelle, WA (PNNL)

2000-2001  Assistant Professor (Res.), Dept. of Chemistry, Pohang University of Science and Technology (POSTECH)

Representative publications: (Google Scholar citation)

1. "Nanoscale Chemical Analysis by Tip-enhanced Raman Spectroscopy (TERS)", Chem. Phys. Lett. 318, 131 (2000), cited > 990 times.

2. "Nanogap-Engineerable, Raman-Active Nano-Dumbbells for Sing Molecule Detection", Nature Materials, 60, 90 (2010), cited 620 times.

3. "Highly uniform and reproducible surface-enhanced Raman scattering from DNA-tailorable nanopartciels with 1-nm interior gap", Nature Nanotechnology, 6, 452 (2011), cited 450 times.

4. "Non-blinking and Non-bleaching Upconverting Nanoparticles as Optical Imaging Nanoprobe and T1 MRI Contrast Agent", Adv. Mater. 21, 4467 (2009), cited >370 times.

5. "Theragnostic Probe Based on Lanthanide-Doped Nanoparticles for Simultaneous In Vivo Dual-Modal Imaging and Photodynamic Therapy", Advanced Materials, 24, 5755 (2012), cited >190 times.

6. "Finite Element Method Simulation of the Field Distribution for AFM Tip-Enhanced Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering Microscopy", J. Phys. Chem. B, 107, 1574 (2003), cited >120 times.

7. "Long-term real-time tracking of Lanthanide ion doped upconverting nanoparticles in living cells", Angewandte Chemie, 50, 6093 (2011), cited >120 times.

8. "Observation of Fluorescence Emission from Solutions of C60 and C70 and Measurement of Their Excited-State Lifetimes", J. Am. Chem. Soc. 114, 4429 (1992), cited 190 times

9. "Low-Lying Electronically Excited States of C60 and C70 and Measurement of Their Picosecond Transient Absorption in Solution", Chem. Phys. Lett. 196, 325 (1992), cited 120 times

10. "Stressed C60 Layers on Au(001)", Phys. Rev. Lett. 70, 1948 (1993), cited 130 times

10. "Upconverting nanoparticles: a versatile platform for wide-field two-photon microscopy and multi-modal in vivo imaging”, Chem. Soc. Rev. 44, 1302 (2015), cited 110 times


•Int’l invited talks in U.S. (2012 MRS Spring, 2013&2015 SPIE, 2013&2016 Photonics West, IEEE Nanomed 2015, 2004 Veeco, NIST x2, 2009 MSU, NSEC of Columbia U x2, 2010 Rice U, 2011&2013&2016 LBNL Molecular Foundry, 2014 Caltech, 2014 UC Berkeley, 2016 UC Irvine), Germany (2004 Max Plank Goettingen, 2004 ISAS Dortmund, 2012 U of Oldenburg, 2014 SES, 2014 ICORS, 2017 Molecular Plasmonics Jena), Swiss (Univ. Basel, ETH Zurich, 2017 CLINAM), Spain (2012 NFO-12), Japan (2003 Handai Frontier Symposium in Osaka, 2013 JASP-OSA Joint Symp. in Kyoto, 2015 TERS-5 in Osaka, 2017 Annual Symposium on Nanobiotechnology in Kawasaki), Singapore (META 2014, ICMAT 2015, NUS 2016, ICEM 2016), and China (Yenji, CAS in Beijing, Frontiers of Plasmonics in Xian, RamanFest 2015 in Xiamen, 2015 KITPC in Beijing, Nature Conference 2016 in Nanjing), as well as 1 plenary talk in the Netherlands (NFO-6) and 1 keynote speech (PIERS 2014).

•ISO Expert Member (TC201-SG9 SPM Division)

•2016 Secretary of American Chemical Society(ACS) South Korea International Chapter.

•Organized two International Symposia as General Secretary (SPP-5 in Busan(2011) & NFO-8 in Seoul(2004)).

•Co-Founded Korean Nano Optical Society (KNOS) in 2004.

•Organized the KNOS-Winter Workshop 2005-2017, as well as two KNOS-Summer Symposium in 2009 & 2010

•Organized Nanospectroscopy and Nanoimaging Session of Nano Korea in 2016 & 2017.

•Nominated at Marquis’ Who’s Who, IBC, and ABI since 2001.

•SPIE Meeting Program Committee of the 50th, 51st & 52nd, Plasmonics: Nanoimaging, Nanofabrication, and their Applications I, II, III, IV, V (2005-2007); 54th, 55th, 56th, 57th Nanoimaging & Nanospectroscopy I, II, III. (2013-2017)

•Total citations: >4570, h-index: 28, i10-index: 45 by Google Scholar


•High School Math/English Contest Award, 1st Place (1983)

•High School Math/English Contest Award, 2nd Place (1984)

•The Blue House Scholarship, the Blue House Guard Association (1985)

•Freshmen Scholarship, Seoul National University (1986)

•Alumni Association Scholarship, SNU Chemistry Alumni (1990)

•Young Scientist R&D Award, Korea Research Foundation (1993)

•Young Vacuum Scientist Award, Korean Vacuum Society (1996)

•Excellent PhD Thesis Award, Seoul National University (1999)

•ETH Zurich PostDoc Fellowship, ETH Zurich, Switzerland (1999-2000)

•AWU Fellowship, Associated Western Universities, U.S.A. (2001)

•Prime Minister’s Award on the 42nd National Science Day, the Korean Government (2010)

•R&D 100 Award, the Korean Government (2011)

•Top 50 Basic Science Award, Ministry of Education, Science and Technology(MEST), the Korean Government (2012)

•The 2013 TechConnectTM Global Innovation Award, TechConnectTM, Washington D.C. (2013)

•Nominated as the Next Generation Leading Scientist, Korean Academy of Science and Technology(KAST) (2013)

•Excellent Scholar Award, Medical R&D Forum (2015)

Nanogap-Enhanced Raman Scattering (NERS)

Yung Doug Suh1,2*

1 Research Ctr. for Convergence NanoRaman Tech. (RC2NT), KRICT, DaeJeon, Korea,

2 School of Chemical Engineering, SungKyunKwan University (SKKU), Suwon, Korea.

*E-mail: ,

Plasmonic coupling-based electromagnetic field localization and enhancement are becoming increasingly important in chemistry, nanoscience, materials science, physics, and engineering over the past decade, generating a number of new concepts and applications. Among the plasmonically coupled nanostructures, metal nanostructures with nanogaps have been of special interest due to their ultrastrong electromagnetic fields and controllable optical properties that can be useful for a variety of signal enhancements such as surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS). The Raman scattering process is highly inefficient, with a very small crosssection, and Raman signals are often poorly reproducible, meaning that very strong, controllable SERS is needed to obtain reliable Raman signals with metallic nanostructures and thus open up new avenues for a variety of Raman-based applications. More specifically, plasmonically coupled metallic nanostructures with ultrasmall (∼1 nm or smaller) nanogaps can generate very strong and tunable electromagnetic fields that can generate strong SERS signals from Raman dyes in the gap, and plasmonic nanogap-enhanced

Raman scattering can be defined as Raman signal enhancement from plasmonic nanogap particles with ∼1 nm gaps. However, these promising nanostructures with extraordinarily strong optical signals have shown limited use for practical applications, largely due to the lack of design principles, high-yield synthetic strategies with nanometer-level structural control and reproducibility, and systematic, reliable single-molecule/single-particle-level studies on their optical properties. All these are extremely important challenges because even small changes (<1 nm) in the structure of the coupled plasmonic nanogaps can significantly affect the plasmon mode and signal intensity. In this Account, we examine and summarize recent breakthroughs and advances in plasmonic nanogap-enhanced Raman scattering with metal nanogap particles with respect to the design and synthesis of plasmonic nanogap structures, as well as ultrasensitive and quantitative Raman signal detection using these structures. The applications and prospects of plasmonic nanogap particle-based SERS are also discussed. In particular, reliable synthetic and measurement strategies for plasmonically coupled nanostructures with ∼1 nm gap, in which both the nanogap size and the position of a Raman-active molecule in the gap can be controlled with nanometer/sub-nanometer-level precision, can address important issues regarding the synthesis and optical properties of plasmonic nanostructures, including structural and signal reproducibility. Further, single-molecule/single-particle-level studies on the plasmonic properties of these nanogap structures revealed that these particles can generate ultrastrong, quantifiable Raman signals in a highly reproducible manner.


[1] H. Lee, S.M. Jin, H.M. Kim, and Y.D. Suh*, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. (invited review article), 2013, 15, 5276-5287.

[2] D. Lim, K.-S. Jeon, H.M. Kim, J.-M. Nam*, and Y.D. Suh*, Nature Materials, 2010, 9, 60-67.

[3] J.-H. Lee, J.-M. Nam*, K.-S. Jeon, D.-K. Lim, H. Kim, S. Kwon, H. Lee, Y.D. Suh*, ACS Nano, 2012, 11, 9574-9584.

[4] H. Lee, G.-H. Kim, J.-H. Lee, N.H. Kim, J.-M. Nam*, and Y.D. Suh*, Nano Letters, 2015, 15, 4628-4636.