Lesson Title: Global Warming
Lesson Length: 90 minutes
Grade Level/Course: Middle School Science
Using evidence presented by scientists in the last three years, students will examine the claim that man has caused global warming. The article entitles “New proof that man has caused global warming” from Times Online and the AEG will be used to evaluate the claim. The activity provides an enrichment opportunity to a section on climate during the unit on weather and climate. It will follow instruction on the atmosphere.
Kansas Science Standards Addressed in this Lesson:
STANDARD 1: SCIENCE AS INQUIRY- The student will develop the abilities necessary to do scientific inquiry and develop an
understanding of scientific inquiry.
Benchmark 1: The student will demonstrate the abilities necessary to do scientific inquiry.
1. actively engages in asking and evaluating research questions.
4. actively engages in conducting an inquiry, formulating and revising his or her scientific explanations and models (physical, conceptual, or mathematical) using logic and evidence, and recognizing that potential alternative explanations and models should be considered.
5. actively engages in communicating and defending the design, results, and conclusion of his/her investigation.
STANDARD 4: EARTH AND SPACE SCIENCE– The student will develop an understanding of energy in the earth system, geochemical cycles, the formation and organization of the earth system, the dynamics of the earth/moon/sun system, and the organization and development of the universe.
Benchmark 1: The student will develop an understanding of the sources of energy that power the subsystems and cycles of the dynamic earth: the geosphere, hydrosphere, atmosphere and biosphere.
1. The ultimate source of atmospheric and oceanic energy comes from the sun. Energy flow drives global climate and weather. Climate and weather are influenced by geographic features, cloud cover, and the earth’s rotation.
STANDARD 6: SCIENCE IN PERSONAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL PERSPECTIVES- The student will develop an understanding of personal and community health, population growth, natural resources, environmental quality, natural and human- induced hazards, and science and technology in local, national, and global settings.
Benchmark 5: The student will develop an understanding of the relationship between science, technology, and society.
1. understands progress in science and technology can be affected by social issues and challenges. Science and technology indicate what can happen, not what should happen.
Student Outcomes:
- Students will be able to identify the evidence presented by scientists in the article “New proof that man has caused global warming” to develop their claim that man has caused global warming.
- Students will be able to analyze and evaluate evidence to accept, reject, or withhold judgment on the claim.
Content Overview:
The article and the AEG centers on the claim: man has caused global warming. A prior understanding of the atmosphere, including abundance of elements in the atmosphere is necessary to evaluate the claim. Students will utilize all strategies contained on the AEG to evaluate the claim.
Instructional Plan:
Think-Pair-Share activity: The teacher should pose the question- “What are possible effects of rising temperatures on the earth?” to the whole class. Individually, students should think about answers to the questions for a couple of minutes. Next, students should pair up with the person sitting next to them and share their ideas. They should compose a master list of all of their ideas. This should take 3-5 minutes. The teacher should then as each group to share one answer they came up with until all answers have been given. The teacher should record the students’ answers on the front board (or in a visible location for all students).
Students will watch a short video on the effects of global warming. (There are many videos available. Pick on to fit into your available time). At the end of the video, add any additional effects the video discussed that are not on the list the class compiled.
Individually, students will read the article “New proof that man has caused global warming”.
Cue: Now that we have read the article “New proof that man has caused global warming” you will work with a partner to make and argue the claim presented in the article, using a process called irradiation can be an effective way to help reduce food-borne hazards and ensure harmful organisms in the foods we buy, using the AEG. The AEG is the Argumentation and Evaluation Guide. Each of you will get a blank copy should contribute to the construction of the AEG created with your partner. This is important because the process of the AEG will help you think about how to make a claim, look at evidence, reasoning, and form a conclusion.
Do: Work with a partner to complete an AEG making sure that the pairs of students understand what information should be included to thoroughly evaluate a scientific claim. Correct misunderstandings as needed. See attached AEG.
Review: Go over the process of using an article to make a claim. That is argued using the AEG as an organizer. Revisit the original claim- man has caused global warming. Make sure students understand the critical content- that food irradiation does not make food radioactive, what radiation is, and how it can destroy food hazards.
Give each pair of students a scoring rubric. Using the rubric, the pair should decide their score for the AEG they created.
Safety Plan:
No safety concerns for this lab, but students should always follow classroom rules and the teacher’s directions.
- Blank AEG
- Scoring rubric
- Article