The Fabulous Few
-All My Neighbors
-Speed Rabbit (Cowtails and Cobras, Karl Rohnke)
-Hai-ya (Ah-So Co variation from Karl Rohnke)
-Kitty in the Corner (Michael Popowitz, SecondCity)
-Pair Tag games (The Empty Bag, Cavert/Hammond)
Icebreakers/Name Games/Get to Know You
-One Minute Frenzy (Tom Leahy)
-Name Repetition
-Concentric circles
-What You Say(POSSIBLESbag Activity Manual, Cavert)
-Steal Nancy’s Fish (Karl Rohnke)
-Ripples (The Empty Bag, Cavert/Hammond)
-Body Dance
-Mystery Stretch
Tweeners/Brain Puzzlers
-Everybody in
-6-Count (The Empty Bag, Cavert/Hammond)
-Ten Step Rhyme
-Amoeba Walk
-Minute Mysteries (Games for Group, Cavert)
Group Splitting
-Numbers or Items (Count-off)
-Category split (thumb fold, etc)
-Partner split
-Handshakes, Winks, Belly Laughs, Silent Hog Call (The More the Merrier, Cavert, Evans, and Sikes)
No Prop Initiatives
-Line up (The Empty Bag, Cavert/Hammond)
-Welded ankle
-Human Warp Speed (The Empty Bag, Cavert/Hammond)
Prop Initiatives
-Pipeline (Affordable Portables, Cavert)
-Tarp Flip (Teamwork and Teamplay, Cain/Jolliff)
-Magic Turtles (Karl Rohnke)
-Magic Jump Rope (Teamwork and Teamplay, Cain/Jolliff)
Processing Tools
-Chiji Processing Cards (Institute for Experiential Education)
-Five Question Method (Open to Outcomes)
-Finger Rating
-“I Really Like it When You…” Cards (Hollace Bristol)
-Comfort Models and Questions (Tom Leahy)
Objective: To provide an opportunity for the group to perform fast paced activities that will set the tone for a more positive day.
Icebreakers/NameGet to Know You Games
Objective: To allow the group to get out of their comfort zones while getting to know one another.
Objective: To allow group to stretch muscles they will be using during the day so that injury does not occur
Tweeners/Brain Puzzlers
Objective: To transition group from one activity to another effectively and to fill time on the course when needed.
Group Splitting
Objective: Methods to divide the group in a manner that fosters new group cohesion.
Objective: To provide an activity with low to high frustrations using tools to enhance skills in the areas of communication, problem solving, decision making, conflict resolution, cooperation, or trust. Initiatives allow the group to develop leadership skills and styles along with ways to emphasize thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. Initiatives also allow groups to be successful through trial-and-error.
No Prop Initiative
Objective: To provide an initiative that allows the facilitator to use no additional props besides what the group brings with them (i.e. shoes, water bottle, hat)
Prop Initative
Objective: To provide an initiative that allows the facilitator to use additional props within an activity to enhance a more concrete experience (i.e. ropes, toys)
Processing Methods
Objective: To provide participants opportunities to reflect on the experience in order to achieve learning objectives.
Objective: To provide an opportunity for the group to perform fast paced activities that will set the tone for a more positive day.
Name of Activity:All My Neighbors(Have You Ever,
Activity Category:Energizer
What is the Goal of the Activity?
All my Neighbors is a good introductory activity to energize the group, begin learning individual’s names and relate commonalities among the group.
Brief Directions:
The participants will be organized in a circle with a place marker. The facilitator will begin in the middle of the circle to explain directions and be the first to share. The person in the middle will first state their name, say “All my Neighbors that…” and state something about themselves. For example: “All my Neighbors that have been to Hawaii.” or “All my Neighbors that are wearing orange.” After this statement has been made, everyone for whom this statement is true will need to leave their place marker and find an open place marker.
What are some Advantages and Disadvantages to this Activity?
Advantages:Safe way for participants to share information about themselves and be active in the process.
Disadvantages: Lack of choice, you have someone who is identified as out and a possibility for inappropriate information to be shared.
Are there any variations?
Many facilitators call this activity “Have you Ever.” It has many similarities to Kitty in the Korner.
What questions could you ask the group after leading this activity?
Did you feel comfortable sharing information about yourself?
Did you find any commonalities with anyone in the group?
Name of Activity: Speed Rabbit
Activity Category: Energizer
What is the Goal of the Activity?
Speed Rabbit is a good introductory activity to energize the group and establish the playfulness level of the program.
Brief Directions:
The facilitator begins in the middle of a participant circle that is shoulder to shoulder. He or she explains the instructions and will begin the game as the person in the middle. “What you will be doing (as the facilitator) is standing inside circle and pointing to someone and stating a caricature like, [Cow!] and then counting to 5(or higher if you want to make it a bit easier).” (The Empty Bag, p.111) The player you point will then need to perform the stated caricature and along with the two individuals to his or her right and left. If the sequence is not done correctly or before the count to five has been completed, then the person that is incorrect will replace the individual in the middle. If the sequence is performed correctly, the individual in the middle points to another person until someone eventually makes a mistake or doesn’t complete the sequence in the allotted time.
The animal sequences are as follows:
Elephant – Center person makes a trunk from their arms by bringing their left arm under their right and up to pinch their nose. The players to each side create ears for the elephant.
Rabbit – Center person hops up and down. The player to each side stomps their foot.
Cow – Center person interlaces fingers and has thumbs pointing down. The players to each side grab a thumb and pull down on it mimicking milking the cow.
What are some Advantages and Disadvantages to this Activity?
Advantages: Speed Rabbit is a classic game sets the level of play and creativity.
Disadvantages: Some participants struggle to find the energy to give the game the flow needed to make it fun and engaging.
Are there any variations?
Speed Rabbit caricatures number in the thousands. Part of the challenge for the group may be to create a caricature. In the book 50 Ways to Use Your Noodle, Sikes and Cavert give a variation using noodles to build the caricatures.
What questions could you ask the group after leading this activity?
How did you react to the pressure of being pointed to?
Other Comments about this activity:
Name of Activity:Hai-Ya
Activity Category: Energizer
What is the Goal of the Activity?
Hai-Ya is a good introductory activity to energize the group and establish the playfulness level of the program.
Brief Directions:
Form the group into a circle. Hai-Ya is played by masters of martial arts to improve their reflexes and concentration. First pick the person that will begin (usually the person to the left of the participant that just got out, or the facilitator to demonstrate). Then the group must bow to each other respectfully. Explain the game as a sequence of ‘beats’ that must be completed rhythmically. The initiator begins by yelling ‘Hai-Ya’ and pointing with both arms out and hands together to someone else in the circle (1st Beat). The signified participant yells ‘Hai-Ya’ as they put their arms into the air with hands together (2nd Beat). The two people either side of the signified person yell ‘Hai-Ya’ as they use both hands to ‘chop’ (no contact) the signified person in the belly (3rd Beat). The signified person then brings down their hands and points to another person around the circle (4th Beat) and play continues until someone is out of beat or uses an incorrect motion. The person that makes a mistake is out of the circle but becomes a ‘distracter’ whose role is to distract those still in the game, non-physically and being careful to not yell in participants ears. Once a participant is out begin the sequence again by bowing and begin play.
It is good to have a few practice rounds first before participants being ‘out’.
What are some Advantages and Disadvantages to this Activity?
Advantages:This activity can be very high energy and competitive.
Disadvantages:Because of the high energy level necessary to give the game the proper flow, some participants will dismiss the activity as a little to ridiculous.
Are there any variations?
Hai-Ya is very similar to the activity Ah-So-Co but with different actions and storyline. It is also a variation of a pulse activity. “Peter Paul and Mary” (The Empty Bag, p.28)
What questions could you ask the group after leading this activity?
Other Comments about this activity:
Name of Activity:Kitty in the Korner
Activity Category: Energizer
What is the Goal of the Activity?
Kitty in the Korner is an introductory activity to energize the group and introduce the concept of the Power of Choice.
Brief Directions:
Form the group into a circle, with each participant standing on a place marker. The facilitator can begin in the middle to demonstrate and explain the game. The middle person walks up to a participant and asks ‘Have you seen my kitty?’ to which the participant will reply with either ‘Check next door’ (pointing left or right), or ‘Check across the street’ (pointing across the circle). The middle person will then ask the person pointed at the same question and the process continues. While the centre person is asking the question the participants around the circle try to swap positions with each other (to do this recommend that they make eye contact first). Once a participant leaves their position in the circle they can’t go back and the centre persons’ objective is to get to a vacant position first, whereby the participant who doesn’t get there is the new person in the middle.
What are some Advantages and Disadvantages to this Activity?
Advantages: The biggest advantage is that no one is required to participate and can remain on their place marker the entire game. This idea of participation prepares the group to discuss the Power of Choice.
Disadvantages: If the participants do not have the desire to participate or if they do not understand the game, one person can be “stuck” in the middle.
Are there any variations?
Kitty in the Korner is very similar to All My Neighbors.
What questions could you ask the group after leading this activity?
Did you have to participate?
Why did you participate?
How did you communicate a switch?
Other Comments about this activity:
Name of Activity:Pair Tag(s)
Activity Category: Energizers
What is the Goal of the Activity?
Pair Tag activities serve as a good introductory activites to energize the group and establish the playfulness level of the program.
Brief Directions:
“Have (or set up) each player with a partner. A group of three will work out if needed. Create a boundary area…suitable for your group size- the smaller the area the more interesting the game (the larger the area the more dangerous- faster running).” (The Empty Bag, p. 99) In each partner pair determine one individual who is “it” and “not it.” When the facilitator gives the beginning cue, the individual who is it will attempt to tag the not it individual. This tag can be made with an appropriate hand tag, a noodle, eye contact or other tagging device.
What are some Advantages and Disadvantages to this Activity?
Advantages: Pair Tag activities avoid the isolation of one person you is it and are filled with a lot of energy and competition.
Are there any variations?
What questions could you ask the group after leading this activity?
Other Comments about this activity:
Icebreakers/Name Games/Get to Know You
Name of Activity:One Minute Frenzy (Tom Leahy The More the Merrier, Evans, Sikes and Cavert)
Activity Category: Icebreaker
What is the Goal of the Activity?
The goal of a One Minute Frenzy is to give participants a quick opportunity to introduce themselves and meet the other participants in the group.
Brief Directions:
Shake hands and share your name with as many people in the room as you can in one minute. Be sure to make eye contact with this person if it is appropriate.
What are some Advantages and Disadvantages to this Activity?
Are there any variations?
What questions could you ask the group after leading this activity?
Other Comments about this activity:
Name of Activity:Name Repetition
Activity Category: Name Game
What is the Goal of the Activity?
All of these activities focus on the learning of the group member’s names.
Brief Directions:
Participants will be organized in a circle with enough room for free movement. The Facilitator will begin by saying his or her name and give an action that corresponds to their name. Everyone will then state the facilitator’s name and perform the demonstrated action. The participant will then introduce themselves and give a motion. The group will say their name and perform their motion, followed by the facilitator’s name and motion. This process will continue until everyone has shared their name and motion and the group has repeated all of the name/motions.
What are some Advantages and Disadvantages to this Activity?
Advantages: The activity reinforces the participant’s names and gives everyone a memory device.
Disadvantages: The activity can be repetitive and may not be appropriate for larger groups.
Are there any variations?
There is unlimited amount of variation with this activity. Instead of a body movement, the participants can say their name followed by fruit that begins with the same first letter as their name, state their favorite food or any other category.
What questions could you ask the group after leading this activity?
Can anyone recite everyone’s name in the group?
Did you discover anything new about a group member?
Did you find any commonalities with the group?
Other Comments about this activity:
Name of Activity:Concentric Circles
Activity Category: Get To Know You
What is the Goal of the Activity?
This activity gives participants an opportunity to share and discover new and unique information about others in the group.
Brief Directions:
Form group into two circles, one inside the other. Participants partner with someone from the other circle and face them. Give the group a specific topic or question that they talk about with their partner for a minute or two e.g. favorite scar or birthmark; worst meal ever; etc. When enough time has passed get the circles to move to their left or right by a number of people. Each participant will have a new partner. Repeat the question and movement process.
What are some Advantages and Disadvantages to this Activity?
Advantages: For some, it is easier to share information about yourself in pairs rather than with a large group.
Disadvantages: The activity is not as physically active as others.
Are there any variations?
The most common variation is Back to Back (The More the Merrier, p.186). Instead of circle the partners will stand back to back to listen to the question and stand front to front with a new partner to answer the question.
What questions could you ask the group after leading this activity?
Did you discover anything new about a group member?
Did you find any commonalities with the group?
Other Comments about this activity:
Name of Activity:What You Say (POSSIBLESbag Activity Manual, Cavert)
Activity Category: Get to Know You
What is the Goal of the Activity?
This activity gives participants an opportunity to share and discover new and unique information about others in the group.
Brief Directions:
Hand out a playing card to each participant which they can look at. Each participant gets into pairs. With their partner they are to tell them as many things about themselves as is the number of their playing card. Both partners do this, then swap cards and put their hands on their heads to signify they are looking for another partner. They are to find another partner and then repeat the process.