Off-net Site Washington K-20 MCU Gatekeeper Registration Guidelines:
The K-20 Education Network in WashingtonState requires users to register their video conferencing endpoints with the K-20 gatekeeper or a peered gatekeeper in order to gain access to MCU resources. The steps below will assist you with configuring your endpoint(s) if you are planning to join a K-20 video event via IP from a location outside of the K-20 network (off-net site).
1) K-20 participates in the ViDeNet gatekeeper hierarchy and GDS dialing scheme. If you are currently registered to an institutional gatekeeper that is peered with the K20 gatekeeper, you should be able to call one of the K-20 IP loopback numbers at either 0332222 or 0342222 to verify that your gatekeeper registration and institutional gatekeeper peering are working correctly. If the test works, you are already registered and do not need to continue on to step 2. For non-K-20 locations not registered to a ViDeNet compliant gatekeeper, please continue on to step 2. For non-K-20 locations registered to ViDeNet compliant gatekeepers outside of K-20, please skip to step 7.
2) You will need to go to the gatekeeper settings screen on your IP endpoint. The location of this screen will vary by make and model, but should be found in the IP/H.323 settings menus.
3) If you have been using your system for IP calls, the H.323 Name field should already be filled in. The name you choose should be something that makes sense to you and helps you to remember this specific system.Within K-20, we use the convention of institution name, building name, and room number. An example is 'River Valley College-Building3-Room5.'
4) On Polycom (and possibly other) systems you need to select 'Specify' before entering the gatekeeper IP address. For the Gatekeeper Address, enter either (if you are using DNS) or
5) For the H.323 Extension, please set this to the 10-digit phone number where you can be contacted. The reason for this is that the H.323 Extension needs to consist of a unique identifying number in the K-20 gatekeeper database, and your phone contact number is a uniquely assigned number.
6) At this point, some systems will automatically re-boot or prompt you to re-boot.
When gatekeeper registration is finished, you should see a message on the screen indicating that this has completed successfully.
7) The next step is to call one of the 384K K-20 MCU loopback numbers at either 0332222 or 0342222 to verify that you are able to connect to the MCU. (For non-K-20 locations registered to ViDeNet compliant gatekeepers, you will need to add 0011479 in front of the loopback number in order for your call to route to the K-20 MCU correctly) Once this is completed successfully, you will be ready to contact/test with the K-20 site or sites you are planning an event with, and ultimately join IP MCU events hosted by the WashingtonK-20 Education Network!
8) If you have difficulty conducting a successful loopback test or are unable to connect to a live K-20 conference on the MCU after completing the above steps, please call your technical contacts at the K-20 location sponsoring the event you are planning to join and ask them for troubleshooting assistance. If local network issues are preventing you from connecting to the K-20 MCU, your institutional IP network support team or network administrator may also need to provide troubleshooting assistance.
NTSC Video Working Group 2/14/2012