Albany Parks & Recreation

Park Adoption Program

Terms and Adoption Agreement

The Park Adoption Program gives civic-minded individuals, organizations, and businesses the opportunity to participate in creating a cleaner more beautiful Albany.

Volunteer Responsibilities:

Notify the Parks Operations Supervisor of the schedule for your group’s activities.

Conduct a general cleanup of the adopted area four (4) times per year.

Approximately one cleanup per quarter is required.

Place the collected litter in tiedbagsfor collection at location designated byPark Operations Supervisor.

Give each member of the group the Safety Information Sheet provided.

Return unused bags within one (1) working day after the cleanup.

Inform Albany Parks & Recreation staff of any hazards or major repairs needed, as observed by your group.

Volunteer Projects Available

Pick up litter

Remove dead tree limbs, (laying on the ground), and other plant debris from the park/trail

Rake and level the playground surface material (wood chips) as needed

Clean out barbeque grills, of ash and debris when cooled

Mulch the young trees in the park

Pull weeds out of playground surface material (wood chips)

Spread new wood chips on established trails

Paint equipment

Specific task will be negotiated between your group and the Park Operations Supervisor

Albany Parks Recreation Department Responsibilities:

Monitor compliance with program terms.

Supervise special parks projects as needed.

Provide safety vests (as available), trash bags, and collection services.

Hold a volunteer recognition event for program participants.

Furnish a sign signifying the adoption, including names of individuals and/or organization.

On this _____ day of ______2016,<Name of Group Representative>, agree to adopt <Name of park/property to be adopted>.This agreement will remain in effect for one year from the date of acceptance, unless mutually agreed upon.

We agree that if the maintenance of our adopted area is not being performed according to the terms agreed upon, we will be given thirty (30) days’ notice of termination after which time the Park Adoption signs will be removed and the spot placed for re-adoption. If within this 30-day period of time the maintenance is resumed, the agreement will remain in force.

Name of Adopter/Group:

Mailing Address:



Representative SignatureDate

Albany Parks & Recreation Representative SignatureDate