BrandeisUniversity – The Hebrew Program
עברית44b Hebrew
Advanced Intermediate Hebrew: Israeli Culture and Media
Fall 2014
Aliza Brosh
ASAC - 316 ext. 62956
Office Hours: Thu 12-1
Course prerequisites:
Completion of Hebrew 34, 39, 35 or an equivalent as determined by the Placement Exam.
Course description:
-short newspaper articles
-Grammar review
-Verbs: binyanNifal (נפעל)
-Group presentations
-Short story ‘On Dreams’ (על החלומות)
-Newspaper articles
-Syntax: concessional clauses (למרות, אף על פי)
-Verbs: binyanHuf’al (הופעל); verbal nouns
-Individual presentations
-Movie ‘Late Summer Blues’ (בלוז לחופש הגדול)
-Poems; newspaper articles
-Syntax: not…but(לא...אלא), conditional clauses (אם, אילו, לולא), prepositions
-Verbs: binyanPu’al (פועל)
Course objectives:
To reinforce the language skills required at the advanced level through the following:
enrichment of vocabulary relevant to current events
expressing opinions
fluency in writing and speaking
usage of all tenses in active and passive voice, and verbal nouns
reading prose (‘On dreams’ by David Shachar)
reading poetry
viewing Israeli films (‘Late Summer Blues’, ‘Basic Training’)
singing Israeli songs
selected readings from Israeli newspapers
Course requirements:
attend all classes - three absences will affect the final grade by 1/2 letter grade
participate in classroom discussions and activities
complete all assignments on time
report in writing and orally about a news item (every Thursday)
make one 10 minute individual presentation in class
make videotaped group presentation
take all quizzes, midterm and final exams
participate in conversation sessions with a peer tutor once a week (half hour sessions)
and most important – have fun!
Extracurricular events:
Students are strongly recommended to participate in extracurricular events, suggested by the instructor, such as lectures and Israeli movies as well as departmental activities and the Eta Beta Rho Brandeis Chapter.
Grade distribution:
attendance / 10% / נוכחותhomework and weekly current event journal and compositions / 30% / שיעורי בית, יומן חדשות שבועי וחיבורים
presentations / 10% / מצגות
quizzes / 15% / בחנים
midterm / 15% / מבחן אמצע הסמסטר
final exam / 20% / מבחן סוף הסמסטר
Course materials:
-Brandeis Modern Hebrew 2
-David Shachar, “Al Hachalomot” (על החלומות), Gesher publication – at the Brandeis bookstore
-Sha’arLa’Matchil online (weekly newspaper שער למתחיל )
To subscribe:
($6 monthly, $60 yearly)
Recommended reference books:
- Lauden and Weinbach, Multi Dictionary
Shimon Zilberman, The Up-To-Date English-Hebrew Hebrew-English Dictionary
- Tarmon and Uval , Hebrew Verb Tables
טלויזיה - הערוץהישראלי, Ch. 90 /שער למתחיל /
מילוןמורפיקס /
עיתוןהארץ /
עיתוןמעריב /
עיתוןידיעותאחרונותynet /
רדיו – גליצה"ל (גל"צ) /
רדיו - רשתב' /
מיליםלשירים - שירונט /
Learning Disabilities
If you are a student with disability on record at Brandeis and wish to have a reasonable accommodation made for you’ please see the instructor as soon as possible.
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