Final Exam Review English 9A, Term I
Part A: Literary Terms
1. The three kinds of external conflict are:
2. A series of related events, like links in a chain, is called the…
3. The opening of the story is called the…
4. The key scene in the story is called the…
5. When events unfold in real time, we call it…
6. What is a flashback?
7. Using literary terms, what is generally true about theprotagonist?
8. The character or force that blocks the protagonist is the…
9. The process of revealing the personality of a character in a story is called…
10. What is indirect characterization?
11. What is direct characterization?
12. Characters who do not change much during a story are considered…
13. Characters who change as a result of the story’s events are considered…
14. If a character only has one or two traits and can be described in few words, he/she is considered…
15. The fears, conflicts, or needs that drive a character are called…
16. The time and place of a story or play is…
17. The central idea of a work of literature is called the…
18. The first step in finding the Universal Theme is…
19. A story’s atmosphere or the feeling it evokes is called the…
20. The attitude a writer takes toward a subject, a character, or an audience is called…
21. The category that a work of literature is classified under is called…
22. The voice telling the story is the…
23. When the person telling the story knows everything there is to know about the characters and their problems, the author is using which point of view?
24. When one of the characters is telling the story, using the pronoun I, the author is using which point of view?
25. If the person telling the story is lying or telling us part of the story, the author is…
Part B: Short Story Comprehension
26. The main conflict in “The Most Dangerous Game” is character vs. . . .
27. The name “ShipTrapIsland” is significant because…
28. What was the one attribute the General was looking for in the ideal prey?
29. What is the most dangerous game?
30. What does Rainsford say when the General congratulates him on winning the game?
31. In “The Necklace,” why doesn’t Mathilde Loisel want to go to the party?
32. From whom does Mathilde Loisel borrow a necklace?
33. How does Mathilde’s husband react to the lost necklace?
34. What does Mathilde do to help pay for the replacement necklace?
35. How long does it take to pay off the necklace?
36. In “The Lady or the Tiger,” how is a person’s guilt or innocence decided?
37. The crime the young man in “The Lady or the Tiger” is accused of is:
38. Why would the princess choose to send the young man to the tiger?
39. Which word best describes the ending to “The Lady or the Tiger?”
40. In “The Interlopers,” what is the cause of the conflict between Ulrich and Georg?
41. What are Ulrich and Georg doing in the forest?
42. When do Ulrich and Georg become trapped?
43. When is the conflict resolved?
44. When Brother wants to share with Doodle “the only beauty [he] knew,” where do they go?
45. What does Brother make Doodle do with his casket?
46. What causes the boys’ dad to curse “heaven, hell, the weather, and the Republican party”?
47. What does Doodle insist on doing with the dead bird?
48. Who is most disturbed by the death of the bird?
49. What does Brother do with Doodle on their way home during the storm?
50. The scarlet ibis could be symbolically connected to:
Part C: The Odyssey
51 – 59: True/False questions regarding Epic Elements (See Notes!)
60. Review the background information on The Odyssey, its time period, and its author
61. Who was the hero of The Iliad?
62. Know the difference between Tragic and Romantic epics and examples of each
63. In the Odyssey, what is Odysseus trying to do?
64. For the majority of Part I, who is Odysseus’s audience?
65. Which of the following best describes a person who has just eaten Lotus?
66. Which basic human quality do the sirens represent?
67. How do the men justify eating the cattle of the Sun God?
68. How does Athena assist Odysseus in the beginning of Part II?
69. How does Eurycleia recognize Odysseus?
70. What has Telemachus done in advance to help ensure Odysseus’s victory?
71. Who is Odysseus’s first target?
72. What plea does Eurymachus make to save his life?
73. To what are Odysseus and Telemachus compared as they battle the suitors?
74. Why is Telemachus displeased with his mother, Penelope?
75. What is Penelope’s test for Odysseus?
Part D: The House on Mango Street
76. To what Does Esperanza compare herself without friends?
77. Which name would Esperanza like to have?
78. How does Esperanza feel when she drives into a neighborhood of another color?
79. Besides Mice, What else frightens Alicia?
80. Why did Papa wake up Esperanza in the middle of the night?
81. What is the reason for Esperanza having her fortune told?
82. What is the significance of the Four Skinny Trees?
83. Why doesn’t Mamacita want her son to learn English?
84. What do Esperanza and Minerva have in common?
85. What will Esperanza keep in her attic someday?
86. Why did Esperanza’s mother quit school?
87. What did the three sisters tell Esperanza that she had to do?
88. How is Esperanza planning on getting out of the neighborhood?
89. The author of The House on Mango Street is:
90. The House on Mango Street is told using what literary technique?
Part E: Character Matching
These characters will come from The Odyssey, The House on Mango Street, “The Most Dangerous Game”, “The Necklace”, “The Interlopers”, “The Lady or the Tiger”, and “Scarlet Ibis”.
91. Falls off a ship while trying to catch his pipe
92. Has a large, mute bodyguard/butler
93. A female monster that sucks in water 3 times a day
94. Son of the sea god Poseidon
95. Enchantress who turns Odysseus’s men into pigs
96. A female monster with six serpent heads
97. Odysseus’s faithful wife
98. Odysseus’s son
99. Beautiful nymph who keeps Odysseus on her island for 7 years
100. King of Ithaca
101. The sun god
102. Famous blind prophet
103. The most powerful god
104. The goddess of wisdom
105. One of Penelope’s main suitors
106. The devoted and patient husband
107. The lady who’s not afraid to be seen in “fake” jewelry
108. The lady who learns a hard lesson about envy
109. She sacrifices her beautiful hair for a man
110. He surrendered his most prized possession to purchase combs for his wife
111. Will say Holy Smokes but little else in English
112. Would like to be called Zeze the X
113. Instead of calling her friends names, she’s busy naming the clouds
114. She kisses boys in the monkey garden
Part F: Reading Fiction
Questions 115-124 will be comprehension questions based on a previously unseen Fiction piece of literature.
Part G: Reading Nonfiction
Questions 125-134 will be comprehension questions based on a previously unseen Nonfiction piece of literature.
Part H: Conventions, Mechanics, and Grammar
Questions 135- 174 Address parts of speech (nouns, pronouns, adjectives, verbs, adverbs, prepositions, conjunctions, and interjections) as well as grammatical structure and frequently confused words (pgs. 374-385)
I: Writing Application: 175-200
You have thirty minutes to write an essay. Before you begin planning and writing your essay, read the writing prompt carefully to understand exactly what you are being asked to do. Your essay will be evaluated on the evidence it provides of your ability to express judgments by taking a position on the issue in the writing prompts; to maintain a focus on the topic throughout the essay; to develop a position by using logical reasoning, and by supporting your ideas; to organize ideas in a logical way; and to use language clearly and effectively according to the conventions of standard written English. In this section you will be given a prompt that will ask you to take a position on an issue and support it using SPECIFIC REASONS and EXAMPLES.