After Dark Grant Application
(Submit this sheet with your supporting materials)
**Co-Sponsorship should be considered and is strongly encouraged. Each organization must complete separate budgets; all must be submitted at the same time.**
Contact Information(please type or print)
Name of Organization/Group:______Advisor:______
Contact Person:______
Cell Number:______Advisor’s:______
Event Information
Name of Event:______
Date of Event: ______Start/End Time: ______
Please attach a copy of your Space Request Confirmation
Day of the week: ___ Tuesday ___ Thursday ___ Friday ___ Saturday
Target Audience:______
Estimated # of RCNJ Students in Attendance:______
Provide an itemized budgetfor your event: marketing (printing, copying), food, activity materials, etc.
*If you are co-sponsoring with other organizations each group must submit an itemized budget.
Category / Detail Expenses/Vendor Information / Dollar AmountSupplies/Decor
Marketing (flyers, posters, printing, signage, banners, etc.)
Food/Catering (not permitted in the Sharp Theatre, H129, classrooms, computer labs, or pool area.)
Academic Media (screens, laptops, speakers, etc.)
Housekeeping (tables, chairs, set up, clean up) / Mandatory housekeeping
for three hours / $90.00
Facilities (audio/visual)
Performers (DJ, bands, etc)
Other (public safety, EMS, Mahwah Police) / Mandatory 2 public safety officers at $45/hour / $360.00
Expected cost:______
Requested Grant (not to exceed $1,000 per org./group)______
Tentative Approval : Date:
(Cory Rosenkranz)
Program proposal tentatively approved; proceed to secure venue location.
“Tweaks” and/or other adjustments to be made before final approval:
Final Approval:______Date:______
(Cory Rosenkranz)
(Changes, “tweaks” and/or adjustments have been made and finalized).
Evaluation and Surveys
After the event, a student representative of the organization/group approved for the grant must complete a one-page, typed evaluation,which includes a description of the event: date, time, actual attendance, cost, etc. The report should also indicate whether the event was successful or unsuccessful and why. The student representative should have approximately 50 % of the students who attended the event complete the survey (included in your application packet). The evaluation and completed surveys must be turned in to the AOD Prevention Program office (D-216) within seven (7) days after the event.
NOTE: Organizations/groups that receive grant awards and do not complete the above stipulations will not be considered for a grant award in the semester immediately following the semester of the event in question.
If you have any questions please contact Cory Rosenkranz at 201-684-7019 or Angelica Russo at 201-684-7571
I, ______, on ___/___/___, do hereby agree to be held fiscally accountable for any/all
(name of student) funding should it be granted. I understand acceptance of RCNJ AOD Prevention Program funds requires the student group/organization to complete an RCNJ AOD Prevention Program Evaluation and submit the completed student surveys within one week after the sponsored event date. I understand that if any group and/or organization receiving a grant is found to allow, use, and/or supply alcohol or other drugs before or during an event, the event will be cancelled, shut down immediately, and all grant money WILL be repaid to the RCNJ AOD Prevention Program within 7 days of cancellation.
Please return applications to D-216 (Cory Rosenkranz/Angelica Russo) at least 4 weeks prior to event
____ Organization Representative has attended an After Dark Grant meeting
____ Organization has submitted all necessary paperwork
____ Funded Amount Approved:______
____ Funding Declined – Reason:______
____ Unused Funds Returned: Date:______
____ Submitted Evaluation Report: Date:______
____ Submitted Student Surveys: Date:______