Resident Scholar ,Center for Biosecurity, University of Pittsburgh Medical Center

21st Century Professor of Medicine and Public Health, University of Pittsburgh

Johns Hopkins University Distinguished Service Professor

Dean Emeritus, Johns Hopkins School of Hygiene and Public Health

Pier IV Building, Suite 210

Baltimore, Maryland 21202 April 12, 2004

Telephone: Office: 443-573-3304 Home: (410) 889-2880

FAX: Office:443-573-3305 Home: (410) 889-6514


Place and Date of Birth: Lakewood, Ohio, September 7, 1928

Personal Information: Married: Nana Irene Bragg

Children: Leigh, David, Douglas

SSN: 270-22-2975


A.B., Oberlin College, 1950

M.D., University of Rochester School of Medicine, 1954

M.P.H., Johns Hopkins University School of Hygiene and Public Health, 1960

Honoris causa:

M.D., Universite de Geneve, 1980

LL.D., Marietta College, 1978 University of Minnesota, 2003

L.H.D., State University of New York, 1984 Towson State University, 1994

The Johns Hopkins University, 1994

Sc.D., University of Rochester, 1977 Yale University, 1986

Oberlin College, 1978 Albany Medical College, 1986

University of Illinois, 1979 Lafayette College, 1991

University of Maryland, 1980 University of Missouri, 1992

Positions Held:

1954-1955 Intern in Medicine, Mary Imogene Bassett Hospital, Cooperstown, NY

1955-1957 Chief, Epidemic Intelligence Service and Assistant to Chief, Epidemiology

Branch, Communicable Disease Center (CDC), Department of Health,

Education and Welfare, Atlanta

1957-1959 Resident in Medicine, Mary Imogene Bassett Hospital, Cooperstown, NY

1960-1961 Assistant Chief, Epidemiology Branch and Chief, Epidemic Intelligence

Service, CDC

1961-1965  Chief, Surveillance Section, Epidemiology Branch, CDC

1965-1966 Chief, Smallpox Eradication Program, CDC

1966-1977 Chief Medical Officer, Smallpox Eradication, World Health Organization,

Geneva, Switzerland

1977-1990 Dean and Professor of Epidemiology and International Health, Johns

Hopkins University School of Hygiene and Public Health, Baltimore

1990-1993  Edgar Berman Professor in International Health, Johns Hopkins University School of Hygiene and Public Health

1993- University Distinguished Service Professor, The Johns Hopkins University

1991-1993 Associate Director for Life Sciences, Office of Science and Technology

Policy, Executive Office of the President, Washington

1993-1995 Deputy Assistant Secretary for Health and Senior Science Adviser,

Department of Health and Human Services, Washington

1998-2001  Director, Johns Hopkins Center for Civilian Biodefense Strategies

2001-2003 Director, Office of Public Health Emergency Preparedness; Principal Science Advisor to the Secretary of Health and Human Services

2003- Resident Scholar, Center for Biosecurity, U. of Pittsburgh Medical Center

Scientific Awards and Recognitions: (United States)

Presidential Medal of Freedom, 2002

National Medal of Science, 1986

National Academy of Sciences, Public Welfare Medal, 1978

American Academy of Arts and Sciences, Fellow, 1986

Institute of Medicine, National Academy of Sciences, Member, 1978

American Council on Science & Health, Award for Distinguished Achievement, 2004

The Annapolis Center Science Award, 2000

New York Academy of Medicine, John Stearns Award, 1995

Honorary Fellow, 2000,

The Sylvia and Herbert Berger Award, 2001

Albert B. Sabin Vaccine Foundation, Sabin Gold Medal, 1994

Rotary International, Paul Harris Fellow, 1993

City of Medicine Award, Durham, North Carolina, 1993

Ronald McDonald Children’s Charities, Award of Excellence, 1992

Charles A. Dana Foundation Award for Pioneering Achievement in Health, 1986

Albert Schweitzer International Prize for Medicine, 1985

Blue Cross-Blue Shield, 50th Anniversary Distinguished Service Award, 1979

U.S. Association for the United Nations, Joseph C. Wilson Award, 1978

American Academy of Pediatrics, Honorary Fellow, 1980

American College of Epidemiology, Abraham Lilienfeld Award, 1991

Honorary Fellow, 1997

American College of Physicians, James D. Bruce Memorial Award, 1978

American College of Preventive Medicine, Special Recognition Award, 1992

American Public Health Association, Rosenhaus International Award, 1975

American Society for Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, Walter Reed Medal, 1993

Infectious Diseases Society of America: Society Citation, 1996

Joseph Smadel Medal, 2002

National Council for International Health, Award for Leadership, 1993

University of Rochester School of Medicine, Arthur Kornberg Research Award, 2002

Distinguished Alumnus Award, 2003

Brown University, Center for Biodefense, September Eleventh Award, 2003

The Johns Hopkins University: Distinguished Alumnus Award, 1982

Woodrow Wilson Award for Distinguished Government Service, 1992

Visiting Professor, School of Medicine, January 1998

Dean's Medal, School of Medicine, 2002

Center for Alternatives to Animal Testing, Founder’s Award, 1992

Columbia University School of Public Health, Frank Calderone Prize, 1999

University of Kansas, Takeru Higuchi Memorial Award, 1999

Vanderbilt University School of Medicine Medal, 1990

Ohio Foundation of Independent Colleges, Hall of Fame, 1990

Michigan State University, Walter F. Patenge Medal of Public Service, 1984

National Institutes of Health Alumni Association, Public Service Award, 2003

U.S. Public Health Service:

Surgeon General’s Medallion, 1992, Distinguished Service Medal, 1976

Commendation Medal, 1962

U.S. General Accounting Office, Comptroller General’s Special Recognition, 1986 Delta Omega Honorary Public Health Society, Member, 1979

Outstanding Alumnus Award, 1980

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services:

Superior Service Award, 1964, Sustained Superior Performance Award, 1966

Sigma Xi, Member, 1956

AARP, The 50 most Innovative Americans over 50, 2003

Clan Henderson, Order of the Chief, 2002

Scientific Awards and Recognitions: (Other Countries)

The Japan Prize, 1988

Government of Brazil, Oswaldo Cruz Gold Medal of Merit, 1995

Oswaldo Cruz Commemorative Centenary Medal, 2000

Republic of China, Health Medal of the First Grade, 1988

Government of Italy, Ministero della Salute, silver medal, 2004

Government of Uruguay, Medal of Abnegation, 1988

Government of Ethiopia, Medal for Contributions to Health, 1979

Government of Afghanistan, Roghtya Neshan (Health Medal), 1976

Government of India, Special Award, 1975

World Health Organization, Health for All Medal, 1990

Pan American Health Organization, Special Commendation Award, 1990

Hero of Public Health Award, 2002

International Union of Microbiological Societies-Australian Society for Microbiology

Certificate of Merit, 1999

Russian Academy of Medical Sciences and D.V.Ivanovsky Institute of Virology

100 Years of Virology Medal, 1999

European Council on Travel Medicine, Ulysses of the III Millenium Award, 2004

Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia, Honorary Professor, 1988

Gairdner Foundation (Canada), International Award of Merit, 1983

Royal College of Physicians of the United Kingdom,

Faculty of Community Medicine, Honorary Fellow, 1981

Lilly Lecturer, 1998

Royal Society of Medicine:

Edward Jenner Medal, 1996

Burroughs Wellcome Visiting Professor, 1996

Richard T. Hewitt Award, 1986

Honorary Member, 1980

London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine and Royal Society of Tropical

Medicine and Hygiene, George McDonald Prize and Medal, 1976

London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, Honorary Fellow, 1993

British Medical Association, Foreign Corresponding Member, 1990

Ernst-Jung Foundation (Germany), Ernst-Jung Preis fur Medizin, 1976

Indian Society for Malaria and Other Communicable Diseases, Special Award, 1975

Commemorative Award of Seventh World Congress of the International

Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War, 1987

Professional Committees (Present):

National Academy of Sciences, National Research Council:

Report Review Committee, 1998-

International Advisory Board, 1998-

March of Dimes, Technical Advisory Committee, 1998-

Prince Mahidol Awards Foundation, International Awards Committee, 1997-

Department of Defense, Defense Threat Reduction Agency Advisory Committee, ,2000-

National Advisory Committee on Public Health Preparedness, Chairman, 2002—

Pan-American Health Organization, Tech. Adv. Group on Vaccines, Chariman1985-

Professional Societies:

American Board of Preventive Medicine, 1963-

American College of Epidemiology, Fellow, 1990; Honorary Fellow, 1997

American College of Preventive Medicine, Fellow, 1978-

American Epidemiological Society, 1963-

American Public Health Association, 1956; Fellow, 1961-

American Society for Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, 1981-

Indian Society for Malaria and Other Communicable Diseases, Fellow, 1975-

Infectious Disease Society of America, Fellow, 1998-

International Epidemiological Association, 1965-

Royal College of Physicians (Edinburgh), Fellow, 1986-

Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, Fellow, 1976

Biographical Listings:

Who’s Who in the World

The International Who’s Who

Who’s Who in America

Who’s Who in Frontiers of Science and Technology

American Men and Women in Science: Medical and Health Sciences

Dictionary of International Biography

Special Lectureships:

Jenner Memorial Lecture, Bristol Royal Infirmary, UK, 1975

James Bordley III Lecture, Mary Imogene Bassett Hospital, Cooperstown,

New York, 1977

Merck Sharpe and Dohme Lecture, Canadian Public Health Association, Ottawa,

Canada, 1977

Julia M. Jones Memorial Lecture, American Lung Association and American

Thoracic Society, 1979

Joseph C. Wilson Lecture, University of Rochester, New York, 1979

V.W. Scully Distinguished Lecture, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada, 1979

Stephens Lecture, Oberlin College, Oberlin, Ohio, 1980

Harben Lecture, Royal Institute of Public Health and Hygiene, London, 1980

Rameshwar Sharma Oration, School of Medicine, Jaipur, India, 1981

Harvard Medical School Bicentennial Speaker, 1982

Oberlin College Sesquicentennial Speaker, 1983

P.D. Agarwal Memorial Oration, Calcutta, India, 1985

National Convention on the Management of Health Systems, Convention Orator,

Jaipur, India, 1985

Chief Guest and Keynote Speaker, 30th Anniversary of Indian Public Health

Association, Calcutta, India, 1985

Eighteenth International Pediatric Congress, Keynote Speaker, Honolulu, 1986

Frontiers of Science Lecture, University of Florida, Gainesville, 1987

Agaard Lecture, University of Washington, Seattle, 1987

Joseph Mountain Lecture, Centers for Disease Controls, Atlanta, Georgia, 1987

Theodore Bloomfield Lecture, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, Ohio, 1987

The Japan Prize Lecture, Tokyo, Japan, 1988

Phyllis Lewander Memorial Lecture, Children’s Hospital National Medical Center,

Washington, D.C., 1989

John P. McGovern Lecture, Baylor College of Medicine, 1989

Alumni Reunion Lecture, University of Rochester, 1989

Kathryn Boucot Sturgis Lecture, 1990

Thomas Francis Memorial Lecture, University of Michigan, 1990

Alumni Reunion Lecture, Oberlin College, 1990

John R. Hogness Lecture, Assoc, of Acad. Health Centers, Napa, CA ,1991

Child Health 2000 Conference, Plenary Address, Vancouver, British Columbia, 1992

Charles Franklin Craig Lecture, American Society for Tropical Medicine and

Hygiene, Seattle, Washington, 1992

Sigma XI Lecture, University of Missouri, 1992

Distinguished Lecturer in International Health, University of North Carolina,

Chapel Hill, 1993

Alumni Reunion Lecture, Oberlin College, 1994

Albert B. Sabin Lecture, Cold Spring Harbor, New York, 1994

Australian Academy of Sciences, Public Lecture, Canberra, Australia, 1994

Child Health 2000 Conference, Plenary Address, Vancouver, British Columbia, 1995

Frontiers of Science Lecture, University of Florida, 1996

Finnish Medical Association Lecture, Helsinki, 1996

Royal Society (London) Lecture, 1996

Infectious Diseases Society of America, Plenary Address, 1996

Heberdon Society of Cornell University Lecture, 1997

Griswold Lecture, Hartford (CN) Hospital, 1998

Louis Weinstein Lecture, Tufts University-New England Medical Center, 1998

Amberg-Helmholz Lecture, Mayo Clinic, 1999

George Eastman Memorial Lecture, University of Rochester, 1999

Takeru Higuchi Lecture, University of Kansas, 1999

Frank Calderone Lecture, Columbia University School of Public Health, 1999

Rudin Lecture, Columbia University School of Medicine, 2000

James Steele Lecture, U. of Texas School of Public Health, 2000

Sigma Xi Lecture, Queens College, New York, 2000

Mel Reich Lecture, George Washington University, 2000

Stephen and Henry Krop Lecture, Georgetown University, 2000

P.D. Agarwal Memorial Lecture, Jaipur, India, 2001

Sylvia and Herbert Berger Lecture, New York Academy of Medicine, 2001

Voyages of Discovery Lecture, Elon College, Elon, North Carolina, 2002

Theodore Woodward Lecture, U.S.Navy Occupational Health and Preventive Medicine

Program, Norfolk, Virginia, 2002

John R. Hogness Lecture, Association of Academic Health Centers, Washington, 2002

Centennial Lecture, New York State Health Department, 2002

JosephSmadel Lecture, Infectious Diseases Society of America, 2002

John Latta Lecture, University of Nebraska, 2003

Gaylord Anderson Lecture, University of Minnesota, 2003

Ives Townsend Lecture, University of South Carolina, 2003

Anniversary Discourse, New York Academy of Medicine, 2003

John Siegel Distinguished Lecture, New Jersey School of Medicine, 2003

Governor Winthrop Rockefeller Distinguished Lecturer, University of Arkansas, 2003

Commencement and Convocation Addresses:

University of Southern California School of Medicine, 1978

University of California (San Diego) School of Medicine, 1984

Michigan State University School of Medicine, 1984

San Diego State University School of Public Health, 1988

University of Alabama School of Public Health, 1994

Towson State University, 1994

Uniformed Services University (Public Health), 1998

University of Minnesota School of Public Health, 2002

Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, 2002

Professional Committees (Past):

American Public Health Association:

Committee on Hepatitis, Chairman, 1961-1965

Multiple Antigen Committee, 1964-1966

Epidemiology Section Council, 1965-1967

Surgeon General’s Advisory Committees on:

Influenza, Secretary, 1961-1965

Measles Vaccines, Secretary, 1963

Immunization Practice, Secretary, 1964-1966

World Health Organization:

Special Committee on Measles Vaccine, Consultant, 1963

Scientific Group on Human Virus Vaccines, Member, 1965

Expert Advisory Panel on Virus Diseases, 1977-2001

Global Commission for the Certification of Smallpox Eradication,


Program Advisory Group for the Prevention of Blindness, 1978-1982

Program for Research and Training in Tropical Diseases, Scientific

and Technological Advisory Committee, 1982-1984

Caribbean Epidemiology Center, Scientific Advisory Committee, 1980-1983

Consultative Group on Poliomyelitis Eradication, Chairman, 1988-1992

Committee on Orthopoxvirus Infections, 1981-1994

Scientific Advisory Group of Experts, Children’s Vaccine Initiative and

Global Program of Vaccination, 1994-1996

Pan-American Health Organization Technical Advisory Group on Vaccines

and Immunization, Chairman, 1985-2003

National Research Council, National Academy of Sciences:

Board on Science and Technology in International Development, 1981-1983

Committee on Research Grants, 1982-1983

Institute of Medicine, National Academy of Sciences:

Steering Committee for Study on Clinical Investigations in Developing

Countries, 1978-1980

Advisory Committee on Health, Biomedical Research and Development,

Chairman, 1981-1983

Steering Committee, Study of Tropical Diseases, 1984-1987

Committee on the Evaluation of Poliomyelitis Vaccine, 1987-1988

Board on International Health, 1988-1991

Association of Schools of Public Health, Treasurer, 1978; Vice-President,

1981-1982 and 1987-1988; President, 1988-1990

International Association for Maternal and Neonatal Health, Scientific Council,


Rotary Foundation of Rotary International, Polio Plus Advisory Committee,


Foundation for Development of International Health (Japan), Scientific Consultant,


Association of Academic Health Centers, Task Force on Health Promotion/

Disease Prevention, 1989-1991

AIDS Patient Care magazine, Editorial Advisory Panel, 1987-1991

Government Accounting Office, Research and Education Advisory Panel to the

Comptroller-General, 1977-1986; Advisory Board, Program Evaluation

and Methodology Division, 1988-1991

Department of Health and Human Services:

PHS Hospitals ad hoc Advisory Committee, 1978

Secretary’s Committee on Influenza, Vice-Chairman, 1979

National Ethics Advisory Board, 1977-1980

CDC Programs and Policy Advisory Committee, 1978-1980

Immunization Practices Advisory Committee, CDC, 1982-1986

National Vaccine Advisory Committee, 1988-1989; Chairman, 1990

Secretary’s Council on Health Promotion and Disease Prevention, 1989-1990

Department of Defense

Biological Warfare Defense Panel, Member, 1999-2000

Nonproliferation Center Advisory Panel, Member, 1999-2000

Mayor’s Task Force on Environmental Carcinogens (Baltimore), Chairman,


Maryland Society for Medical Research, Inc., Board of Directors, 1978-1991

Population Crisis Committee, Board of Directors, 1981-1991

Mary Imogene Bassett Hospital

Medical Alumni Association, Board of Directors, 1989-1991

Board of Trustees and Chairman of Research Committee, 1995-2001

NASA Planetary Protection Study Group, 1978