Garden State Pop Warner Games Pg. 1
Article 1 – Title
The name of this organization shall be known as The Garden State Pop Warner Games Committee DBA New Jersey State Pop Warner Championship. Mailing address is1210 Cozzens Ln, North Brunswick, NJ 08902 BL
Article 2 – Purpose
- The objectives of this organization are to organize and promote post season competitions for both youth football and cheer teams from all Pop Warner Conferences in the State of New Jersey.
- This organization shall promote sportsmanship and the common objectives of the Pop Warner Conferences in the State of New Jersey.
- This organization shall follow the rules and regulations set forth by the national board of Pop Warner Little Scholars, Inc, and the Eastern Region.
Article 3 – Membership
- Membership of the Committee shall be made up of representatives of the fourFive conferences that make up the committee. These conferences shall include Central Jersey Pop Warner,North Jersey Pop Warner, New Jersey Shore Pop Warner, Pop Warner of Burlington County, and Raritan Jersey Valley Pop Warner.Newark Pop Warner.
- By virtue of their elected position in their respective conferences, the President, Football Commissioner and Cheer Coordinator shall be the representatives of the member conferences for the Committee.
Article 3 – Officer, Titles, Duties
- Executive Board – The executive board shall consist of the President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer.
- These positions shall be made up of the Presidents of the four member conferences.
- The positions held by the conference Presidents shall be rotated on a yearly basis.
- The conference presidents may elect to be passed over for any particular position on the Executive Board without giving up his/her right to hold another position.
- The Executive board will appoint the following:
- 1 Football Chairperson from the Football Trustees.
- 1 Cheerleading Chairperson from the Cheer Trustees.
- All officers of these organizations shall hold office for one (1) year or until their successors are elected and installed.
- The Executive Board shall have the authority to expend finances up to $500.00, which will be reported at the next meeting. Expenses in excess of $500.00 shall require the majority approval of the membership.
- President
- The President shall preside at all meetings, supervise the functions of and be ex officio member of all committees, and perform the powers ordinarily held by the President. He/she shall maintain the right to vote on all matters brought before the committee. He/she shall appoint the chairman and members of all committees.
- He shall be vested with the authority to co-sign checks that have been approved for the welfare of the organization.
- The President shall represent this organization where said representation is required, and /or designate another member to function in said capacity.
- The President shall have the authority to replace any committee chairperson, with the Executive Board’s approval, who is not performing his/her duties properly.
- The President shall be informed off all decisions affecting the organization, and no decision can be made without the President’s knowledge.
- Vice-President
- Preside at all meeting at which the President may be absent.
- Serve as President when the President may be incapacitated or unable to perform his/her duties.
- Assist the President and perform other duties assigned by the President.
- Treasurer
- The Treasurer shall have the care and custody of all funds of the organization and deposit same into the approved account for this organization. He/she will pay by check all approved obligation of the club.
- He/she shall keep books and records of the financial status of this organization and report same at each regularly scheduled meeting. All transactions are to be kept and reported on an individual basis, as in registration, shirts, stand, gate, 50/50, etc. There shall be no group reporting such as “boys-girls” or team individually. These books should be available to the trustees to review upon request.
- The Treasurer will meet with the Trustees a minimum of twice annually, with one meeting between December and February to review the accounts and expenditures of the preceding year.
- He/she shall be vested with the authority to co-sign checks with the President.
- Shall issue receipts for all money taken in and maintain a carbon duplicate receipt book to be made available to the Trustees for audit.
- Secretary
- The Secretary shall record the proceeding (minutes) of all meetings of the organization. He/she shall call the roll of officers after the opening of each meeting and maintain a record thereof. An accurate attendance of members must be taken at each meeting.
- He/she shall be the custodian of this organization’s record except such as specifically assigned to others. These records are open to inspection by any Trustee, at reasonable times, and where a committee needs any records for the proper performance of its duties, said records shall be turned over to be committee chairperson.
- The Secretary shall attend to all authorized correspondence of this organization except such as specifically assigned to others.
- He/she shall maintain copies of all outgoing mail, and retain a file of incoming mail.
- He/she shall send out notice to Trustees advising them of meetings.
- Trustees
- Trustees shall be the four Football Commissioners and four Cheer Coordinators of the individual member conferences making up the Committee.
- The Trustees shall have the supervision over proper maintenance of the records of this organization. All Trustees shall examine and attest that all records are in proper order.
- The Trustees shall work together with the Executive Board to organize the respective events for the year competitions including schedules, sites and entry fees. Should it be determined that any Officer of this organization is abusing his/her elected position or displaying conduct that is detrimental to the organization, the Trustees shall set in motion the appropriate course of action to discipline the said Officer.
Article 7 – Meeting
Agenda Items:
Meeting called to order
Roll Call
Acceptance of Minutes
Reading of Communications
Treasurer Report
Spirit Report
Football Report
Committee Reports
Old Business
New Business
- This organization shall hold at least three meetings each year, with one between December and February to recap the previous year competitions.
- There shall be at least one-half plus one of both the Executive Board and Trustees present for a quorum in order to conduct a regular meeting
- Special meetings may be called at any time at the request of the President and/or five (5) members of the membership.
- All meetings of this organization shall be conducted in accordance with parliamentary procedure as established by “Robert’s Rules of Order” as amended or revised.
Article 8 – Voting
- All voting shall be done in person from the floor.
- Eligibility
- Each and every member of the Executive body shall be privileged one (1) vote to be cast for that, which requires voting.
- Any member must attend six (6) regular meetings per year to vote.
- No individual or Officer may cast more than one (1) vote.
Article 9 – Discipline
The organization reserves the right to require a highest standard of conduct from all of its Officers, members, coaches and participants. Any person, team or conference that is charged with having demonstrated conduct detrimental to the organization shall be required to justify such conduct to the Executive Board. If found guilty of the charge by a majority of the members present, he/she may be expelled, suspended or reprimanded by the Executive Board as the majority may decide.
Article 10 – Team Participation
- Each participant conference, whether as a member of the Committee or as an invited Conference, shall strive to enter teams that are of the highest competitive standing within their respective Conference in regards to their playoff standing.
- No team that has entered into the Regional or National Tournament shall be eligible to participate in the Garden State Games.
- All teams shall be required to adhere to all National, Regional and Garden State Rules and Regulations.
- The Committee shall take all steps to try to ensure that each of the New Jersey Pop Warner Conferences shall have entry into the games for the levels of play they completed in.
- All participating conference shall promote the entry of teams for the Garden State games that have completed at their local competition.
- Teams shall compete at the same level at which they competed in their local competition.
- Teams that have not advanced to Regional or National competitions shall compete against each other.
- Teams that compete in Regional competition but do not move onto finals shall compete against each other.