Number 10
January 22nd 2016
Dear Parents,
It’s hard to believe that we are at the end of Week 3 already and half way through Term 3! This term is certainly moving on at a fast pace.
Rainbow Recall
After half term we will be launching a new mental maths programme to support mathematical learning at home. The programme will focus on children mastering basic number skills which we feel will provide children with a firm foundation for mathematics in the future. To launch the new programme and to maximise the impact we feel it would be beneficial for all parents to come along to one of our information sessions which will be held on Thursday February 11th at 6pm and again on Friday 12th February at 2.30pm. Please complete the slip attached and return to school as soon as possible. Thank you
Parent Governor Vacancy
Just a quick reminder that the closing date for Parent Governors is Monday 1st February
Nativity DVD’s
If you have requested a nativity DVD your order has now been passed on to Nick and will be with you shortly.
Our final Inset day for this academic year will be held on Friday 17th June.
Term Dates (2016-2017)
The Governing body has also agreed the term dates for next academic year (2016-2017) and these will be the same as the ones published on the BANES website. A copy of these will be attached for reference.
We have already set 2 Inset days for 2016-17 in conjunction with Oldfield Park Junior School which will be on Thursday 1st September and Friday 2nd September. Therefore, the first day of term for the children will be Monday 5th September 2016.
Parents’ Evenings
We are going to hold our Spring Parents’ Evening just before we break up for the Easter Holidays
Ten minute appointments will be available on Tuesday 22nd March from 2.30pm to 5.30pm and on Wednesday 23rd March from 3.30pm to 6.30pm. Lists will go up a couple of weeks beforehand so that you can select a time. Please do your best to attend.
Coffee Mornings
Our next coffee morning will be held on Tuesday February 2nd at 9.15am and will focus on behaviour and anger management. Please try and join us if you can.
Class Assemblies
Next term each class will be leading their own class assembly. It would be lovely if you could join us. Please see the timetable below for the dates.
*Please note that there has been a change of date to Squirrel Class assembly which will now be held on Thursday 28th January 2016
Squirrel Class / Rabbit Class / Badger Class / Barn Owl Class / Fox Class / Frog Class*28/1/16
at 2.45pm / 4/2/16
at 2.45pm / 11/2/16
at 2.45pm / 3/3/16
at 2.45pm / 10/3/16
at 2.45pm / 17/3/16
at 2.45pm
Bath Family Fun Run
The Bath family fun run is taking place on the same day as the Bath half marathon, March 13th. David from Barn Owl class is taking part with his mum Anne-Marie and they are raising funds for the charity ‘Unique’ who provide support for families where one or more of their members has a rare chromosome disorder. If you would like to sponsor them the link to their sponsorship page is: http://uk.virginmoneygiving.com/team/teamdavid2016
Weekly Attendance
Week 11/1/16 to 15/1/16 Week 18/1/16 to 22/1/16
Frog / 92.50%Frog / 99.17%
Fox / 97.50% / Fox / 96.67%
Barn Owl / 96.67% / Barn Owl / 96.25%
Badger / 96.98% / Badger / 97.08%
Squirrel / 96.67% / Squirrel / 90.83%
Rabbit / 96.67% / Rabbit / 98.33%
Lost property
We do our very best to look for names on clothes and find the right owner including remembering names of older siblings or cousins who may have handed their uniform on to younger members of the family. However sometimes it is impossible to make out faded labelling so please can you check over the holidays and rename any items where needed and take this opportunity to check that your child hasn’t bought home another child’s clothing by mistake.
Yours sincerely
Claire McMurtry - Head Teacher
Rainbow Recall
Please tick as appropriate
I will be attending the information session on Thursday 11th February at 6pm
I will be attending the information session on Friday 12th February at 2.30pm
I will be unable to attend either session
Child’s name:______Class:______
Important dates
Please keep for reference.
Further details of events will follow as and when appropriate.
January 2016Thursday 28th January / Squirrel class assembly at 2.45pm
February 2016
Tuesday 2nd February / Coffee morning at 9.15am with parent support advisor– Behaviour and anger management
Thursday 4th February / Rabbit Class assembly at 2.45pm
Monday 8th February / Chinese new year celebration at school
Thursday 11th February / Badger Class assembly at 2.45pm
Thursday 11th February / Information session for parents about Rainbow Recall at 6pm in the school hall.
Friday 12th February / Information session for parents about Rainbow Recall at 2.30pm in the school hall.
Friday 12th February / End of Term 3
Monday 22nd February / Start of Term 4
Friday 26th February / Barn Owl Class cake sale at 3pm
March 2016
Tuesday 1st March / Coffee morning at 9.15am with parent support advisor– Dealing with anxious children
Thursday 3rd March / World Book day – Dress up as character from favourite story book
Thursday 3rd March / Barn Owl Class assembly at 2.45pm
Thursday 3rd March / Book at bedtime at 6pm. Come back to school for a hot chocolate and a story.
Thursday 10th March / Fox Class assembly
Monday 14th March / Dance Umbrella at 5.30pm
Thursday 17th March / Frog Class assembly at 2.45pm
Tuesday 22nd March / Parents evening from 2.30pm-5.30pm
Wednesday 23rd March / Parents evening from 3.30pm-6.30pm
Thursday 24th March* / Badger Class cake sale at 3pm
End of Term 4
*This is when we break up for the Easter Holidays, returning on Monday 11th April.
These are the dates for this school and OPJS as shown on our website. The dates on BANES website differ from this and are for guidance only.