Studienbericht für das Fach:Englisch


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Des Bewerbers:______




Inhaltliche Schwerpunkte:

a) European and American traditions and visions

- Landmarks in British history: monarchy, democracy, participation

Kapitel “From Empire to Europe”, “Modern Britain”, “Values in British and American Education” und “The Struggle for Democracy” in:

Klett, Top Line, British Life and Institutions

- The American Dream then and now

Klett, Perspectives:

The American Dream – Past and Present+ Lehrerheft

Kirsten Hoffmann: Arbeitsblätter The American dream – promise and reality

Klett, Skyline Advanced Level C, Kapitel “Living the Dream“

Klett, Topline, Kaptitel “A Nation of Immigrants“ und “The American Dream in a Changing Society”

Klett, The New Topline, Kapitel “Getting along together”

b) Globalization – global challenges

- Economic and ecological issues - towards sustainable development

Klett, Skyline Advanced Level C, Kapitel “Facing a global future”

Klett, Skyline Advanced Level A, Kapitel “From stone to silicon”

- International peace-keeping at the turn of the century: the role of the UN and

the USA

Klett, Skyline Advanced Level A, Kapitel “ The US – past and present”

Klett, Top Line, Kapitel “America and the World”

c) Post-colonialism and migration

- The post-colonial experience in India

Klett, Top Line, Kapitel “India” undCountries of the World: India

Christopher O’Reilly, Post-Colonial Literature – Cambridge Contexts in Literature

Klett, Caught between Cultures – Colonial and postcolonial short stories

- Cultural diversity in the USA

Klett, Top Line, Kapitel “A Nation of Immigrants”

- The role of the New English Literatures: Indian and Pakistani communities in


Narinder Dhami, Bend it like Beckham (Lektüre)

d) Shakespeare – a literary 'giant' in the 21st century

- The interest of young audiences in Shakespeare – passages from a Shakespeare

play and from a contemporary film

Klett, Film im Englischunterricht: Romeo and Juliet

Klett, CambridgeSchool Shakespeare, Textausgabe Romeo and Juliet

Klett, Skyline Advanced Level C, Kapitel “Shakespeare & love”

e) Utopia and dystopia – exploring alternative worlds

- Science and ethics: genetic engineering

Klett, Skyline Advanced Level A, Kapitel “From stone to silicon”

Klett, Top Line, Kapitel “Science, Technology and the Environment”

- Science fiction, fantasy and utopia

Reclam, Science Fiction Stories 1, Philip K. Dick, Impostor

2.2. Medien und Materialien

a) Sach- und Gebrauchstexte

- Textformate der Druckmedien: Leitartikel der internationalen Presse

div. Artikel in:

- Textformate der öffentlichen Rede: Politische Rede

Martin Luther King:Why I oppose the War in Vietnam

b) Literarische Texte

- Roman:

Ray Bradbury, Fahrenheit 451

- Drama:

Sam Shepard, True West

- Lyrik:

Klett, CambridgeSchoolShakespeare: William Shakespeare: The Sonnets

Klett, Skyline Advanced Level C, Kapitel “Shakespeare & love”

c) Spielfilm

Gurinder Chadha, Bend it like Beckham


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