1 NT Openings:
1 No Trump = 14-16 ; 5-card Major Common
2C Stayman / Garbage Stayman
2DTransfer to Hs
2HTransfer to Ss
2STransfer to Cs
2NTTransfer to Ds
3CPuppet Stayman
3DMinor 2-suiter, GF
3Hinvitational 5/5 in majors
3SGF with 5/5 in majors
3NTo play
4DTransfer to Hs
4HTransfer to Ss
4SStronger balanced invite to 6N
4NBalanced invite to 6N
Opening 1NT with 5 cd. major:
We open all balanced hands with a 5 cd. major with 5,3,3,2 shape whichfall in the 14-16 range.
Invitational Hands: invite is usual with 10 hcps / with 9 hcps invite only with
a) 4333 with 3 tens or b) 4432 with no honors in short suitshigher than ten or
c) 5 card minor. Opener accepts with all 15 or 16 point hands.
- weak hands with both majors and some other weak hands – Garbage
- all balanced invitational hands (with or without major(s) since we cannot bid a direct (natural and invitational) 2NT
- all Game Forcing or stronger hands with at least one 4 cd. major.
But not with GF hands with 4-3 or 3-4 in majors (Bid 3C Puppet Stayman)
A. Garbage Stayman sequences
1NT2C = Stayman (may be Garbage)
2D2H = at least 4/5Hs and 4Ss
P/correct with cheapest 3 cd. Major
2D2S = 5Ss and 4Hs – no interest in game
Opener must pass
Expand using to 4/3 hands in majors either way with 5Ds – now you can
Pass 2D,2H,2S with guaranteed 7 cd. fit or better
Can also bid with 5Cs provided you have min. of 4Hs – i.e. 3415 / 4405
2S (3S,2H)3C with 3415 – guaranteed 7 cd or better C fit.
The consensus seems to be:
- Don’t play 1NT if Resp. is weak especially if we are Vulnerable
- With 5-6 hcps : bid 2C with 4-4 majors if values in majors / Play 1NT with 5+
hcps with values mainly in minors
- Tend to bid Stayman with weak hands < 4 hcps to get out of INT esp. when Vuln.
2D2NT = invitational – may have 0, 1, or both majors
3NT = GF with major(s)
4NT = Quantitative with major(s)
2D3 minor = game going, probably slammish, with bid 5-cardminor
and undisclosed major / Opener Q-bids if willing
to co-operate for slam /
2D4C = Gerber
2 maj.3 maj. = invite
4 maj. = to play
4C = RKC for the major
3 OM. = agrees maj., undisc.stiff/3N asks, natural responses
4D = agrees major, balanced slam invite, 15-16 hcps,
4NT = quant. (with other major)
2H3S = undisc. Splinter2S3H = undisc. splinter
3N = ?shortness3N = ?shortness
Or 4H = to play Or 4S = to play
3N4C = C shortness3N4C = C shortness
4D = D shortness4D = D shortness
4H = S shortness4H = H shortness
After shortness is shown:Opener’s return to 4 Maj. is sign-off
Opener’s Q-bid is on-going
4NT by either partner is RKC
2H2S = 4Ss, invitational, denies 4Hs,
Opener places contract
G.Resp. has 4 Cd. Major and longer minor (may have interest in Slam)
2H3 Min. = 4Ss + 5-cardminor, GF and prob. slammish,
3 om = Q bid agreeing minor suit, and co-operating for slam,
Game Bid to play
2H3 Min. = 4Ss + 5-cardminor, GF and prob. Slammish,
3 Ss = 4Ss
Game Bid to play
New suit = Q bid with Ss agreed
4NT at any time = RKCB for Ss
2S3 minor (similar to above)
3 om / 3H = Q bid agreeing minor suit, and co-operating for slam,
Game Bid to play
See also Section C.
P = denies major, C stopper(s) present,
Redbl = 5 Cs, or 4 good Cs (AJ9x is min.), suggestion to play,
2D = denies 4 cd. major, no C stopper or shaky C stopper,
Other bids = system on
I.SMOLEN and delayed Texas
2D 3H = 4Hs and 5Ss, GF
3S = 4Ss and 5Hs, GF
Opener places contract
2D4D Hs (6+Hs and 4Ss)
4H Ss (6Ss and 4 Hs)
5C,5D,5H = Exclusion RKCB
- Transfer for majors
1NT2D Hs
2HP to play
2S, = nat., invite, 5H + 4S,
2NT = invite with exactly 5Hs
3C/3D = nat., GF, possibly slammish,
3H = invitational with 6+ Hs
3N = choice of games with exactly 5 Hs
3S,4C,4D = splinter
4H = 6+ Hs, mild slam try, usually good 13+ Hcps. (if opener does not pass 4H he is co-operating for slam and 4NT by Opener is RKCB)
2Ssimilar to above / 3H shows invite with 5Ss and 4Hs
Super-accepts:same for Hs and Ss – example seq. for Hs.
2NT = max with 4 trumps
3C/3D = max. with 5 trumps, concentration of values
3 maj. = min. with 4 or 5 trumps
In this example,after a super-accept 3D is a retransfer – if the super-accept is 3D then 3H is to play and 4D is retransfer.
(Similar Sequence for Transfer to S)
When Transfer is doubled:
P = denies 3 Hs
2H = 3 Hs
Other bids = system on
Redbl = suggestion to play, min. holding AJ9x,
PP/anyredbl/3D = retransfer and 3H to play
RULE: In Stayman auctions, if Opener bids 2D - 4C is Gerber In Stayman auctions, if Opener bids a major - 4C is RKC and
3OM is undisc. splinter
In Transfer auctions 4C is splinter
They transfer/ our agreement:
1NT (They)P2Ddbl = Ds, mainly for lead,
2H = Michael’s Q-bid
Texas Transfers:
1NT4D -> 4H
4H -> 4S
any 4H/4S = 6+ suit, slammish with 13+ hcps, no shortness
2S4C, 4D, 4H = splinter, slam try
Q-bid is co-operative
4S = to play
4NT = RKC(similar sequences over a transfer to Hs)
4H/4S4N is RKC
new suit is exclusion Blackwood
With Interference Texas transfers are on if 4D/4H is a jump or Q-bid
Eg.1NT3C4D Por 1NT3D4DP
B. Transfers (for Minors) with super-accepts:
1NT2S Cs1NT2D Ds
2N = super-accept3C = super-accept
3C = accept3D = accept
Resp. transfers with:
weak hands (6+minor)
invitational hands (6+ suit, eg. KQxxxx, QJTxxx with entry)
Game values, 6+ suit, shortness, plans COG sequence
Hands with slam interest
Opener super accepts with Qxx, Kx(x) or Ax(x)
Opener accepts with Jxx or lesser holdings
Note: Apart from the degree of fit, Opener needs 3 more quick tricks for
a super-accept. A simple acceptancedoes not deny a max. NT and/or fit for Resp.’s
Opener accepts:Pass with weak or invitational hand
New suit at 3 level shows shortness and game + values/ Opener treats as COG and bids 3NT with lots of values
opp. shortness or 4 minor without wasted values setting up
3NT = balanced ST with 16 / 4NT = balanced 17+ /
Opener may P, bid 6N or bid 4 minor (Ask-Tell)
Opener super-accepts:3 minor with weak hand
3N with invitational hand
New suit at 3 level shows shortness and game + values/ Opener treats as COG and bids 3NT with lots of
values opp. shortness or 4 minor without wasted values setting up Ask-Tell
3NT = balanced ST with 16 / 4NT = balanced 17+ /
Opener may P, bid 6N or bid 4 minor (Ask-Tell)
Section III.3C Puppet Stayman
Similar to our 2NT structure
Bid 3C with all hands with a 3 cd major – even 3334
Bid 3C with all game going hands with 3=4, 4=3 in majors
Bid 3C with 6 cd. minor, + 3 or 4 cd. maj. and slam interest
3D = one or both 4 cd. major
3H = no 4 cd. or 5 cd. major
3S = 5 Ss
3N = 5Hs
3D 3H = 4Ss, denies 4Hs
3S = 4Hs, denies 4Ss
3N = to play, (was looking for 5-3 fit)
4C = Gerber (was looking for 5-3 fit)
4D = both majors
Opener bids 4 major / now 4N = RKC and 4S, 5C
and 5D are ERKC
Opener Rebids 3H showing no 4 or 5-card Major:
3H3S = please bid 3N as a relay (was looking for 5-3 fit)
3N = Non-system
4C = Gerber(was looking for 5-3 fit)
Continuations after the 3S->3N Relay
3H3S = please bid 3N as a relay
3NP = to play (was looking for 5-3 fit)
4C/4D = slam try, 6+ minor with 3/4 card major
Opener Rebids 3S showing 5 Spades
3S4C = RKC Gerber for Spades
New suit = Cue-bid, agrees Spades
4N = Quantitative
5C/5D/5H = RKC Exclusion
Opener Rebids 3N showing 5-Hearts
3NPass = To Play
4C = RKC Gerber for Hearts
4D = Transfer to 4H
4N = Quantitative
4S/5C/5D = RKC Exclusion
P = shows one or both 4-card major(s), C stopper(s) present,
Redbl = 5 Cs, or 4 good Cs (AJ9x is min.), suggestion to play,
3D = shows one or both 4-card major(s), no C stopper or shaky C stopper,
Other bids such as 3H, 3S, 3N = system on
Section IV:3D = GF with minors– could be slammish
usually 5-5 or more distribution
if 4-5 must have shortness in one of the majors
Opener’s first priority is to find out 3N vs. 5 minor
3H =?3S = short Ss
3N = short Hs
4C = equal length in minors or longer Cs, slam try
4D = longer Ds, slam try
4H = void in S + 2 Key cards; a Exclusion-6 RKC
4S = void in S + 2 Key cards; a special Exclusion-6 RKC
3H =?3S/3N
Pass 3N or bid 3N = wasted values opp. shortness = to play
4 minor = no wastage sets up Ask-Tell – with equal length in minors, bid 4D
4D sets trumps – Ask-Tell - Resp. can now ask for keycards in Ds with 4H
Higher bids = replies keycards for Cs
4H = asks for key cards in Ds
Higher bids = replies keycards for Cs
Responder Bids 4H/4S showing a void+ 2 Key cards
This 4H/4S works as a special Exclusion RKC --- 6 Key Card Exclusion.
Count both minor Ks as KC - now with the exclusion of the Ace in the void suit there are5 keys and 2 queens.
Step 1 = 0/3
step 2 = 1/4 - essentially1 (since Resp should have 2, Opener can’t have 4)
Step 3 = 2 with no Qs
Steo 4 = 2 with CQ
steo 5 = 2 with DQ
step 6 = 2 with both Qs
Also after the response to KCs - Resp. bids 6Cs with equal length (allowing Opener to Pass or correct to Ds) and bids 6D with longer Ds.
Responder can also pass 5C or correct to 5D (with longer Ds) if he thinks not enough KCs for slam.
1N3H = 5/5 in major and is invitational
Opener sets contract
1N3S= 5/5 in majors and is GF, may be slammish
1N3N = to play
1N4C = Gerber usual responses (4D = 0/4, 4H =1 etc.) 5C = Ks
E.Quantitative 4S with 18+ points
4S is quantitative, balanced, no 4 cd. major, with 18 or more points.
4N = to play, minimum opening.
If accepting same as over quantitative 4N
Opener would not accept with 14 or bad 15 points. If accepting, opener bids as below
(quantitative 4N). Even if opener does not accept, responder might still bid small slam with a bigger hand. And if opener accepts, responder might bid grand slam.
F.Quantitative 4NT with 16-17 points
Opener needs 16 or a good 15 count to accept. If accepting,
Opener has the option of bidding 4 cd. suits up the line looking for 4-4 minor suit fit
(presumably Resp. is not interested in 4-4 major fit since he did not bid Stayman.
If accepting Opener can bid a 5 cd. minor at the 6 level looking for a 5-3 or better minor suit fit.