
Adapting Science for Students with Visual Impairments: A Handbook for the Classroom Teacher and TVI

Azer's Interactive Periodic Table Study Set (atom model, electron configuration, balancing equations)

Bunsen Burner/Hot Plate

Calculator type______


Dissection of ______

DNA/RNA kit

DNA twist

Genetic Code Large Print Braille tables


  • Draftsman Drawing Board
  • Graphic art tape
  • Point symbols I and II
  • Star stickers

Food Pyramid

Genetic Code


Graphing on a coordinate grid

  • Graphic Aid for Mathematics (rubber graph board)
  • Graph paper (dark print or tactile)
  • Dot marker collection
  • Sticky foam sheets
  • Brass fasteners


  • Relief map for desk use
  • US & Canada tactile/print atlas
  • State maps collection NE
  • State maps collection SE
  • State maps collection Central
  • State maps collection Western
  • Recognizing landforms
  • Maps represent real places
  • Braille Transcribers kit: US Maps
  • Braille Transcribers kit: Countries & Continents
  • National Geographic Picture Atlas of Our Fifty States
  • World at Your Fingers
  • US puzzle map

Measuring Length-metric or standard (length?)

  • CCTV ruler (standard 6 in, metric 15 cm)
  • 1 foot Metric/English(braille only)
  • Yardstick
  • Meterstick (braille only)
  • Standard measuring tape
  • Metric measuring tape
  • Flexible meterstick
  • Click ruler
  • Talking tape measure
  • Stick on tactile ruler
  • Large Print/Braille Toss-Away Ruler (7 in/17 cm)

Measuring liquids

Measuring weight or mass


Models (brain, ear, eye, heart, pregnancy, skin)

Periodic table

Punnett Squares (2x2 or 4x4)

Spring scales


  • Demonstration
  • Tactile
  • Talking


Trays(sides/compartments for equipment, etc.)

Vernier probes























Available Graphics which are Tactile and Braille

Sense of Science: Plants

  • Bean Seed
  • Flower
  • Leaf
  • Leaf Types
  • Log Cross-Section
  • Seedling
  • Taproot System
  • Tree

Sense of Science: Animals

  • Ant
  • Bird
  • Butterfly
  • Butterfly life cycle
  • Fish
  • Frog life cycle
  • Mouse
  • Snake
  • Spider
  • Spider web
  • Tracks
  • Turtle

Sense of Science: Astronomy

  • Circumplar constellations
  • Cross section of the sun
  • Galaxy types
  • Lunar eclipse
  • Milky way galaxy
  • Moon phase cards
  • Orbit of the comet
  • Our solar system
  • Phases of the moon
  • Planetary orbits
  • Planets: Quick Fact Cards
  • Relative distances of the planets
  • Relative sizes of the planets
  • Solar eclipse
  • Space shuttle
  • Ursa major/Ursa minor

Life Science Tactile Graphics

  • 1Light or Compound Microscope
  • 2Cell Sizes and Shapes
  • 3Comparing Animal and Plant Cells
  • 4Mitochondrion
  • 5Chloroplast
  • 6Prokaryotic Cell
  • 7Bacterial Types
  • 8DNA
  • 9DNA Double Helix
  • 10DNA Replication
  • 11Translation
  • 12Chromosome Duplication
  • 13Cell Cycle Chart
  • 14Mitosis
  • 15Meiosis I
  • 16Meiosis II
  • 17Non-Disjunction in Meiosis I
  • 18Non-Disjunction in Meiosis II
  • 19Fertilization
  • 20Viral Replication
  • 21Membrane Transport 1
  • 22Membrane Transport 2
  • 23Pedigree
  • 24Forelimb Bones
  • 25Comparative Embryology
  • 26Skin Cross-Section
  • 27Neuron
  • 28The Eye
  • 29The Ear
  • 30Using Lenses for Vision Correction
  • 31Sense of Taste
  • 32Leaf Cross-Section
  • 33Tree Canopy & Roots
  • 34Vascular Structure of Wood
  • 35Plant Intake and Output
  • 36Moss Life Cycle
  • 37Fern Life Cycle
  • 38Pine Life Cycle
  • 39Parts of a Flower
  • 40Monocot and Dicot Seeds
  • 41Seed Germination
  • 42Sponge
  • 43Sponge Life Cycle
  • 44Cnidarian Stinging Cell
  • 45Cnidarian Life Cycle
  • 46Flatworm and Roundworm
  • 47Snail Body Plan
  • 48Insect Metamorphosis
  • 49Insect Feeding Adaptations
  • 50Fish Internal Organs
  • 51Fish Skeleton
  • 52Amniotic Egg
  • 53Bird Flight Adaptations
  • 54Water Cycle
  • 55Carbon Cycle
  • 56Food Web

Basic Science Tactile Graphics

  • 1Leaf Shapes and Veins
  • 2Parts of a Seed (Cutaway View)
  • 3Germination of a Bean Plant (Three Stages)
  • 4Parts of a Flower
  • 5Fertilization
  • 6Types of Roots
  • 7Plant Cell
  • 8Sea Anemone
  • 9Flatworms
  • 10Segmented Worm
  • 11Insect
  • 12Egg (Cutaway View)
  • 13Mitosis
  • 14Virus
  • 15Valve Inside Vein (Cutaway View)
  • 15Blood Flow from Artery to Vein
  • 16The Eye—Front View
  • 17Parts of the Eye (Cutaway Side View)
  • 18Image Formation on Retina
  • 18Refraction
  • 19Reflection
  • 20Curved Mirrors
  • 21Sound Frequencies
  • 22(Key)
  • 23North American Air Masses
  • 24Cold Front
  • 25Warm Front
  • 26Weather Symbols/Weather Map of United States
  • 27The Atmosphere
  • 28Earth’s Layers
  • 29Volcano Formation (Cutaway View)
  • 30Earthquake Shifts Earth Layers
  • 31World Map Showing Earthquake Zones
  • 32Map of Earthquake and Volcano Zones
  • 33Ocean Floor (Cutaway View)
  • 34Moon’s Effect on Tides
  • 35Wave Braking on Shore
  • 36Sunlight on the Moon and Earth
  • 36Moon Phases
  • 37Summer and Winter Sunlight
  • 38Direct Rays and Slanting Rays
  • 39Elliptical Paths of Planets Around the Sun
  • 40(Key)
  • 41The Solar System
  • 42Stars in the Milky Way Galaxy
  • 43States of Matter
  • 43Atom
  • 44Molecules and Compounds
  • 44Water Molecule
  • 45Field Around Bar Magnet
  • 46Fields Around Magnetic Poles
  • 47Inside a Battery
  • 47Flow of Current
  • 48Circuitry Symbols
  • 48Simple Circuit Diagram
  • 49Inside a Light Bulb
  • 50Airflow Around Wing (Side View)
  • 50Forces Acting on Airplane in Flight
  • 51Propulsion
  • 52Powering a Rocket

Basic Tactile Anatomy Atlas – Volume I

  • 1Anterior View of the Skeleton
  • 2Anterior View of Skull
  • 3Typical Vertebra
  • 4Scapula
  • 5Typical Long Bone
  • 6Bones of the Hand
  • 7Bones of the Foot
  • 8Anterior View of Muscles
  • 9Posterior View of Muscles
  • 10Superficial Back Muscles
  • 11Components of a Cell
  • 12Multipolar Neuron
  • 13Lateral View of Brain
  • 14Lobes of the Brain
  • 15The Eye
  • 16The Ear
  • 17Endocrine Glands
  • 18Pituitary Gland
  • 19Pancreas

Basic Tactile Anatomy Atlas – Volume II

  • 20Anterior View of the Heart
  • 21Posterior View of the Heart
  • 22Circulation Through the Heart
  • 23Arterial Pulse Points
  • 24Blood Cells
  • 25Lymph Node Regions
  • 26Paranasal Sinuses
  • 27Superior View of Larynx
  • 28Respiratory Passages
  • 29Interior of the Lung
  • 30Lung Alveolus and Capillary
  • 31Nose, Mouth, Pharynx
  • 32Oral Cavity
  • 33Salivary Glands
  • 34Structure of a Tooth
  • 35Position of Abdominal Organs
  • 36Position of Abdominal Organs
  • 37Position of Abdominal Organs
  • 38Stomach
  • 39Biliary Apparatus and Pancreas
  • 40Interior of Kidney
  • 41Male Pelvis
  • 42Female Pelvis
  • 43Female Reproductive System
  • 44Ovulation and Implantation of Ovum
  • 45Fertilization
  • 46Structure of a Chromosome
  • 47Structure of DNA
  • 48Mitosis


3-D Microscopic Models

  • Plate 1 Relative sizes and petri dish

1. Life sized water flea models, bacterium, and viruses

2. Model Petri dish with colonies

  • Plate 2 Viruses

1. Papillomavirus

2. Adenovirus

3. Reovirus

4. Calicivirus

5. Enterovirus, Rhinovirus

6. Hepatitis B virus

7. Herpes I & II viruses, Varicella Zoster virus

8. Smallpox virus

  • Plate 3 Viruses

1. Influenza virus Mumps virus Rubeola virus

2. Human immunodeficiency virus

3. Corona virus

4. Western equine encephalitic virus, Eastern equine encephalitic virus, Venezuelan equine encephalitic virus Rubella virus

5. Viruses for:Yellow fever, West Nile Disease, Hepatitis C, Saint Louis encephalitic disease

6. Rabies virus

7. Ebola virus

  • Plate 4 Bacteria, chemoorganotrophic gram positive

1. Staphylococcus epidermidis, Staphylococcus aureus, PeptococcusPeptostreptococcus

2. Streptococcus viridans, Streptococcus pyogenes

3. Streptococcus pneumoniae

4. Lactobacillus, Listeria

5. Bacillus species & Bacillus anthracis

6. Clostridium perfringens, Clostridium tetani, Clostridium botulinum

7. Mycobacterium tuberculosis, Mycobacterium avium-intracellulare, Mycobacterium leprae

8. Streptomyces

9. Corynebacterium diphtheria

10. Mycoplasma pneumonia

  • Plate 5 Bacteria, chemoorganotrophic gram negative

1. Neisseria meningitides, Neisseria gonorrhea

2. & 3.Bacteria with flagella, Escherichia coli, Salmonella species, Salmonella typhi, Shigella, Yersinia entercolitica, Yersinia pestis

4. Pseudomonas aeruginosa

5. Helicobacter pylori

6. Campylobacter jejunum

7. Vibrio cholerae

8. Legionella pneumophila

9. Bacteroides species

10. Fusobacterium species

  • Plate 6 Bacteria, chemoorganotrophic gram negative and chemolithotrophic

1. Bdellovibrio

2. Haemophilus influenza

3. Bordetella pertussis, Pasteurellamultocida

4. Francisellatularensis

5. Treponemapallidum, Leptospira, Borrelia

6. Zoogloea

7. Rhizobium

8. Thiobacillus

9. Nitrosomonas

10. Gallionella

  • Plate 7 Bacterial genetic exchange

1. Conjunction

2. Transduction

3. Transformation

  • Plate 8 Bacteria, phototrophic

1. Anabaena

2. Aphanizomenon

3. Cylindrospermopsis

  • Plate 9 Bacteria, phototrophic

1. Oscillatoria, Planktothrix

2. Pseudanabaena

3. Arthrospira, Spirulina

4. Microcystis

  • Plate 10 Archaea

1. Sulfolobus

2. Halococcus

3. Haloferax

4. Haloquadratum

5. Archeoglobus

6. Methanogenium

7. Methanosarcina

8. Methanospirillum

  • Plate 11 Protists, amoebae

1. Proteus

2. Entamoebahistolytica

3. Acanthamoeba and Naegleria

  • Plate 12 Protists, ciliates

1. Paramecium

2. Vorticella

3. Lacrymaria

  • Plate 13 Protists, flagellates and coccidia

1. Euglena

2. Giardia

3. Cryptosporidium

  • Plate 14 Protists, blood parasites

1. Trypanosome

2. Plasmodium

  • Plate 15 Protists, unicellular algae

1. Rhodomonas

2. Cyclotella

3. Fragillaria

4. Peridinium

  • Plate 16 Protists, colonial and filamentous algae

1. Asterionella

2. Gametocyte

3. Spirogyra

  • Plate 17 Fungi, yeast and dimorphic fungi

1. Candida albicans

2. Saccharomyces

3. Malassezia furfur, Malassezia pachydermatous

4. Histoplasma

  • Plate 18 Fungi, molds

1. Trichophyton

2. Aspergillus

  • Plate 19 Metazoa

1. Rotifer

2. Nematode