
Attachment 2


April 7, 2003 Community Services Committee directed the Administration “to facilitate, support, consult and work in a proactive way with the affected communities, West Edmonton Mall, Edmonton Police Service, Community Licensing Office, and other stakeholders as required” to minimize the impact of West Edmonton Mall on the surrounding communities. It is extremely difficult if not impossible in a neighborhood to impact change through one entity acting alone. Therefore this document is an attempt to identify actions that fall within the City’s mandate, responsibilities and sphere of influence and is not intended in any way to diminish the responsibilities of West Edmonton Mall and its tenants to its neighbors. West Edmonton Mall is responsible for its’ tenants, nightclubs and bars, their operations and any ensuing problems.

The following draft action plans have been developed by the West Edmonton Mall Stakeholders Integrated Service Team considering both the issues and solutions provided by the close to 400 individuals consulted. The West Edmonton Mall Stakeholders Integrated Service Team has identified the responsibilities for the individual actions from a very collaborative perspective and has identified some of the actions as the joint responsibility of the City of Edmonton, West Edmonton Mall and other partners. It is recognized that the line between public and private responsibility is often blurred and not particularly clear when it relates to public safety. The column labeled “Partners” recognizes or assumes that the City of Edmonton, West Edmonton Mall and other partners have a responsibility or a role to play to make sure that the actions outlined are carried out, ensuring optimum success. It also assumes that partnerships only work if all stakeholders are committed to mitigate the impacts of the issues.


·  The action plans are divided - all short term (end of 2004) action plans are grouped together and all mid term (end of 2006) and long term (end of 2008) are grouped together.

·  Only growth costs are shown and identified; all other action plans will be absorbed by identified departments.

·  “To Initiate or Implement” Column

·  In this column the lead department and all departments who will be involved in supporting the action plan (or components of it) are listed. If more than one department is listed in the “To Initiate or Implement” column, refer to each action item within the action plan for indication of the lead department for that particular item of the action plan.

·  If only one department is listed, the Integrated Service Team member (or appropriate designate within their department) is the lead person on the action plan with support provided by their department.

·  Partners Column

·  Lists the partners to be approached to be involved in implementation of the action plan.

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Attachment 2


Community General


/ Action Plans / To Initiate or Implement / Partners
WEM Responsibility Other involvement/
partnership required / Cost
Lack of a Sense of Community / ·  Ensure area community leagues are aware of community building resources such as block party kits and the opportunity to apply for Community Incentive Funding which assists in offsetting costs of special events. / Community Services / N/A / Community Leagues / Absorbed.

Community Programs / Facilities

Issue / Action Plans / To Initiate or Implement / Partners
WEM Responsibility Other involvement/
partnership required / Cost
Need for community facilities and/or programs / ·  Continue promotional efforts aimed at informing people of the facilities that currently exist and which publicize community leagues as a contact for neighbourhood facility and program development.
·  New Program Development - Explore new program or facility development opportunities as put forward by citizens. / Community Services / N/A / Community Leagues / Absorbed.



/ Action Plans / To Initiate or Implement / Partners
WEM Responsibility Other involvement/
partnership required / Cost
Homeless People / ·  Continue to publicize resources for homeless people.
·  Continue supporting various west end agencies that are addressing poverty. / Community Services / N/A / West End Agencies / Absorbed.
Housing (lack of affordable housing) / ·  Continue initiatives underway to improve standard of living of people in low-income situations.
·  Work with interested citizens to identify needs for affordable housing and to assist with advocacy.
·  Provide resource information upon request to citizens who have housing issues. / Community Services / N/A / Interested citizens or agencies / Absorbed.



/ Action Plans / To Initiate or Implement / Partners
WEM Responsibility Other involvement/
partnership required / Cost /
Bruce Campbell Youth Centre Funding / ·  Notify the Centre and Mall Administration that Bruce Campbell Youth Centre is eligible to apply for FCSS funding if needed. / Community Services / Yes / Bruce Campbell Youth Centre / Absorbed.
Presence of youth with “nothing to do”. Assumption: they are looking for trouble / ·  Continue publicizing existing area youth opportunities and identify methods of further increasing awareness of these. (Community Services)
·  Approach community leagues to partner on offering increased youth programming in the community (Community Services).
·  Continue to explore innovative solutions for connecting with the youth of the community, e.g. development of late night supervised youth activities. (Community Services)
·  Approach Summerlea community to partner on identifying and implementing solutions to enhance park safety and enjoyment. (Community Services)
·  Promote enforcement opportunities to communities. (Community Services)
·  Continue prevention-oriented presentations to youth. Example: PARTY program. (EPS) / Community Services, Edmonton Police Service (EPS) / N/A / Community Leagues,
Youth Agencies / Absorbed.
Truancy / ·  Notify Mall Administration of the ability for Community Services to facilitate a meeting between WEM and local school representatives if desired. / Community Services / Yes / Local Schools / Absorbed.
Crime, Enforcement & Safety


/ Action Plans / To Initiate or Implement / Partners
WEM Responsibility Other involvement/
partnership required / Costs /
Drinking Establishments & Impact / ·  Police maintain adequate level of presence during critical times (Thurs-Sun 12:30-3:30 a.m. in parking lot). (EPS)
·  Research the possibility of new bylaws holding property owners or businesses accountable for causing increased service costs. (EPS)
·  Continue to review existing municipal, provincial and federal legislation for ways to address complaints. (Review of municipal – Planning & Development, Review of provincial and federal – EPS)
·  Research police statistics vs. complaints for community consultation on real problems vs. misconceptions. (EPS)
·  Meet with the Mall – advise them of their property owner responsibilities and review opportunities for joint proactive action to address issues of concern. (EPS)
·  Police liaison with Alberta Gaming Liquor Commission (AGLC) to increase monitoring of infractions. (EPS)
·  Increased enforcement of existing bylaws through increased cooperation between EPS and Development Compliance. (Planning & Development)
·  Undertake analysis of existing noise data to determine comparative levels (summer versus winter, peak hours). Supplementary data will be collected as necessary (a limited number of locations as agreed to by the Integrated Service Team). (Transportation & Streets) / EPS,
Planning & Development (Development Compliance),
Transportation & Streets / Yes including
Bar/Nightclub Owners / AGLC / Growth Costs:
To maintain adequate level of police presence
$75,000- 80,000.
All other items absorbed.
Enforcement – speeding, cameras, check stops, ticketing / ·  Research police statistics vs. complaints for community consultation on real problems vs. misconceptions and to identify specific locations.
·  Refer requests for speed limit changes and stop signs to Transportation and Streets. / EPS / N/A / N/A / Absorbed.
Increase Police Budget (either WEM or City) / ·  Requests to increase City funding will be forwarded to Community Services Committee.
·  Negotiate shared policing costs with WEM.
·  Meet with the Mall – advise them of their property owner responsibilities and review opportunities for joint proactive action to address issues of concern.
·  Research the possibility of new bylaws holding property owners or businesses accountable for causing increased service costs. / EPS / Yes including
Bar/Nightclub Owners / AGLC / Funding increases are dependent on Council decisions during budget deliberations and/or negotiations with WEM.
Police Patrol / Increase Presence / ·  Police maintain adequate level of presence during critical times (Thurs-Sun 12:30-3:30 a.m. in parking lot).
·  Research police statistics vs. complaints for community consultation on real problems vs. misconceptions. / EPS / Yes including Bar/Nightclub Owners / AGLC / Growth Costs:
Shown above under “Drinking Establishments & Impact”.
Vandalism / Property Damage / B & E / ·  Research police statistics vs. complaints for community consultation on real problems vs. misconceptions. (EPS)
·  Assist communities in identifying prevention initiatives that they might undertake to put a stop to vandalism and property damage. (EPS) / EPS, Community Services / N/A / Residents,
Community Leagues / Absorbed.
Varied Crime: Against Persons / Drugs/Gangs / Safety / ·  Research police statistics vs. complaints for community consultation on real problems vs. misconceptions. / EPS / N/A / Residents,
Community Leagues / Absorbed.

Beautification / Litter


/ Action Plans / To Initiate or Implement / Partners
WEM Responsibility Other involvement/
partnership required / Costs /
Appearance and Upkeep / ·  Develop and implement solution to Summerlea fence with area stakeholders.
·  Through the City Neighbourhood Park Tree Planting Program, tree-planting options for the area will be investigated with Community Leagues.
·  Clarify maintenance and upkeep responsibilities between City and WEM.
·  Explore any potential City and WEM partnerships related to the maintenance and upkeep of the area. / Community Services / Yes
or request willingness to participate. / Community Leagues / Growth Costs:
Summerlea Fence $18,000.
All other items absorbed.
Cleanliness of the area / ·  Implement Litter Awareness Campaign in the area including: publicize litter enforcement information, promote community clean ups, add more litter receptacles along well traveled walkways (if feasible) and enhance public awareness relative to respecting each others property.
·  Propose (subject to partners and grant funding) hiring of two additional summer staff with a specific focus on litter clean up in the area and completing additional playground safety checks.
·  Continue to explore additional solutions to increase cleanliness of the area. / Community Services / Yes / Community Leagues,
Area Businesses / Growth Costs:
Litter Awareness Campaign $5,000.
Hiring Additional Summer Staff
All other items absorbed.



/ Action Plans / To Initiate or Implement / Partners
WEM Responsibility Other involvement/
partnership required / Costs
Park Upkeep and Safety / ·  Approach Summerlea community to partner on identifying and implementing solutions to enhance park safety and enjoyment.
·  Develop and implement solution to Summerlea Fence with area stakeholders.
·  Propose (subject to partners and grant funding) hiring of two additional summer staff with a specific focus on litter clean up in the area and completing additional playground safety checks.
·  Publicize Park Maintenance contacts, enforcement contacts and park permitted uses. / Community Services / Yes / Community Leagues / Growth Costs: Shown above: (Summerlea Fence & Hiring additional summer staff).
Municipal Support


/ Action Plans / To Initiate or Implement / Partners
WEM Responsibility Other involvement/
partnership required / Costs /
Increase City Budgets / ·  Requests re: increases to City budgets will be forwarded to Community Services Committee via this report. / Integrated Service Team / N/A / N/A / Budget increases are dependent on decisions by Council during budget deliberations.
Municipal Support (or lack thereof) / ·  The Integrated Service Team will be an ongoing frontline internal resource with a primary responsibility for addressing municipal issues related to WEM and area. There will also be a first point of contact identified for area stakeholders to raise issues of concern [i].
·  Develop and distribute a Decision Map for stakeholders that clarifies where decisions are made and who has ownership.
·  Explore existing processes or develop a process that will provide a neutral forum for concerns between stakeholders (i.e. WEM and Community) to be brought forward and addressed. / Integrated Service Team / Request willingness to participate / Residents,
Community Leagues / Growth Costs:
Decision Map & Communi-cation Tools $7,000.
Taxes / Property Values / ·  Requests or comments re: taxes and property values will be forwarded to Community Services Committee via this report. / Integrated Service Team / N/A / N/A / Absorbed.
WEM Responsibility / ·  Consolidate all WEM operational issues received from the public and share with WEM for their consideration.
·  Encourage continuation of WEM’s efforts to update and inform stakeholders of their actions and address issues (i.e. nightclub stakeholders committee and community liaison meetings). / Integrated Service Team / Yes / N/A / Absorbed.


/ Action Plans / To Initiate or Implement / Partners
WEM Responsibility Other involvement/
partnership required / Cost /
Disaster Services Plan / ·  City to publicize disaster services information to surrounding communities. / Integrated Service Team / Request willingness to participate / N/A / Growth Costs: Included in $7,000 shown above in Municipal Support.
Information to Residents about process / ·  Develop and distribute a Decision Map for stakeholders that clarifies where decisions are made and who has ownership. / Integrated Service Team / N/A / N/A / Growth Costs: Short Term Included in $7,000 shown above in Municipal Support.
Lack of Connection between Departments / ·  Institute regular meetings and communications of the Integrated Service Team to facilitate connections between departments and to engage in joint problem solving. / Integrated Service Team / N/A / N/A / Growth Costs: Included in $7,000 shown above in Municipal Support.
Listen to the Residents / ·  The Integrated Service Team will be an ongoing frontline internal resource with a primary responsibility for addressing municipal issues related to WEM and area. There will also be a first point of contact identified for area stakeholders to raise issues of concern.
·  Explore existing processes or develop a process that will provide a neutral forum for concerns between stakeholders (i.e. WEM and Community) to be brought forward and addressed.
·  A WEM area stakeholders feedback group consisting of community league representatives and WEM representation will meet periodically to provide feedback on Integrated Service Team’s progress. / Integrated Service Team / Request willingness to participate / Community Leagues / Growth Costs: Included in $7,000 shown above in Municipal Support.
WEM Communication / ·  Encourage continuation of WEM’s effort to update and inform stakeholders of their actions and address issues (i.e. nightclub stakeholders committee and community liaison meetings). / Integrated Service Team / Yes / Stakeholders / No cost.
Nightclubs / Bars
