Dear (______),

This next summer on June 20-27, I plan to join people from all over the country in Costa Rica for a short-term mission trip with Lifetree Adventures (

We will be serving an impoverished community near the coastal town of Nosara, Costa Rica. This community is very poor, with many people living in tin shacks and lacking even basic electricity and running water. We’ll serve together with a local church and a Costa Rican based housing ministry to help build a brand new house for one of these families who so very much need it.

It will be an adventure!

Part of that adventure is raising money for the trip—and that’s why I’m contacting you. I’m writing to ask you for a donation to help cover the expense of this life-changing service opportunity. The THCC Youth Group/Adults are working as a team to meet the expenses of this trip. If I reach my goal, any extra money given to support me will go to help someone else in my group reach their goal.

I’m taking part in other fundraising activities and I’m kicking in my own money, but that won’t be enough.

Will you help? Anything donated to my church or to Lifetree Adventures on behalf of my trip is tax deductible for you--and gets me that much closer to my goal of $899 (I’m also raising money for my plane ticket to Costa Rica which will be approximately. $800.) The total goal per person to raise is $1699.

You can make a donation online at or you may send a check to Tower Hill Christian Church, 102 Ontario St., Tower Hill, IL 62571.

Even if you can’t make a donation, will you please consider praying for me as I go?

Thanks so much for considering this request!

Gratefully yours in Christ,


PS: You can return your donation back to me or to Tower Hill Christian Church 102 Ontario St., Tower Hill, IL 62571. Please make all checks out to Tower Hill Christian Church with Costa Rica Mission Trip in the memo. We need to turn all funds in soon, so your prompt response is appreciated. Thanks!

THCC Costa Rica Mission Trip

Payment Schedule & First Support Mailing

Payment Due Dates: December 1st $100.00

February 1st $100.00

March 1st $100.00

** Please give your payments to Josh Hicks so that we can keep track of payments. If paying by check please make it out to THCC and write Costa Rica Mission Trip in the memo.

Our First Fundraiser will be mailing out Individual Fundraising Letters. Depending on how well the support is going we will be sending two waves of support letters. The first wave of letters will be sent out on DECEMBER 7th. These letters are to be sent to people outside of THCC and to people (family, close friends) that you feel will probably give financially to help you go on this trip. The second mailing would be going out in the spring if needed and would be going out to people you are not sure if they would give but you think there is a chance. (Doctors, Teachers, etc.) Each person is responsible for the postage of each letter to be sent and must first be turned in to Josh to be sure that everyone is doing his/her part. If you need envelopes you can get some at THCC. Each person going on the Costa Rica Mission Trip is required to send out 25 letters each mailing and also participate in the other fundraisers that the THCC Costa Rica Group will be working on.

I have a sample form letter in word format that you only have to make minor changes to before it is ready to be sent. I will email all this information to you so please do not put this off until the last minute. Pray about the 25 people you want to contact to help you out on this adventure. If you want to send more than 25 the first time you may do so. Twenty Five is just the minimum amount for each person to send out. All money that is not given online directly to Lifetree Adventures should be turned in to Josh Hicks so that we can keep track of it. The information for donating online is in the sample letter.

Please contact me if you have any questions about the Mission Trip. 217-246-7088 or

