Math Test-Prep Rotation – Group 1

#____ Name:______

Day A
Rotation 1 / Teacher
Bring a pencil & eraser
We will complete skill specific math tri-folds.
Mrs. Santillana has your folder.
Rotation 2 / Computer
Go to iXL Math
Work on the math skills written on the board.
Day B
Rotation 1 / Independent Practice
Work on your FSA Practice packet
You packet is located in the black bins by the front window.
We will go over your work on Day C.
Rotation 2 / iPAD
Go to iXL Math
Work on the math skills written on the board.
Day C
Rotation 1 / Teacher
Bring a pencil, eraser, & your FSA Practice packet
We will go over the practice pages you completed on Day B.
Rotation 2 / Computer
Go to iXL Math
Work on the math skills written on the board.

Math Test-Prep Rotation – Group 2

#____ Name:______

Day A
Rotation 1 / Computer
Go to iXL Math
Work on the math skills written on the board.
Rotation 2 / Independent Practice
Work on your FSA Practice packet
You packet is located in the black bins by the front window.
We will go over as needed.
Day B
Rotation 1 / iPAD
Go to iXL Math
Work on the math skills written on the board.
Rotation 2 / Teacher
Bring a pencil & eraser
We will complete skill specific math tri-folds.
Mrs. Santillana has your folder.
Day C
Rotation 1 / Computer
Go to iXL Math
Work on the math skills written on the board.
Rotation 2 / Independent Practice
Complete math game
Materials are located in the back by the white board.

Math Test-Prep Rotation – Group 3

#____ Name:______

Day A
Rotation 1 / Independent Practice
Work on your FSA Practice packet
You packet is located in the black bins by the front window.
We will go over as needed.
Rotation 2 / iPAD
Go to iXL Math
Work on the math skills written on the board.
Day B
Rotation 1 / Teacher
Bring a pencil & eraser
We will complete skill specific math tri-folds.
Mrs. Santillana has your folder.
Rotation 2 / Computer
Go to iXL Math
Work on the math skills written on the board.
Day C
Rotation 1 / Independent Practice
Complete math game
Materials are located in the back by the white board.
Rotation 2 / iPAD
Go to iXL Math
Work on the math skills written on the board.

Math Test-Prep Rotation – Group 4

#____ Name:______

Day A
Rotation 1 / iPAD
Go to iXL Math
Work on the math skills written on the board.
Rotation 2 / Teacher
Bring a pencil & eraser
We will complete skill specific math tri-folds.
Mrs. Santillana has your folder.
Day B
Rotation 1 / Computer
Go to iXL Math
Work on the math skills written on the board.
Rotation 2 / Independent Practice
Work on your FSA Practice packet
You packet is located in the black bins by the front window.
We will go over your work on Day C.
Day C
Rotation 1 / iPAD
Go to iXL Math
Work on the math skills written on the board.
Rotation 2 / Teacher
Bring a pencil, eraser, & your FSA Practice packet
We will go over the practice pages you completed on Day B.

Math Rotations – Teacher Copy

Group 1: Student Names

Day A / Day B / Day C
Rotation 1 / Teacher
Math Tri-Folds / Independent
FSA Math Packet / Teacher
Rotation 2 / Computer
iXL Math / iPADS
iXL Math / Computer
iXL Math

Group 2: Student Names

Day A / Day B / Day C
Rotation 1 / Computer
iXL Math / iPADS
iXL Math / Computer
iXL Math
Rotation 2 / Independent
FSA Math Packet / Teacher
Math Tri-Folds / Independent
Math Game

Group 3: Student Names

Day A / Day B / Day C
Rotation 1 / Independent
FSA Math Packet / Teacher
Math Tri-Folds / Independent
Math Game
Rotation 2 / iPADS
iXL Math / Computer
iXL Math / iPADS
iXL Math

Group 4: Student Names

Day A / Day B / Day C
Rotation 1 / iPADS
iXL Math / Computer
iXL Math / iPADS
iXL Math
Rotation 2 / Teacher
Math Tri-Folds / Independent
FSA Math Packet / Teacher
Math Tri-Folds

About my math block – My whole group instruction takes place in the morning. I then have an extra 40 minutes in the afternoon dedicated to math rotations.

About the rotations – I plan to complete math rotations 3 times a week (Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays). We will complete 2 rotations each day. Rotations will last about 20 min. each.

·  I broke up my class into 4 math groups.

·  Groups 1 and 4 are my students that are struggling in math. I will meet with these students twice a week for 20 min each day.

·  Groups 2 and 3 will meet with me once a week and then again as needed (snack, morning, etc.) to review independent work.

My math rotations will take place in the afternoon right after recess.

Below is a summary of how the rotations will look.

Group1 * / Group2 / Group3 / Group4 *
iPads / Computer
Teacher / Independent
Computer / iPads

* I have ordered these groups so Groups 1 and 4 will meet with me twice. On the second day, we will go over their independent work. These are struggling students that need the extra review.