Thursday, September 15, 2005 – 5:00 p.m.

Gainesville Regional Airport

Passenger Terminal – Lounge Area

Monthly Meeting


Call to Order by the Chair

Chair Jim Stringfellow called the meeting to order at 5:05 p.m.

Invocation: Mr. Dunlap delivered the invocation.

Pledge of Allegiance: Chair Stringfellow led the Pledge of Allegiance.

Authority Members Present at Roll Call: Billy Brashear, Joe Dunlap, Peter Johnson, Mac McEachern, Jon Morris, Jim Stringfellow, Colette Taylor, and Kinnon Thomas were present. Marilyn Tubb was absent.

Determination of a Quorum: It was determined that a quorum was present.

Approval of Meeting Highlights for August 18, 2005

Mr. Thomas moved approval of the meeting highlights for August 18, 2005. Mr. Johnson seconded the motion.

Mr. McEachern stated that the inclusion of Pat Bainter’s August 17, 2005 letter in the highlights as Attachment A was inappropriate.

At the request of Mr. Stringfellow, Mr. Stanley reported that the Board has no authority to approve an appointment it has made to GACRAA. Mr. Stanley stated that he had not been asked to do any fact-finding to determine the appropriateness or inappropriateness of Mr. McEachern’s appointment. Mr. Stanley noted that Mr. Bainter’s letter is a public record, however it should not be attached to the meeting highlights since the letter was not distributed at the meeting.

Mr. Crider stated that the meeting highlights could be amended by removing the reference to Attachment A.

Mr. Thomas amended his motion to strike Attachment A from the highlights. Mr. Johnson seconded the motion. Motion passed.

Adoption of the Agenda

Mr. McEachern moved approval of the agenda. Mr. Thomas seconded the motion.

Mr. Crider requested that item 3, Finance & Operations Committee Report, be moved to the beginning of the agenda to accommodate Jerry Handley and Diane Shoop from Purvis Gray & Company.

Mr. McEachern and Mr. Thomas agreed to amend the motion to move item 3 to the beginning of the agenda. The motion passed.

Citizens’ Input

Mr. Walter Barnett, Joint Aviation Unit (JAU), thanked the Board for the short-term use of the old Gulf Atlantic Hangar while the (JAU) hangar was being rehabilitated.

Airport Authority Input – Non-Agenda Items - None

Consent Agenda - None

Airport Business:

Finance & Operations Committee Report

Mr. Crocker introduced Mr. Jerry Handley and Ms. Diane Shoop. Mr. Handley and Ms. Shoop are the Purvis Gray & Company auditors who conducted and compiled the Airport’s FY2004 Audit Report. Copies of the FY2004 Audit Report were distributed to the Board.

Ms. Shoop reviewed the details of the FY2004 Audit Report and the findings of the auditing team.

Mr. Thomas stated that the Finance & Operations Committee received the FY2004 Audit Report at its committee meeting on September 15 and moved a committee recommendation to accept the report. Dr. Taylor seconded the motion.

Mr. McEachern asked that the motion include appreciation to auditor and its staff and the Finance & Operations Committee for their work associated with the completion of the FY2004 Audit Report.

Mr. Thomas and Dr. Taylor agreed to the amended motion. Motion passed.

Mr. Crider presented Ms. Appie Graham with a plaque in appreciation of her service to the Board.

Mr. Thomas moved a Finance & Operations Committee recommendation to execute an Audit Engagement Letter with Purvis Gray & Company for professional services to conduct a financial audit for FY2005 (October 1, 2004 – September 30, 2005). Mr. Dunlap seconded the motion. Motion passed.

Mr. Crider reported that a proposed Aviation Service Center Project Site Development and Location Agreement with Eclipse Aviation is contained in the agenda packet. He distributed copies of a Cash Flow Analysis for the Eclipse Aviation project.

Mr. Crider reviewed the details of the Cash Flow Analysis in conjunction with the terms of the Aviation Service Center Project Site Development and Location Agreement.

Mr. Stringfellow noted that the facility will house a 43,000 sq. ft. maintenance hangar and that Eclipse Aviation expects to employ 50 people to staff its facility at Gainesville Regional Airport. He added that DayJet™ Corporation has agreed to purchase 239 Eclipse Very Light Jet (VLJ) aircraft. DayJet, headquartered in Delray Beach, FL, proposes to offer "Per-Seat, On-Demand" air taxi service.

Mr. Thomas moved to adopt Resolution 05-034 authorizing negotiation and execution of documents necessary for the development of an Eclipse Aviation Factory Service Center at Gainesville Regional Airport. Dr. Taylor seconded the motion. A roll call vote followed: Mr. Thomas – aye, Dr. Brashear – aye, Mr. Dunlap – aye, Mr. Johnson – aye, Mr. McEachern – aye, Dr. Morris – aye, Dr. Taylor – aye, and Mr. Stringfellow – aye. Motion passed 8-0.

Mr. Crider reported that the terms of a proposed Ground Lease Agreement with TowerCom East Coast, L.L.C. are contained in the agenda packet; he recommended approval of the agreement.

Mr. Penksa stated that TowerCom is still reviewing details regarding insurance, liability, and FAA verbiage.

Mr. Thomas moved to adopt Resolution 05-035 authorizing the execution of a Ground Lease Agreement with TowerCom East Coast L.L.C. Mr. McEachern seconded the motion. A roll call vote followed: Dr. Brashear – aye, Mr. Dunlap – aye, Mr. Johnson – aye, Mr. McEachern – aye, Dr. Morris – aye, Dr. Taylor – aye, Mr. Thomas – aye, and Mr. Stringfellow – aye. Motion passed 8-0.

Mr. Thomas reported that the Finance and Operations Committee recommends approval of the proposed Schedule of Rates and Charges as presented in the agenda packet. The Schedule of Rates of Charges includes an increase in automobile parking rates and aircraft storage fees. The new rates would go into effect on 10/01/05.

Mr. Crider stated that the increased parking revenue would help fund parking lot improvements associated with curb and sidewalk repairs, space reallocation, and parking lot landscaping.

Mr. Thomas moved approval of the proposed Schedule of Rates and Charges. Mr. Dunlap seconded the motion.

Mr. John Barber, citizen and Port-A-Port owner, objected to the increase in aircraft storage rates. He noted that the Port-A-Port space monthly fee would increase $2.00 per month.

A lengthy discussion followed regarding past discussions and Board recommendation concerning the calculation method and frequency for aircraft storage fee increases.

Mr. McEachern offered a substitute motion; he moved to approve the proposed Schedule of Rates and Charges excluding the aircraft storage monthly fee increase and to refer hangar, Port-A-Port and sunshade rates to committee. Dr. Morris seconded the motion. Motion passed.

Mr. Crider and Mr. Crocker presented the budget for FY2006 (October 1, 2005 – September 30, 2006).

Summary / Proposed
FY06 Budget / Estimated FY05 / FY04 Actual
Total Revenue / $3,826,099.18 / $3,619,326.45 / 3,018,871.05
Less: Total Expenses / 3,434,050.75 / 3,060,418.49 / 3,034,365.43
Income (Loss) before Depreciation / 392,048.43 / 558,907.96 / (15,494.38)
Capital Equipment / 90,825.00
Net Carryover to 2007 / $301,223.43 / $558,907.96 / ($15,494.38)

Mr. Thomas reported that the Finance & Operations Committee considered the proposed budget and recommends its adoption by the Board.

Mr. Thomas moved to approve Resolution 05-036 adopting the annual budget as detailed in the agenda packet for the fiscal year beginning on October 1, 2005 and ending September 30, 2006. Dr. Taylor seconded the motion.

Chair Stringfellow suspended the GACRAA monthly meeting and opened a Public Hearing on the proposed FY2006 budget.

Chair Stringfellow asked for comments from the public.

Hearing no comments, Chair Stringfellow closed the Public Hearing and reopened the GACRAA monthly meeting.

A roll call on the motion to approve Resolution 05-036 followed: Mr. Dunlap – aye, Mr. Johnson – aye, Mr. McEachern – aye, Dr. Morris – aye, Dr. Taylor – aye, Mr. Thomas – aye, Dr. Brashear – aye, and Mr. Stringfellow – aye. Motion passed 8-0.

Facilities & Planning Committee Report

Dr. Morris reported that the committee met on September 1 but two members were not present and therefore there was no quorum.

Mr. McEachern stated that there was no quorum present for the Facilities and Planning Committee meeting on September 1 and that he and Dr. Morris were not in mutual agreement on the report to be made to the Board at this meeting. Mr. McEachern reported that he wrote an e-mail to Mr. Crider and Mr. Stringfellow and in the e-mail objected to allowing the meeting to take place in the absence of a quorum and that the meeting should be rescheduled.

Mr. Crider offered to distribute copies of Mr. McEachern’s 9/13/05 e-mail to the Board.

Mr. Stanley noted that the Facilities and Planning Committee meeting was scheduled and that although there was no quorum, he stated that it was appropriate for the committee members present to hear the comments of citizens who attended the meeting. He stated that since there was no quorum, no business could be transacted other than recording comments from members of the public. He stated that it would be appropriate to schedule another committee meeting to read the comments of the public.

Dr. Morris reported that he and Mr. McEachern listed to comments from the public and the committee didn’t take any action.

Dr. Morris stated that it is his personal recommendation that the Board adopt the proposed Port-A-Port Policy and that it not send the item back to the committee. He stated that the public comments recorded on September 1 are presented in the Board agenda packet on pages 94 through 96.

Dr. Morris stated that it is his personal recommendation that the Board consider approval of the R.W. Armstrong Task Orders included in the agenda packet.

Mr. Barber, citizen, objected to the prices offered by GACRAA for the Port-A-Ports positions as shown in the proposed Port-A-Port Policy. He recommended that the Port-A-Port owners be allowed to negotiate their prices and provide GACRAA with the right of first refusal to purchase the storage units.

A lengthy discussion followed regarding whether the Board should consider the committee’s agenda items or whether the items should be referred to the committee.

Dr. Taylor moved to remove the Port-A-Port Policy from the committee and have the Board take action on the item. Dr. Morris seconded the motion.

Mr. McEachern objected stating that a Board member cannot request that an item be removed from committee.

Dr. Morris reiterated his personal recommendation that the Board consider approval of the R.W. Armstrong Task Orders noting that the items are time sensitive.

Mr. McEachern stated that he had no objection to bringing the R.W. Armstrong Task Orders to a vote because the items were submitted to the committee at the discretion of the CEO and were not referred to the committee by the Board.

(As Mr. Stanley referred to a copy of Robert’s Rules of Order for guidance on Dr. Taylor’s motion, the Board moved on to a presentation by Mr. Steve Harrill.)

Mr. Crider stated that the Facilities and Planning Committee heard a presentation from Mr. Steve Harrill, Vice President Aviation – Architectural Discipline Leader, Reynolds, Smith & Hills, Inc.

Mr. Harrill presented an update on the construction phasing plans for Phase 2 of the Terminal Renovation. Phase 2 construction will begin in early 2006 and is anticipated to continue until mid-2007. The renovation will add restroom facilities to the secure holding area and will increase the size of the secure holding area and the pre-screening public waiting area. In addition, Phase 2 will include the relocation of the administrative offices to the current lounge area.

Mr. Crider noted that the designs are now 65% completed and that any additional changes to the designs may incur an increase in design services cost.

The possibility of providing an airfield observation area within the terminal for airport patrons was discussed; RS&H will revisit the plans to determine if a location within the current foot-print of the terminal is feasible.

Mr. Stanley, having reviewed Robert’s Rules of Order, reported that a motion could be made to discharge a subject from a committee.

Dr. Taylor amended her motion to discharge the Port-A-Port Policy from the Facility and Planning Committee and to bring the item forward to the Board for action. Dr. Morris seconded the motion.

Mr. McEachern stated that the Port-A-Policy should be discussed with the Port-A-Port owners.

The Board voted on Dr. Taylor’s motion; motion passed 7-1 via voice vote with Mr. McEachern dissenting.

Mr. Crider reviewed the proposed Port-A-Port Policy and stated that most of the contentious items were removed from the policy.

A lengthy discussion followed regarding the proposed Port-A-Port Policy.

Dr. Morris moved to adopt the Port-A-Port Policy as presented on pages 100-101 of the Board agenda packet. Dr. Taylor seconded the motion.

Lengthy discussion continued regarding the proposed Port-A-Port Policy.

Mr. McEachern moved to send the Port-A-Port Policy back to committee and give ample notice to the Port-A-Port Policy owners and provide them due consideration to what the policy should be. There was no second to the motion.

Lengthy discussion continued regarding the proposed Port-A-Port Policy.

Mr. Thomas called the question; the motion to adopt the Port-A-Port Policy passed 7-1 via voice vote with Mr. McEachern dissenting.

Due to the time, Mr. Crider requested that the Board consider agenda item # 8.

Sale of Airport Industrial Park Lot 22 – Resolution 05-040

Mr. Erik Bredfeldt, City of Gainesville Director of Economic Development, reported that the City Commission approved the sale of Airport Industrial Part Lot # 22 to J. A. Beguiristain Holdings, Inc.

Mr. Thomas moved to adopt Resolution 05-040 concurring with the sale of Lot 22 within the Airport Industrial Park by the City of Gainesville for developing and improving the Gainesville Regional Airport; and providing an immediate effective date. Mr. Dunlap seconded the motion. A roll call vote followed: Mr. Johnson – aye, Mr. McEachern – aye, Dr. Morris – aye, Dr. Taylor – aye, Mr. Thomas – aye, Dr. Brashear – aye, Mr. Dunlap – aye, and Mr. Stringfellow – aye. Motion passed 8-0.

Sale of Airport Industrial Park Unplatted Property – Resolution 05-041

Mr. Bredfeldt reported that Florida Food Service is interested in purchasing unplatted land adjacent to property it currently owns. He stated that the City Commission will consider the sale of the property at its meeting scheduled on September 26. He mentioned that the City and Florida Food Service are currently negotiating environmental risks associated with the property. He indicated that the City is considering indemnifying Florida Food Service from environmental liability.